Intergrated Communication by Brettcom Ltd
Company: Brettcom Ltd

Integrated communication systems work on a very simple premise; that it is far easier to move an electronic signal than it is to move either the source equipment or the intended recipient. Total media networking permits every conceivable option including receiving and controlling multiple sources from a single location and broadcasting to multiple locations from a single source.


Already proven in high-end commercial environments, we are providing integrated communication systems and media networking solutions to a wide variety of environments including;



  Property Development


  Corporate Buildings

  Financial Organisations

  Retail Centres


  Airports & Public Buildings

  Hotels & Leisure Facilities

  Scion Technology

  Scion Technology


In choosing Scion Technology components for our integrated communication networks we are providing our clients with some of the most advanced multi-media technology available. Introduced to the financial markets in 1993 and now proven across a wide range of high-end applications with corporate clients including HSBC Holdings, Asda, The Met Office and BT, Scion Technology multi-media network systems are

recognised market leaders.


Future Proofing


The use of a single type of twisted pair cabling throughout our integrated communications systems provides the maximum flexibility of movement for both people and equipment within a building. By flood-wiring with Cat5, Cat5e or Cat6 cabling the building is effectively future-proofed, paving the way for audio, video, voice and data to be broadcast, controlled and experienced from any cable terminal location. Simply plug in a screen or use a multi-media projector.




We provide a variety of single and multi user systems for applications within corporate business premises, public buildings and small offices. Incorporating the latest component technology our system designs deliver high quality, balanced video and audio signals over long distance twisted pair cable with full infrared control of a chosen device. Ensuring the best quality sound and video images for your media applications.
We also offer a range of innovative screens ranging from suspended projection screens ideal for retail advertising to Dayview Glass, a revolutionary new product which will transform the world of general display and advertising. When the glass is in its opaque or frosted state, images can be rear projected onto the glass to create a high definition digital display/advertising screen.
