How to Create a Jardin Paysan

How to Create a Jardin Paysan, published by Ascent Publishing, is the first work of its kind in English to provide a thorough perspective on the history and tradition of French rural gardens as well as guidance and practical tips to create or regenerate an authentic French rural garden.

Written by French rural life expert Louise Ranck, the book offers a fascinating insight into the development of the French rural garden as a space of domesticated wilderness which is both beautiful and purposeful, and remains harmoniously integrated in the landscape.

Whether you are taking on a derelict garden or creating one of your own, How to create a JARDIN PAYSAN takes you through the initial stages of garden design through to maintenance. It provides a wealth of practical tips on how to plan your garden, look after your plants, grow your own fruit and vegetables, plant hedges and prune trees, and even weave fences and build earth banks.

Following tested traditional gardening methods passed from generation to generation, the book will help you create a balanced and rewarding garden, which is easy to maintain and a haven for wildlife, in the true spirit of the French rural tradition.
