Diamond Sewage Treatment by WPL Ltd
Company: WPL Ltd

WPLs Diamond has a number of major benefits, not least of which is the long intervals between desludging. Below you can see the sampling process being undertaken on a properly installed and working plant.  WPLs Diamond requires minimal maintenance, of approximately one-hour duration, on a six-monthly basis.  During operation, the continuous blowing of air into influent encourages the break down of solids and provides consistent effluent, which meets current consent guidelines. It is this continuous digestion that allows for the 3-5 year desludge intervals; in some cases, these intervals can be extended further.  A visit by the Environment Agency to a badly operating plant could result in additional tankerage costs,fines and any loss of the benefits of installing WPLs Diamond, or indeed, any sewage treatment plant.



Pictured left is the first sample taken from a properly working Diamond. In the smaller jar is the effluent leaving the plant, on the right the unsettled liquor.  In the right hand picture the effluent remains the same but now you can see the settled material.  When the settled level reaches 50% of the jar it is time to consider desludging.  At 70% it is a must. This could be at anytime between three and five years after the Diamond has started. Most other plants require an annual desludge and some after about six months.



In the picture on the left we can see the engineer at work during a service of the Diamond. The Diamond itself can just be seen on the left of the picture with its lid off.  Pictured on the right, a properly working Diamond with plenty of air blowing into the plant.


