═══ 1. Corrective Service Facility (CSF) Overview ═══ CSF is a utility program that is used to apply service updates to the OS/2* operating system and to OS/2-based subsystems and applications. In addition, CSF installs service updates in such a manner that the updates can be tracked and, if necessary, backed out. CSF supports two classes of service update packages (ServicePaks): Full ServicePak The full ServicePak SYSLEVEL is always higher than the SYSLEVEL that is being refreshed, and will alter the SYSLEVEL to the level of service being applied. Fix ServicePak The fix ServicePak SYSLEVEL is always increasing for fixes within a given SYSLEVEL, but will not change the existing SYSLEVEL. The CSF utility program does the following: o Provides SERVICE and FSERVICE (CSF components) for ServicePak application. o Supports the following function for SERVICE and FSERVICE for all ServicePaks: c. - ARCHIVE - BACKUP - BACKOUT c. o BACKOUT to ARCHIVE o BACKOUT to BACKUP - COMMIT COMMIT provides the following: c. o DELETE ARCHIVE (references) and BACKUP files (full ServicePak) o DELETE BACKUP files (fix ServicePak) o REDIRECT ARCHIVE REDIRECT must be to another existing ARCHIVE location. REDIRECT does not copy or move ARCHIVE files. o Provides two levels of BACKUP: c. - ARCHIVE level: c. o Original product version (installed) o Original product current-version (installed) o Full ServicePak (committed) - BACKUP level: c. o Original product version (installed) o Original product current-version (installed) o Fix ServicePak (previous fix level) o Supports ARCHIVE and BACKUP on a product instance basis. If multiple copies of a product exist on the same drive, archiving and backup are performed for each instance of the product installed. c. - Supports file archives saved on diskette and on local and remote hard disks. - Supports file backups saved to diskette or a local hard disk. o Supports ARCHIVE sharing among multiple matching product instances. This is a valuable benefit to users who can share an ARCHIVE on a LAN server, thus saving disk space on numerous local drives. o Supports packed file and patch file formats in a single ServicePak. ARCHIVE versions of full ServicePak files are always saved as whole files. BACKUP versions of fix ServicePak files are saved either as whole files or as patch files. Patch files contained within a fix package are built relative to the most recent version of the product. This means that patch files are built to be applied on top of full ServicePaks, original, or current product versions. o Supports BACKOUT of a fix ServicePak version, provided that the BACKOUT is performed before the next fix or full ServicePak version is applied. Backing out of a full ServicePak restores your system to one of two possible states: c. - If BACKUP was made during the application of the full ServicePak, then you can restore your system to the previous level BACKUP. - If no BACKUP was made, then you can restore your system to the previous ARCHIVE level only. o Generates service log files and an ARCHIVE layout file, which contain updated system and product information. CSF uses this information when applying SERVICE. o Supports the application of service to a specific SYSLEVEL of the OS/2 operating system, subsystems, or products. ═══ 2. Using the Corrective Service Facility ═══ SERVICE and FSERVICE are the CSF components that you use to apply your ServicePak. SERVICE runs under control of the OS/2 Presentation Manager [Trademark of the IBM Corporation] (PM), which provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that will assist and prompt you during the application of your ServicePak. FSERVICE is command-oriented and does not use the graphical environment provided by the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Note: You should read the README files to determine what method of service is correct for your application of the ServicePak (SERVICE, FSERVICE, or both). The README files are located on CSF Diskette 1. Service is applied only if the following criteria are met: o System edition, product identification, and versions match. o Modification level matches: c. - A full ServicePak is identified by a modification level that is higher than the modification level existing on the system. - A fix ServicePak has the same modification level as the one existing on the system. o SYSLEVEL matches: c. - A full ServicePak is identified by a SYSLEVEL that is higher than the SYSLEVEL existing on the system. - A fix ServicePak has the same SYSLEVEL as the one existing on the system. o FSERVICE c. - Uses the default response file, or the response file created by SERVICE, but allows response file modification. ═══ 2.1. SERVICE ═══ SERVICE automatically evaluates your system to determine if FSERVICE is required to apply the ServicePak. If FSERVICE is required, you will be notified by a system message. Use the HELP facility to answer questions on errors, window prompts, or CSF function. In the event of an error, you are prompted to open the Service Log files. Things to know before you begin this SERVICE: c. o SERVICE c. - Automatically: c. o Determines if the ServicePak can be applied o What the serviceable products are o What files are to be backed up o If FSERVICE is required for this ServicePak application. o Creates a response file to be used by FSERVICE. ═══ 2.1.1. Starting SERVICE ═══ 1. Open an OS/2 session. 2. Change the current drive to drive A. 3. Insert CSF Diskette 1 into drive A. 4. Type SERVICE at the command prompt, and press Enter. The OS/2 Corrective Service Facility window appears. 5. Select OK. The Serviceable Products window appears, which contains a list of products found on your system that are eligible for SERVICE. All eligible products are initially selected and are highlighted. 6. Accept the highlighted products or modify the list (by removing the highlighting). 7. Select Service after you have made your selections. The SERVICE window is displayed and contains a list of the products you selected. The list is displayed in the Product field: 8. Enter the required ARCHIVE path in the ARCHIVE field. c. o When applying SERVICE to your system the first time, the ARCHIVE path specification requested is mandatory. The next time you want to apply service, the ARCHIVE path that was previously used is automatically assumed by CSF. o If the product has previously been serviced, the ARCHIVE path cannot be modified. o You are expected to provide space for an ARCHIVE. The space can be on a LAN, a local or remote hard disk, or on a diskette. o You can change the ARCHIVE path by using the REDIRECT facility of SERVICE or through the REDIRECT command line in the FSERVICE response file. o If you are archiving to diskette, the path must be to the root of the target drive. 9. Enter the optional BACKUP fix path in the BACKUP field. c. o BACKUP is optional. o You are expected to provide space for a BACKUP on a local hard disk or on a diskette. o Specifying a BACKUP path for a previously serviced product results in the deletion of the previous BACKUP, if one exists. o The system files changed or the patches necessary to rebuild the previous version of the system are stored in a BACKUP directory until the SERVICE has been committed or the next ServicePak is applied. o If BACKUP is not enabled during the last application of a ServicePak, BACKOUT can only be used to restore the ARCHIVE level. o BACKUP cannot be performed onto a LAN drive. o BACKUP and ARCHIVE directory paths must be different. o BACKUP and ARCHIVE to diskette must be performed on different diskettes. o Deletion of a BACKUP fix level is handled by the COMMIT function. o When service is applied to your system, any previous BACKUP files are deleted. BACKUP files are also deleted when a BACKOUT is performed. o If you are backing up to diskette, the path must be to the root of the target drive. 10. Select OK to perform the SERVICE or select Cancel to return to the Serviceable Products window. SERVICE is successfully applied when you see the message Corrective Service has been successfully applied. 11. When you are prompted by the CSF message Do you want to re-display the Product List?, do one of the following: c. o Select NO to exit the Corrective Service Facility o Select YES to view the refreshed Product List window. Note: You can use the Change Product List window to view the following SERVICE windows: c. - Serviceable Products (Default Window) - Backed up Products - Archived Products - Uncommitted Products For detailed information about Service Windows, see Service Windows Descriptions later in this section. ═══ 2.2. FSERVICE ═══ FSERVICE automatically evaluates your system. FSERVICE runs from initialization when using CSF Diskette 1. Use the HELP facility to answer questions on errors, window prompts, or CSF function. In the event of an error, you are prompted to open the Service Log files. Note: You should read the README files to determine what method of service is correct for your application of the ServicePak (SERVICE, FSERVICE, or both). FSERVICE is command-oriented and does not use the graphical environment provided by the OS/2 Presentation Manager. The README files are located on CSF Diskette 1. Things to know before you begin this SERVICE: c. o FSERVICE c. - Automatically: c. o Determines if the ServicePak can be applied o What the serviceable products are o What files are to be backed up o If FSERVICE is required for this ServicePak application. o Creates a response file to be used by FSERVICE. You should modify your response files only if you need to control the ServicePak application manually, otherwise it automatically services all partitions. See "Response File Syntax" for more information. To modify your response files: c. 1. Edit response files (to control the service application manually). c. o RESPONSE.FIL samples are located on: c. - CSF Diskette 2 if you have 3.5-inch diskettes. - CSF Diskette 3 if you have 5.25-inch diskettes. 2. Shut down your system before starting FSERVICE. ═══ 2.2.1. Starting FSERVICE ═══ Use FSERVICE when: c. 1. Insert CSF Diskette 1 into drive A. 2. Restart the system to start FSERVICE. FSERVICE runs automatically. 3. Follow the instructions on your screen. ═══ 2.3. Service Windows Descriptions ═══ o SERVICE (Start SERVICE from Serviceable Products window) CSF determines if SERVICE can be applied, by a comparison of the version, ServicePak level, and other information in the CSF_PROD file in the ServicePak and the SYSLEVEL file on the system. Once it is determined that service can be applied, CSF determines the files that need to be backed up (if BACKUP has been enabled) and the files that need to be archived. Backups and archives are always kept separately. If locked files are encountered, you will be prompted to insert Diskette 1, and restart your system. FSERVICE will automatically be invoked. Description of the Product, Archive, and Backup Level fields to perform your system SERVICE. Product This field lists the product name, level, and the path on which the product is located. If SERVICE has been applied, then the SERVICE level is listed to the right of the ARCHIVE level and is enclosed in parentheses. Archive Use this field to enter the required ARCHIVE path if the product is being serviced for the first time. If the product has been previously serviced, the ARCHIVE path cannot be modified. The ARCHIVE path can be altered only by using REDIRECT. Backup Use this field to enter the BACKUP path for each product listed. If the product is being serviced for the first time, you are not able to enter a BACKUP path. This is because the ARCHIVE and BACKUP are the same thing at this point. If the product has previously been serviced, the BACKUP path is optional. Specifying a backup path for a previously serviced product results in the deletion of the previous BACKUP, if one exists. o ARCHIVE (Access ARCHIVE from SERVICE window) c. - When applying SERVICE to your system the first time, the ARCHIVE path specification requested is mandatory. The next time you want to apply service, the ARCHIVE path that was previously used is automatically assumed by CSF. - If the product has previously been serviced, the ARCHIVE path cannot be modified. - You are expected to provide space for an ARCHIVE. The space can be on a LAN, a local or remote hard disk, or on a diskette. - You can change the ARCHIVE path by using the REDIRECT facility of SERVICE or through the REDIRECT command line in the FSERVICE response file. - If you are archiving to diskette, the path must be to the root of the target drive. o BACKUP (Access BACKUP from SERVICE window) c. - BACKUP is optional. - You are expected to provide space for a BACKUP on a local hard disk or on a diskette. - Specifying a BACKUP path for a previously serviced product results in the deletion of the previous BACKUP, if one exists. - The system files changed or the patches necessary to rebuild the previous version of the system are stored in a BACKUP directory until the SERVICE has been committed or the next ServicePak is applied. - If BACKUP is not enabled during the last application of a ServicePak, BACKOUT can only be used to restore the ARCHIVE level. - BACKUP cannot be performed onto a LAN drive. - BACKUP and ARCHIVE directory paths must be different. - BACKUP and ARCHIVE to diskette are performed on different diskettes. - Deletion of a BACKUP fix level is handled by the COMMIT function. - When service is applied to your system, any previous BACKUP files are deleted. BACKUP files are also deleted when a BACKOUT is performed. - If you are backing up to diskette, the path must be to the root of the target drive. o BACKOUT (Access BACKOUT from Backed Up Products and Archived Products windows) When you back out a ServicePak, you return to either the previous ServicePak level, if a BACKUP exists, or to the ARCHIVE level of the product. CSF locates the files in the ARCHIVE or BACKOUT directory and restores them from the appropriate media. Description of the Products and the Target Level fields, to perform your system BACKOUT. Products This field lists all the selected products available for BACKOUT. Target Level This field lists the target levels for each product. The target level is the level to which you would back out (previous BACKUP or ARCHIVE level). c. - BACKOUT support is for only one level of SERVICE applied or to the ARCHIVE level of the product. - When you are backing out to a previous fix, currently installed fix ServicePak files are replaced with BACKUP (fix) files. - Files archived by the previous full ServicePak SERVICE application are not deleted when you back out to the previous fix. - If BACKUP is not enabled during the last application of a ServicePak, then BACKOUT to the previous level is not permitted. o COMMIT (Access COMMIT from Uncommitted Products window) In performing COMMIT, you are committing a product at its current level and removing the ability to BACKOUT to a previous fix level. The ARCHIVE is not affected unless you are committing a full ServicePak. You can BACKOUT to the ARCHIVE of the last committed full ServicePak until the next full ServicePak is committed. Description of the Product, the Archive, and the Backup Level fields to perform your system COMMIT. Product This field lists all of the selected products available to COMMIT. Archive Level This field lists the ARCHIVE level for each product. If you are committing a full ServicePak, the reference to this directory is removed. Backup Level This field lists the BACKUP level of each product. All backups are deleted after you COMMIT. - When a full ServicePak (SERVICE application) is committed, all BACKUP files and SERVICE logs are deleted. A BACKOUT cannot be performed after this is done. - When a full ServicePak is committed, the ARCHIVE directory is not deleted, but the reference to the ARCHIVE directory is deleted, and CSF no longer has knowledge of where the ARCHIVE resides. Archive directories must be deleted manually, because they can be used by multiple machines or product instances. - After a fix ServicePak has been applied, if a COMMIT operation is performed, only the backup files are deleted, and any files archived by the application of the full ServicePak are not deleted, so that you can still back out to the ARCHIVE level if required. - When a ServicePak has been applied to a product and not committed, you have the option to BACKOUT that application of SERVICE. However, application of the next full ServicePak is not permitted until you COMMIT the current ServicePak. o REDIRECT (Access REDIRECT from Archived Products window) Description of the Product, the Source Directory and the Target Directory fields to perform your system REDIRECT. Product This field lists the selected archived products. Source Directory This field lists source directories where the ARCHIVE currently resides for each product. Target Directory Use this field to enter the desired target path that is to reference your ARCHIVE directory. You must enter a new target directory for each product. - Each selected product is listed, and you are able only to supply information pertaining to the new ARCHIVE path. If the new ARCHIVE path is to a removable media drive, then the path is restricted to the root level of that drive. There is no path restriction for fixed or remote media. - When redirecting the ARCHIVE to diskette or removable media, CSF requires you to supply valid diskettes already containing a CSF-created ARCHIVE file. - Because of media differences, an ARCHIVE on disk is different from one on diskette. - Redirecting an ARCHIVE alters the reference to the location of your ARCHIVE directory. Using REDIRECT facilitates consolidation of ARCHIVE directories onto a network drive. o CSF expects a valid ARCHIVE to exist at the new location. o You can only redirect the ARCHIVE of a particular product to a new path if the ARCHIVE exists at the new path for the same system level for all files that were in the original ARCHIVE. o File lists are compared and verified. Failure of a match in either case results in an incomplete redirection of ARCHIVE paths. ═══ 2.4. Service Logs ═══ A Service log is built and updated for each installation of service on your system. The user-readable Summary Service Log (SERVICE.LOG) contains a cumulative record of service applied to the system. The CSF-Readable Service Log (LOGF0000.XXX) was created to support the CSF utility program. The Archive Layout file (ARCHIVE.XXX) keeps track of ARCHIVE files. All log files are located in the same directory as the SYSLEVEL file that defines the product instance. CSF uses this logged information to help it decide what actions to perform. Service Log Descriptions: Warning: Do not delete the SERVICE.LOG files. You will need this information if you need to call service. o The Summary Service Log (SERVICE.LOG) lists: c. - The identity and level of the product that was updated. - The specific identity and level of the fix ServicePak that was installed. - The date and time the fix ServicePak was installed. - The type of CSF operation (for example, a fix ServicePak installation or a BACKOUT to a previous fix level). - The root directories for the ARCHIVE and BACKUP directory paths used in this CSF operation. - If backups are performed to diskette, identification information concerning those diskettes (for example, volume labels and exterior label strings). - The files that have been copied to the disk. Copy operations are logged with lines that are labelled "Copying" and include the full path name of the file on the disk. - The files that have been updated on the disk. Updates are considered to be either full file replacements or file patches. Update operations are logged with lines that are labelled "Updating" and include the full path name of the target file on the disk. - The files that have been archived to the BACKUP directory path. Archival operations are logged with lines that are labelled "Archiving" and include the full path name of the file in the BACKUP path. In the event that the ARCHIVE version of the file is already present, then there will be no archival copy performed and no archival entry will be logged. - The files that have been backed up to the BACKUP level BACKUP path. These files were copied from the target product directory path before they were replaced with newer file versions from the fix ServicePak. BACKUP operations are logged with lines that are labelled "Backing" and include the full path name of the file in the BACKUP level backup path. - If BACKUP is performed to diskette, identification information concerning those diskettes (for example, volume labels and exterior label strings). The identification information for a particular diskette immediately precedes the archival and backup log entries that were made to that diskette. o CSF-Readable LOGF0000.XXX (xxx=Product Code) Warning: LOGF0000.XXX must not be modified or deleted or your system will be rendered unserviceable. In order to provide the BACKUP/BACKOUT facility mentioned above, CSF maintains a machine-readable record of the operations performed during the application of all SERVICE. This record is maintained in a log file called LOGF0000.XXX in the directory in which the SYSLEVEL file was detected in the system. This is an internal log file, in binary format. o ARCHIVE Layout file ARCHIVE_.XXX (xxx=Product Code) Warning: ARCHIVE_.XXX must not be modified or deleted or your system will be rendered unserviceable. o CSF also keeps track of the ARCHIVE directory and files in an Archive Layout File. This file is located either in the ARCHIVE path on hard disk or on the first ARCHIVE diskette. ═══ 2.5. Response File Syntax ═══ This section provides a detailed look at response file syntax primarily needed by the FSERVICE user. Functional examples are included on: c. CSF Diskette 2 if you have 3.5-inch diskettes. CSF Diskette 3 if you have 5.25-inch diskettes. The default response file is provided on CSF Diskettte 2. ═══ 2.5.1. General Tags ═══ General tags must appear before any keyword tags in the response file or they will be ignored. These general tags can appear in any order at the front of the response file but must occur only once. FSERVICE will fail if these tags appear following any other keyword tags. :LOGFILE drive\path\filename This specifies the drive, directory, and log file name if a log file is desired which differs from the default name of the user readable log. This file will be created if it does not exist and will be appended if it does exist. :FLAGS [flag1] [flag2] [flag3] This optional tag specifies flags that apply only to the :SERVICE tag. If specified in a response file that does not have the :SERVICE tag, they will be ignored. The flags include: REPLACE_NEWER Replace files that have dates later than the corresponding file on the ServicePak. If this is not specified, the user is prompted if any newer files are found. REPLACE_PROTECTED Replace files that are read-only, hidden, or system files. If this is not specified, the user is prompted if any protected files are found. EXIT_WHEN_DONE This tells FSERVICE to stop if any errors are encountered and to report the errors. :SOURCE drive\path This specifies the drive, and directory where the ServicePak is to be found. It is mostly intended for use with the CID installations where the ServicePak is from a LAN drive. It is required for response files that contain a :SERVICE tag and if it is found missing for :SERVICE, then FSERVICE will fail. If it is encountered in a response file that does not contain the :SERVICE tag, it is ignored. :TARGET ARCHIVE │ BACKUP This general tag applies only to response files that contain the :BACKOUT keyword. The tag has one argument, which must be either "ARCHIVE" or "BACKUP." This limits the BACKOUT function to back out to the archive level or the backup level. It is specified only once, and any :BACKOUT keywords encountered in a response file will use the one :TARGET tag to qualify all backouts being done. It must exist prior to any :BACKOUT keyword or FSERVICE will fail. If it is encountered in a response file that does not contain the :BACKOUT tag, it is ignored. * This tag specifies that a comment follows. ═══ 2.5.2. Keyword Tags ═══ Any one of the keyword tags can appear many times in a given response file. Each occurrence of a keyword tag marks the start of another serviceable product. Each occurrence of a serviceable product is referred to as a product instance. This means that the same product could be installed multiple times or might be installed in multiple partitions. The action that is to be performed for each installation (product instance) is unique and is determined by the response file syntax and keyword choice. Mixing or repeating keywords for a specific product instance is not permitted and will cause the FSERVICE program to fail. :SERVICE This is used to apply service to a product instance on the system. It uses the ServicePak information from the :SOURCE tag previously specified. :SERVICE has two position-dependent parameter tags that must follow it, and one that is optional. Each tag must be on a line by itself. They are: :SYSLEVEL drive\path This is the drive, and directory of the SYSLEVEL file for a given product instance and must follow the :SERVICE keyword in the response file. :ARCHIVE drive\path This is the drive, and directory of the ARCHIVE for a given product instance and must follow the :SERVICE keyword in the response file. :BACKUP drive\path This is the drive, and directory of the BACKUP for a given product instance and can optionally follow the :SERVICE keyword in the response file. :BACKOUT This is used to back out a product instance on the system to the level specified on the :TARGET tag. The TARGET tag must have been found before any back out can be done. :BACKOUT has one position-dependent parameter tag, which must follow it on a line by itself. It is: :SYSLEVEL drive\path\filename This is the drive, directory, syslevel filename of the SYSLEVEL file for a given product instance and must follow the :BACKOUT keyword in the response file. :REDIRECT This is used to redirect an archive of a product instance on the system to the location of another existing archive. :REDIRECT has two position-dependent parameter tags that must follow it, each of which must be on a line by itself. They are: :SYSLEVEL drive\path\filename This is the drive, directory, syslevel filename of the SYSLEVEL file for a given product instance and must follow the :REDIRECT keyword in the response file. :ARCHIVE drive\path This is the new ARCHIVE drive, and directory for a given product instance and must follow the :REDIRECT keyword in the response file. :REDIRECT and :SYSLEVEL. :COMMIT This is used to COMMIT a product instance on the system. :COMMIT has one position-dependent parameter tag, which must follow it on a line by itself. It is: :SYSLEVEL drive\path\filename This is the drive, directory, and syslevel filename of the SYSLEVEL file for a given product instance and must follow the :COMMIT keyword in the response file. ═══ 3. Notices ═══ References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights or other legally protectable rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the user's responsibility. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 208 Harbor Drive, Stamford, Connecticut 06904-2501, U.S.A. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. ═══ 3.1. Trademarks ═══ The following terms, denoted by an asterisk ([*]) in this publication, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries. ┌────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────┐ │ OS/2 │ Presentation Manager │ └────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┘