ADM Heat Recovery
Company: ADM

Heat Recovery Ventilation


To prevent moisture and unwelcome smells migrating to other parts of the house, stale, polluted air is continuously extracted from toilets, bathrooms, kitchen and utility rooms (wet rooms) before being discharged outside.

At the same time, pre-warmed fresh air is simultaneously delivered into other rooms of the home.  This provides a flow of fresh air throughout the whole house, resulting, in a high standard of internal air quality, which can be further enhanced by adding filters to remove pollen.

At the heart of the system is an award winning, high efficiency Heat Exchanger that recovers over 70% of the heat from the extracted air, and transfers it to the incoming fresh air.

Each system is design individually to operate quietly and efficiently.  The system comprises, a compact air handling unit with heat exchanger complete with controller, rigid smooth bore ducting, supply and extract air valves, pollen filters, external terminals and noise attenuation.

Everyday Benefits:

  • Fresh filtered air circulated throughout the home
  • Condensation controlled
  • Unpleasant smells removed
  • Lower heating bills
  • Improved security
  • No more draughts
  • Whisper quiet
  • No need to install trickle ventilators
  • Reduces outside noise pollution

Medical Research shows that Heat Recovery Ventilation can have a major impact on improving the quality of life of sufferers of the following allergies:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchial attacks
  • Eczema
  • Hay Fever
