Bug reports for POV-Ray 1.0 --------------------------- This file contains reported bugs and workarounds at this point. BUG #1: Material map orientation vector is not properly initialized. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: material_map{gif "povmap.gif"} // doesn't work. material_map{<1 -1 0> gif "povmap.gif"} //works Work-around: Always add "<1 -1 0>" to material_map statements. Program fix: In PARSE.C line 1559... Make_Vector (&Texture->Texture_Gradient, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0); change to... Make_Vector (&Texture->Material_Image->Image_Gradient, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0); BUG #2: Material map map type setting trashes memory. ----------------------------------------------------- Example: material_map{ 1 <1 -1 0> gif "povmap.gif"} // doesn't work. material_map{<1 -1 0> gif "povmap.gif" map_type 1} //works Work-around: Never use old style map type with material_map. Always use the "map_type #" instead. Program fix: In PARSE.C line 1570... (Texture->Image->Map_Type) = (int) Parse_Float (); change to... (Texture->Material_Image->Map_Type) = (int) Parse_Float () BUG #3: Float identifier doesn't work in old style map type setting for image_map, bump_map or material_map. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: image_map{ Sphere_Map gif "rough.gif"} // doesn't work. image_map{ 1 gif "rough.gif"} // works. image_map{gif "rough.gif" map_type Sphere_Map } // works. Work-around: Use either option shown above. Program fix: In PARSE.C lines 1173, 1476 and 1568... CASE3 (DASH_TOKEN, PLUS_TOKEN, FLOAT_TOKEN) change to... CASE4 (DASH_TOKEN, PLUS_TOKEN, FLOAT_TOKEN, IDENTIFIER_TOKEN)