Catz, Your Computer Petz (tm) by PF.Magic Laat deze kleine katten op uw PC los, en hoop dat ze niet uw scherm openkrabben. Deze demo geeft de mogelijkheid twee keer gedurende 15 minuten met de kleine katjes te stoeien. Bevalt die kennismaking u, dan zult u het pakket aan moeten schaffen. Nogmaals de demo installeren op uw computer helpt niet. Wel is het mogelijk de demo op floppy te zetten voor iemand die u ook kennis wilt laten maken met de katjes. Hiervoor hebt u twee HD floppies nodig. Veel plezier. Oja, lees hierna even door. Met name als u Catz van uw PC wilt verwijderen vindt u hierna belangrijke informatie! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 486DX, 50 MHz or higher - Windows 3.1 Enhanced Mode or Win’95 - 15 MB hard disk space, 4 MB RAM required - Win’95 requires at least 16 color video card and monitor - Windows 3.1 requires at least 256 color video card and monitor - Optional: Windows-compatible sound card and speakers for sound effects Catz, Your Computer Petz, and PF.Magic are trademarks of PF.Magic, Inc. Copyright 1996 PF.Magic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Troubleshooting Guide [How to Uninstall Catz PC Users] Before reinstalling Catz please make sure that you have deleted all files and directories related to the Catz program. You must also exit the Catz program before attempting the deletion process. If you installed from the Catz floppies or CD ROM the following files were created: In the root of the drive label C: or the drive you elected to install Catz, delete all directories labeled Catz.XXX (where XXX is the first three letters of your first name or the letters "fir"). In the Windows directory (C:\Windows, Win95 or Win) delete the following 2 files: 1) Catz.ini 2) Catznapz.scr In the Windows system directory (C:\Windows\system) delete the following 4 files: 1) Catnapz.dll 2) Catzdll.dll 3) Catzrezx.dll 4) Soslib03.dll If you prefer to use DOS instead of File Manager or Windows Explorer you can refer to the instructions below. Windows 3.1 & 3.11 Users: Locate and launch the MS-DOS Prompt program (usually located in the MAIN program group by default). Windows 95 Users: Click on the Start button, select Programs then MS-DOS Prompt. You should see the following: C:\Windows > 1) Type del catz*.* 2) Type cd.. (You should now see just C:>) 4) Type deltree catz.* 5) Press Y for Yes 6) Type exit to return to the Windows environment After each del command you should just the DOS prompt (C:\Windows). [If Catz does not run after installation or program indicates that `Wing.dll or one of it's components are missing"] Please perform the following: Whenever you install Catz the following files will also be installed to the Windows' system directory (C:\Windows\System). 1) ctl3dv2.dll 2) dva.386 3) wing.dll 4) wing32.dll 5) wingde.dll 6) wingdib.drv 7) wingpal.wnd To make sure that Catz will update the above files you must move them into some sort of temporary directory then reinstall Catz. Once Catz is running you can delete the files you moved to the temporary directory. [Program crashes after installation] In most cases this is a result of the video driver not support WinG. To overcome this problem please contact your Video Card's manufacturer to obtain the very latest drivers. [I forgot the password for my screensaver] The Catnapz screen saver uses the same interface that built-in Windows screen savers use. Therefore, if you have ever set a password for another module, Catz will see it and ask for it. To start fresh, open the file called "control.ini" located in your Windows directory. This is at the root level of your C:\ drive (C:\Win95 for Windows '95, or you may have named it "Win"). In this file, scroll down to the section with this header: [Screen Saver]. There is a line under this which reads "password=xxxx". Highlight this line and delete it! Then exit and save the "control.ini" file. Restart your computer if you want to be completely safe. Next time you launch Catz, you will be able to set a new password in Catnapz Options, or leave it be if you don't want a password at all. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Should you experience any problems with this software, such as it failing to operate, please contact our Technical Services Department: Address: Technical Services, Mindscape International Ltd, Priority House, Charles Avenue, Maltings Park, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TQ England. Telephone from outside the UK: {International code} (+44) 1444 239 600 Fax from outside the UK: {International code} (+44) 1444 248 996 UK Website: Hours of business: 09:30 to 13:00 hrs and 14:00 to 16:30 hrs Monday to Friday We regret that we cannot offer game hints and tips, as the service is provided for resolving technical difficulties only.