The HTML Artwork Windows WWW Browser List

This is a list of Windows browsers. You will find that the same document may look quite different from browser to browser. Therefore it is adviseable to view your HTML documents in several browsers to make sure that your documents look reasonable. You can use the following list to get an assortment of browsers.

NCSA Mosaic
This browser was one of the first graphical browsers, and is the most widely known of all Web browsers, and it is common (although incorrect) for people to use the name Mosaic interchangeably with browser. The first version of Mosaic was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. There are many varieties of Mosaic available commercially now although the original version is still maintained. You can get a copy of Mosaic from NCSA or Sunsite. Both of these sites are fairly busy so it may take several tries before you are able to download a copy. You must have OLE and 32 bit extensions in Windows to use the latest version of NCSA Mosaic.

Netscape Navigator
This browser from Netscape is one of the most well known browsers. It was developed by Marc Andresson, one of the original NCSA Mosaic developers, as well as some of the others from the NCSA Mosaic development team. It is faster than NCSA Mosaic and offers secure transfer of information (so that it can be used for financial transactions). It also supports custom extensions to HTML.

Air Mosaic Demo
Air Mosaic is a commercial version of NCSA Mosaic. Like Netscape, its development team includes one of the original authors of Mosaic. This browser was owned by Spry, which is now owned by Compuserv. The demo allows you to look at files on your local disk and on Spry's Web server as well make a limited number of jumps to other Web sites. You need to buy a license to use it without these restrictions.

This browser is from the Cornell Law School. It was one of the first browsers available, but had fallen behind in development. The latest version of Cello may address this problem.

This browser is from NaviSoft, Inc (a subsidary of America OnLine), and has a very different look than the other browsers listed. It presents a directory in the form of a number of file folders.
This browser is from EINet. You can download winweb from At my last check, this browser did not have support for transparent backgrounds.

NetManage WebSurfer
This browser is part of the Internet Chameleon package from NetManage. You can find a trial copy of this package on this CD. At last check, this browser did not support "mailto" links. You can get more information about WebSurfer, over the Internet, or FTP a new copy.

WinTapestry is part of the SuperHighway Access package from Frontier Technology. It allows you to launch up to 30 simultaneous Internet searches.

Quarterdeck Mosaic
Another commercial version of Mosaic. You will need to fill in a form before being allowed to dowload it. Quarterdeck also publishes an HTML editor add-on for Microsoft Word, which can also be obtained via the Internet.


Another commercial browser, Global-Wide Help and Information System is available from Quadralay.

Unlike the other browsers, this one does not require SLIP or PPP on your system. It does require access to a Unix shell account with access to a number of Unix utilities including a WWW line-mode browser such as lynx or www.

You should also remember to check your document in a line-mode browser such as Lynx. Also, you can make sure that you are using the latest version of browser by connecting to the browser checkup.

[HTML CD Home Page]
Vivian Neou,
Last Update: June 24, 1995
Copyright © 1995 Vivian Neou