Warm Water Underfloor Heating from Chelmer Heating Services Ltd
Company: Chelmer Heating Services Ltd

Underfloor Heating

With thermostatically controlled heated water flowing silently through the floors of every room in your house, you can enjoy a pleasant, comfortable environment at all times. Heated towel rails will be included in the system, connected so that they automatically heat up when a shower or bath is used.

Why is underfloor heating so much better than radiators?

Underfloor heating can be installed in all types of floors and used with all kinds of floor covering. It produces the highest comfort levels and offers potential energy savings of up to 30%. It also enhances the value of any property.

In comparison, radiators are unsightly, unhygienic, space-consuming, noisy and subject to leakage. In addition they work less efficiently, using more energy to produce uneven heat, with cooler temperatures at floor level.

Underfloor heating reduces energy consumption because it uses low water temperatures to distribute even heat at floor level. This rises to heat the air evenly up to a height of about two metres, creating a uniformly comfortable environment.

Zone controls

With an integrated system it's easy to set up individual thermostatically-controlled zones, for optimum efficiency, economy and comfort.
