Comments Page
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Your comment will be placed on the left and the response from the sensorium staff will be on the right. Please see the comment log below. (Time order from the latest)

your comment :
To submit comments, please click "submit" at the right of the URL form.

Do you know any Web sites that are related to the sensorium?
If so, please let us know the URL. Of course this includes your site, which is very welcome. For comments on the Web site, please write on the comment form above.

Note: You can receive a brief newsletter every time the sensorium is updated. Please register your mail address on the FAQs page.

Comments up till now & Web infomation

Mon Dec 23 23:57 JST 1996

I am having fun surfing your pages.
Hard to believe the distances traveled!

Sun Dec 08 04:26 JST 1996
J'aime beaucoup le "breathing earth".

22:13, Nov. 18, 1996
Locustattack translated at: Sat 23 23:42 JST 1996


I believe some ideal music arts are the effect of sequences created withoutthe artist really knowing it. I'm struggling to create mysterious soundsequences little by little.

04:14, Nov. 4, 1996
translated at: Sat 23 23:41 JST 1996


Nice to meet you! My page has computer graphics, VRML, and QV10 infomation.Please visit.

09:09, Oct. 31, 1996
translated at: Sat 23 23:40 JST 1996

Hello! I have not been to sensorium for a while. Somebody said sensorium islike a sweet shop where I used to go, and I really agree. Toward the IWE '96finale, I look forward to more interesting

18:25, Oct. 8, 1996
translated at: Sat 23 23:38 JST 1996

Hi, I'm Takechi. I'm a bit embarrassed about what the sensorium staff saidabout me. Anyway, I'm writing a book with another person, and we plan to usematerials from the art mix flower Web site in our CD-ROM supplement to thebook (with the approval of the participants, of course). The CD-ROM and bookshould be included in two weeks. Please join quickly. (Recently, many womenhave participated in our interactive site, although we don't know why.)

Furthermore, don't forget to join sensorium, too! I run "" sitemyself. Please try other pages, too. I will write a comment on sensorium onthe page in the future.

Mon Nov 18 04:55 JST 1996

Hi,I writing to inform you of my new e-mail address. Old address: new address: kathy.myers@snet.netPlease update your files.ThanksKathy Myers

13:59, Oct. 5, 1996
translated at: Thu Oct 24 23:54 JST 1996

To koh@shibuya:
Hi! Nice hearing from you again. We will update new contents from the middle of October, so check it out! Thank you for rooting for us.

23:53, Oct. 3, 1996
[koh]shibuya translated at: Thu 24 23:53 JST 1996

I just dropped in, long-time-no see since I last visited sensorium. It seems as if I came to my favorite sweet shop I used to come to often. I think each contents is getting better. There are many sites that use very advanced technologies, but very few sites have a relaxed mood. I feel relaxed when I visit sensorium. I root for the staff, keep going!

14:20, Oct. 1, 1996
eli translated at: Thu 24 23:53 JST 1996

thank you.

08:53, Sept. 30, 1996
translated at: Thu Oct 24 23:52 JST 1996

We had our Comment Page reorganized in July. Because its page data became too heavy, and CGI errors often occured. We then eliminated some unnecessary reports (bug reports, initial contents and structure reports, etc.) from staff, meaningless comments and URLs.

13:16, Sept. 24, 1996
translated at: Thu Oct 24 23:51 JST 1996

To Shiho:
Thank you for your comment. I guess you are referring to Net Sound. You can listen to Net Sound with Real Audio, but with Player Plus (which is sold for $29 on the Net), you would hear it better and with fewer interruptions. Try it!

13:04, Sept. 24, 1996
Shiho Fuchigami @OKAYAMA JAPAN translated at: Thu 24 23:50 JST 1996

verystrangefeeling...whatistheflower? ijustwantedtoknow.

Wed Oct 9 08:27 JST 1996
MSan Francisco

hello from san francisco! it is very hot here today, and the air is not moving much. lots of sun. it is 4:23pm now.

i am visiting your site from the cyborganic gardens. ( we have a chat place called the space bar ( which also has a message board. i saw a message from Yoshiaki with your url. thank you, Yoshiaki, for pointing me to your lovely and intriguing site! i love the idea of sensing each other over the net. very true, very beautiful idea. i know i can feel life and ideas out here, through the wires...

see you in the future!

- M

14:20, Oct. 1, 1996
eli translated at: Tue 8 14:23 JST 1996

thank you.

08:53, Sept. 30, 1996
translated at: Tue Oct 8 14:22 JST 1996

We had our Comment Page reorganized in July. Because its page data became too heavy, and CGI errors often occured. We then eliminated some unnecessary reports (bug reports, initial contents and structure reports, etc.) from staff, meaningless comments and URLs.

13:16, Sept. 24, 1996
translated at: Tue Oct 8 14:21 JST 1996

To Shiho:
Thank you for your comment. I guess you are referring to Net Sound. You can listen to Net Sound with Real Audio, but with Player Plus (which is sold for $29 on the Net), you would hear it better and with fewer interruptions. Try it!

13:04, Sept. 24, 1996
Shiho Fuchigami @OKAYAMA JAPAN translated at: Tue 8 14:20 JST 1996

verystrangefeeling...whatistheflower? ijustwantedtoknow.

01:46, Oct. 7, 1996
translated at: Tue Oct 8 14:19 JST 1996

art mix Flower Web is wonderful! I' m so impressed how the site shows participating works growing into the other arts. This is a great understanding of the Internet' s features. Bravo!

Sun Oct 6 14:08 JST 1996

art mix Flower Web (Cross genre ART SESSION.)
There are eight flowers. Shower flowers with colors, sounds, or texts.After that, plant them on your site. Eight flowers take root around the world.This is "art mix Flower Web"Flowers change a color and a look through your act.And new folwers bloom around the world.If you would like to know more details, check out here.

20:26, Aug. 22, 1996
translated at: Wed Sep 4 14:12 JST 1996

MitaKumamoto writes:
I have started new research into natural environment appreciation by using multimedia.
We watched out for NTT World Bird Counting page when it started. Influenced by your comment, we visited the page again. Now the NTT contents includes reports about wireless tracking of hawks. I guess the staff enjoyed the process of the tracking map production. I feel something in common with the site, too.

14:34, Aug. 21, 1996
translated at: Wed 4 14:11 JST 1996


13:24, Aug. 21,1996
MitaKumamoto, Japan translated at: Wed 4 14:10 JST 1996


What is "new sense" that you are looking for?
I feel that sensorium and my research have something in common, because I have started new research into natural environment appreciation by using multimedia. At the beginning of my home page production, I created a page of nature observations, with which everyone should feel familiar.

21:54, Aug. 12,1996
HideyoOguri translated at: Wed 4 14:09 JST 1996


I think sensorium is a kind of soothing site. I can see the future Internet usage in this page, not just a page trying to show off sensations. (Or, maybe it's my wish.)

16:21, Aug. 11,1996
translated at: Wed 4 14:08 JST 1996


This is my recommended Web site.

translated at: Wed 4 14:08 JST 1996


11:28, Aug. 3, 1996
translated at: Wed Sep 4 14:07 JST 1996

Hi, dogsparm!
Thank you for your brief and pleasant comment. We visited your recommended page, and we think it's good. We feel happy, everytime we visit a page about a local community such as your page on the Net. Please visit sensorium often.

23:41, Aug. 2, 1996
translated at: Wed 4 14:06 JST 1996


Nice to meet you! I feel very happy I came across sensorium. I will come back soon.

09:15 August 13, 1996

To: GabyThank you Gaby for telling us your problems.Our sensorium uses frame functions of Netscape, so some types of machines might often cause errors.We are planning to renovate sensorium in Autumn, and we believe that it will radically solve the present problems. High bandwidth is used for the higher quality of RealAudio sounds. However, recently there are some applications for low bandwidth that provide the same level of sound quality as when using high bandwidth, so we will shift to low bandwidth gradually. Regarding your question about the Beeper page, the page is still under construction. We apologize that we did not clarify that the cover page is just a notice for the forthcoming Beeper page.As soon as possible, we will try to solve the problems one by one, including log-in errors, so please visit again.

Thu Aug 8 19:05 JST 1996
Sorry to bother you with trivialities, but why are thingsnot working over there for me? I cannot use the highbandwidth version with netscape without being bombed out ofmy login !!! Furthermore, what is the purpose of the beeperpage outside of it being a nice gif picture?

02:54, July 17, 1996

We believe the term "new sense" was flawed because it was too abstract. However, we have tried in our own way to create the things that we thought would be good if on the Net. With the concept pages and other things that we have written, it was very difficult to find the right expression that created the image etc., that we were trying to convey. It is a fact of the creative process that we came to know very well.
However, as the Expo continues we also are continuing to create a variety of contents. So, stay tuned please!

18:16, July 16, 1996

It's funny, isn't it, the way that no matter what kind of look one is trying for, what kind of appearance, the difference between that and the reality when it is created is remarkable. Also, in the explanation of this pavilion in the Japan pavilion's home directory, the term "seeking new sense" is written, however, where is the new sense? I believe that there is nowhere in the pavilion that a sense different to our five senses or feelings appears.

13:42, July 13, 1996

I am rooting for sensorium.

03:01, July 12, 1996


The Kobe girl is aiming for one more medal at the Atlanta Olympics. Let's root for her!(Writer)

13:26, Jul 11, 1996


Yesterday, candy@Taiwn and taka@hongo had a chat about the typhoon. As only the last 10 messages received appear in the PocketPark, this is a direct copy of just a part of their conversation, which has already been deleted. Thanks, candy and taka@sensorium!

    candy@Taiwn : Jul 10 20:07 : hello!taka
    taka@hongo : Jul 10 20:07 : Are you in Taiwaaan?
    candy@Taiwn : Jul 10 20:08 : yes!!and you???
    candy@Taiwn : Jul 10 20:08 : Japaness?
    taka@hongo : Jul 10 20:09 : I'm Tokyo now,we have a taihoo.
    taka@hongo : Jul 10 20:09 : Typhoon!
    candy@Taiwn : Jul 10 20:10 : oh!!I know...the weather report of taiwan
    said this yesterday
    taka@hongo : Jul 10 20:11 : How is the weather of taiwn?
    candy@Taiwn : Jul 10 20:12 : hot...
    taka@hongo : Jul 10 20:12 : Umm.

15:50, July 9, 1996

Is it a sunflower? Do you want us to tell you what it is before it blooms?

14:29, July 8, 1996

While sunflowers are getting bigger everyday, the one on the front page is just not getting any bigger, is it. It's at the point where it should be budding, right?.

07:52, July 1,1996

The hostile criticisms within the exchange of differing and concurring views make this page very interesting. Just reading the comments page is a lot of fun. It's a shame that the linked senses corner was suspended. I am looking forward to additions to SensingJapan. Even though I know it must be hard work......

17:06, June 28, 1996

It gets more interesting every time I look at it. I hope that you can keep it going for a long time.

01:17, June 28, 1996
Kuni fukuoka
translated at: Mon 15 13:46 JST 1996

I hardly saw any other people in Pocket Park, although I found many people had visited here reading the Check-in log.

23:50, June 26, 1996
[KOH] translated at: Mon 15 13:43 JST 1996

To display, fascinate, in other words, to convey images, is very difficult.

15:46, June 23, 1996
nakanishi translated at: Mon 15 13:39 JST 1996

I enjoyed this page.

11:18, June 21, 1996
translated at: Mon Jul 15 13:37 JST 1996

To: [KOH]
>>I want to become more involved with the potted flower's future.
Thank you! We will be happy if you keep visiting us as if you were going out and you glance at your neighbors' back yard! Of course, you are very welcome to pop into home (our main contents).

11:16, June 21, 1996
translated at: Mon Jul 15 13:35 JST 1996

To the person who wrote that they did not understand what we are trying to communicate:
Try reading FAQs on sensorium home page! It will tell you the theme of sensorium.

21:31, June 20, 1996
[KOH] translated at: Mon 15 13:35 JST 1996

Nice to meet you here! The probability of coming across cool design sites is lower than meeting a girl wearing a long skirt in Shibuya, Tokyo. I found out about the site through a magazine. I want to become more involved with the potted flower's future.

03:51, June 18, 1996
translated at: Mon Jul 15 13:33 JST 1996

We went to a TV-game exhibition with Kawasaki-san (Yoshihiro Kawasaki, see sensing Japan) in Tempoyama Museum, Osaka, and viewed sensorium from there. Sakonda-san, Kawasaki-san read your comment.
02:20, June 16, 1996
nobuyasu sakondakobe
translated at: Mon 15 13:16 JST 1996

Hi, Kawasaki-san, long time no see! It was a nice surprise to run into you at sensorium when I was surfing the Net. See you soon.

Sun Jun 23 15:46 JST 1996
Omoshiro kaxtuta desu.

June 13, 1996 04:29
translated at: Fri Jun 21 10:26 JST 1996

Fantastic, Noch-san!!! On your page, I hit most things, the Tsuwano photos, the cloud images. I touched your world!! It was great. I'll visit again.

June 13, 1996 01:37
translated at: Fri 21 10:26 JST 1996

I came across sensorium by chance as I was viewing another site where Kenji Miyazawa's name was linked to EPO's poem. Then I saw one of my favourite writers, Natsuki Ikezawa, was also participating in sensorium. What a great page I've stumbled across!! I'm thrilled! Personally, I think that Ikezawa is today's Miyazawa. Coming across them in this way gives me a strange feeling of destiny. By the way, even though I don't think I'm that good at expressing what I want to say, I have launched my own home page and if people were kind enough to look at it and get a good feeling from it, I would be happy. In this net society, I want to progress with the net while considering the potential of the self and other things.

Tue Jun 18 08:39 JST 1996
I have been enjoying this project since the beginning of the year.

Fri Jun 7 18:51 JST 1996
I want to know something.

June 4, 1996 02:50
Kazuhiko Fumura translated at: Wed 5 12:56 JST 1996

I have read only news and ftp sites, but it's the first time I could enjoy the WWW without any particular agenda. Thank you.

May 28, 1996 02:48
translated at: Wed 5 12:55 JST 1996

It's a unique site where you can see the earth is progressing little by little.

May 14, 1996 22:13
translated at: Mon 20 23:42 JST 1996

Here is my home page. It contains Shockwave file, too. Please visit.

May 13, 1996 16:09
translated at: Mon 20 23:41 JST 1996

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do, and that they will remain on this page until the year end.

April 29, 1996 01:17 (Japan)
translated at: Sun May 5 22:27 JST 1996

Hello, Terada-san,I have visited your home page, Yamaguchi Exiting Nature Information. I like the research page by the students. I hope our sites will be improved together.

April 28, 1996 01:01 (Japan)
Tsutomu Terada
translated at: Sun 5 22:26 JST 1996

My name is Terada, living in Yamaguchi. Although I teach science at a secondary school, I was not good at computers. On January 1, 1996, I announced I would learn about the Internet. My friends and colleagues helped me a lot. Then, I created my home page.
Yamaguchi Exiting Nature Information
This home page shows 10 years of activities of the science club at my secondary school. It includes a cedar pollen calendar for people suffering from hay fever.
The Internet education is behind at our school right now. I hope this home page will be a good opportunity to start students and other teachers using the Net.
Tsutomu Terada, 44 years old,
1231-1, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi 753

April 27, 1996 22:34 (Japan)
translated at: Sun May 5 22:25 JST 1996

To>>It's Spring! I love Spring very much.

Yeah! I do agree! Spring rushes to Tokyo; probably Kyoto is the same. When I looked at trees lining streets, I saw fresh green leaves sprouting like fireworks. What a beautiful season it is! People live in the southern hemisphere cannot enjoy Spring now, and for this, I am sorry.

April 27, 1996 08:36 (Japan) translated at: Sun 5 22:24 JST 1996

Congratulations on the grand opening. It's Spring! I love Spring very much. The air smells good, don't you agree? The best way to enjoy linked senses on cherry blossoms is to bring a laptop under a cherry blossom tree, reading the verse and inhaling Spring air. I am looking for the sensoriumユs renovation, but please do not change this atmosphere. I expect deeper contents.

April 22, 1996 00:40 (Japan)
Seiko translated at: Sun 5 22:23 JST 1996

Today, I was so relaxed and enjoyed reading the latest verse, cherry blossoms viewing at the linked senses page. I felt as if I were viewing cherry blossoms, and a petal carried by the wind toucched my cheek... I absorbed the smell of Spring myself ...I will talk to a cherry blossom tree in a park with no complicated thoughts. Thank you for the pure image of this beautiful season.

April 20, 1996 04:08 (Japan)
translated at: Sun May 5 22:23 JST 1996

Thank you for your comments. You are a user of domestic 128KTTH, aren't you?
Recently, many friends started to grow herbs at home, and they happily talked about it on and on. As you said, we must proactively try to gain something. I thought of your comment for a day and a half, that we might be naive. Our message might be too close to words, not to experiences. For us, the plant on the top page is similar to the gardening we do in the back yard. If you have a home page, please let us know and link them together.

April 19, 1996 01:57 (Japan) translated at: Sun 5 22:22 JST 1996

Just as the ecology label is attached to gasoline tanks nowadays, the word "healing" has been stripped of all its meaning and sounds cheap. For me, "sense" as the sensoriumユs key word seems the same. The current Jusen problems result from saving the agricultural-financial organizations. We live in an age where the characteristics of farmers have changed. Are farmers still using their five senses for their work?
I heard that if farmers do not follow the plans of the agricultural cooperative association with regard to sowing seeds, manuring, spraying pesticide and weed killer, the association will not finance seeds buying next year.
I saw some rice paddies ruined by a bulldozer to be used as land for other crops, but paddies were left as they were until the owners received money from the government, then they were turned into land for building houses. People engaged in agricultural work call it improving soil. How much information from their daily work do those farmers gain, compared with others like Internet users? They cultivate money, not soil. If we do not proactively try to gain something, including from the Internet, we would not gain anything.

Apr. 15, 1996 23:16
translated at: Fri Apr 19 16:00:50 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

From the sensorium staff

We translate the comment room, so please do not worry. Anyway, thank you for your concern.

Apr. 15, 1996 14:09 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:59:46 JST 1996

If I view this page from abroad, will most of the mail be turned into unreadable characters? I'm interested in the Unicode and Roman characters' possibilities.

I enjoyed the sensorium. Thank you.

Apr. 10, 1996 14:21 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:59:22 JST 1996

It's rare space.

Apr. 8, 1996 01:39 (Japan)
From: Ogawa
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:58:55 JST 1996

The linked senses: What I wanted to do in the linked senses was to be a "evangelist" like Guy Kawasaki. I made a black and white Stack, which is quite well made for "adult" computer art. I wanted my friends, who have computer allergies, to share my enthusiasm on the Mac with it.

What I have more than Guy Kawasaki is age. Sometimes age really "talks"! I think the speed of Net development is slow. If the speed of Net development remains the same as it is now, we will have to born once more.

You might know the monolith from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is what the home page is. In the near future, the monolith will be created in the same numbers as there are human beings.

I believe that the monolith will amplify my dreams! We are trying to expand the "web" strings, but I don't think our first priority is to either acquire more information or get to know a different world via the Net. It's a basic instinct. We are eager to create a whole new world.

Nobody can stop it.

Throughout human history, we have fouled and wasted GAIA, the goddess in Greek myth, which we now use to represent the earth as an ecosystem. Because of the unconscious sense of sin resulting from this, the speed with which Net technology is spreading is increasing.

Do you doubt this? If you do not believe that there is a connection between this sense of sin and the speed of the spread of Net technology, someone should have said, "Just stop any disputes?" We are not so naive any more. The only thing we can do is to expand "web" strings, or link with somebody.

Apr. 7, 1996 03:21 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:58:20 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff


Thank you for your warm comment. It was good that we could finish the linked senses on the motif of "plant" in the season that cherry blossoms bloom. Did you enjoy the photos of a bunch of broccoli and a daikon (white radish)?
Anyway, now we are actively discussing what will be the next mascot to nurture on the sensorium top page, so we welcome your ideas about this. If your idea is adopted, we will send you a daikon!
Talking about difficulties, we are told that tulips are very difficult to grow the hydroponic way and the probability of survival is about one in 10. We thought that if the tulip died, we would show it on the page. We were lucky! (sigh)

Apr. 7, 1996 01:58 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:57:44 JST 1996

Good design

Apr. 6, 1996 13:58 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:57:22 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

> Who is more likely to gain more information in the next 10 years: someone who accesses the Internet or someone who works as a farmer?

Woo! We are knocked out, your wife has excellent insight! Of course, the farmer will win, because in Japanese language, "farmer" is written as "A guy with 100 titles!"
We don't want the sensorium to be a closed world, nor a site that just provides information about cyberspace featuring advanced technologies. Don't you think life is much more interesting than something happening on the Net?
Although we don't work as farmers, we get information by living our lives. The amount of information in our every meal is amazing, too.

Apr. 6, 1996 03:37 (Japan)
From: From Ogawa
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:56:24 JST 1996

To SENSE something--I like the sound very much. I am a Net beginner, so there are a lot of things that are difficult for me to do on the Net. I would like to tell you what my wife said this morning. She asked: Who was more likely to gain more information in the next 10 years: someone who accesses the Internet or someone who works as a farmer? I couldn't answer for a moment. I think I will learn about it here. Yoroshiku.

Apr. 6, 1996 00:30 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:55:05 JST 1996

Refreshing oasis for cyber surfers

Apr. 5, 1996 07:16 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:53:52 JST 1996

Tulip? I didn't think the flower bulb was a tulip. What I like in the sensorium is the motif of "plant" in the linked senses. I feel so calm and good, and as if time went so slowly when I read it. I guess the reason I feel this way is probably because of Bruce's photos. It's good to read like this on the Net, and of course, I enjoy contents that feature advanced technologies. Anyway, I sympathize with all who work till late but I would like you to keep on going.

Apr. 4, 1996 23:49 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:53:26 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

I heard that the Kurashiki Public Access Point is very good. We would like to thank you, too. To the person who sent a message from Kyoto: As we used to observe the growth of flower bulbs suspended in water at primary school, I thought the bulb was a hyacinth, too. But by now, you might realize that it is a tulip!

Apr. 4, 1996 19:26 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:52:45 JST 1996

I received the sensorium URL at Kurashiki City Hall. Now, I'm at home. Thank you for a good time, and I hope the sensorium expands in the future.

Apr. 4, 1996 05:46 (Japan)
translated at: Fri Apr 19 15:52:07 JST 1996

Hello, I have noticed that the hyacinth on the top page has grown, and I'm so impressed with how the sensorium has grown so quickly--faster than the speed with which the hyacinth grows. I feel as if the passion of the sensorium staff on this site was emanating from the display!
I expect this site will probe deeper, expanding the area of each subject. By the way, can you tell me of any plans to set up Public Access Points in Kyoto where I live? There are many Public Access Points in Osaka, but it's a bit far for me to escape from my work!
Tue Apr 16 15:51:36 JST 1996 (Japan)

Hello:I am a new man here. And I am very glad to link with SENSE.I wish I will learn more from now on.

Wed Apr 10 00:55:53 JST 1996 (Japan)

Your pages are a revelation to the mind. Makes one think of things beyond thematerial and into the metaphysical. I shall definitely come back here for morewhen time permits.
Oops, forgot to mention my e-mail id. :


Wed Apr 10 00:52:12 JST 1996 (Japan)

Your pages are a revelation to the mind. Makes one think of things beyond thematerial and into the metaphysical. I shall definitely come back here for morewhen time permits.

Tue Apr 9 05:57:49 JST 1996 (Japan)

Excellent graphics.
This is my first "surf" Great trip, thanks to you.

Mon Apr 8 15:44:24 JST 1996 (Japan)

In the near future,internet will be indispensable for our daily life I think.But,it also includes some dangerous aspect.It is the problem of invadeing the privacy.

Sun Apr 7 01:58:13 JST 1996 (Japan)

Good design

Sun Apr 7 00:24:13 JST 1996 (Japan)
From: Jorge@

Thank for being there and letting us to have the chance of sensing the senses in the sesorium page of you sensiblejapanese.
Regards from Colombia (South America), you are invited tovisit us at
I don't know how to wish good luck in japanese but 'buena suerte'to you all.

Jorge Lopez

Sat Apr 6 00:30:58 JST 1996 (Japan)

Refreshing oasis for cyber surfers

Sun Mar 31 00:08:10 JST 1996
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:22:44 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

Thank you for your mail.

Regarding linked senses, for most authors it was their first writing experience on the Web. Results were quite successful, and everybody seemed to enjoy the experience despite some trials and errors. For the next verse, the seventh, we are going to break off this serial collaboration. We are discussing how to renovate the linked senses.

By the way, how did you like the photos by Bruce Osborn? He has enjoyed creating images, as opposed to following the images in the text too closely. We, including Bruce and all our staff, are waiting for your comments on the linked senses. Tetsuya Ozaki, chief-in-editor of the sensorium.

Sat Mar 30 17:22:47 JST 1996 (Japan)
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:23:31 JST 1996

Hi, I have visited the sensorium often, and I feel that almost all pages contain too much to read. So, I always look into the linked senses. I could almost feel the power coming from the display when I read from the linked senses, but my eyes quickly became bleary when staring at the monitor as I read the other parts. The linked senses is absolutely wonderful! I sometimes feel heartache when I read it because I can't keep up with the images of the words, which spread so fast, but I am glad that I can still look at these things with the innocence of youth. I would like to thank all the people who contributed text. Thank you.

Wed Mar 27 21:50:08 JST 1996 (Japan)
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:24:05 JST 1996

It is the first time that I logged on to the Internet. I look forward to thoroughly exploring this site.

Wed Mar 27 14:51:01 JST 1996 (Japan)

One of the best trips on the Net I have made- Thanks mmisel

Wed Mar 20 19:11:26 JST 1996 (Japan)
From: Kazuo Yshida@Kyoto,Japan
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:25:04 JST 1996

Takemura-san, thank you for your reply. I'm looking forward to visiting the sensorium on April 4.

Wed Mar 20 14:28:43 JST 1996(Japan)
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:26:11 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

Dear Yoshida-san,
Thank you for your warm and positive comment. As our mascot flower grows, we will intensify our efforts to improve the sensorium. Regarding your question about the Buddhist term "ku", the more we talk about ku, the further ku will be from us. Your question implied this, didn't it?
People have studied ku throughout the past 1,000 years, so only a few words will not do the subject justice here. However, my contribution to the linked senses, which will be uploaded on April 4, would be my answer to your question. The meaning of viewing flowers, circulation beyond the individual, the sense of a life network and reincarnation.... If we don't feel ku in our ordinary lives, our lives are meaningless, aren't they? The Buddha, who deeply thought about ku, had as his symbol the lotus flower.

Sat Mar 16 22:37:06 JST 1996 (Japan)
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:28:01 JST 1996
From: "sensorium" staff

Sorry about the misinformation. The following is the latest URL.

Sat Mar 16 15:49:13 JST 1996 (Japan)
From: GOHARA@New Hampshire
translated at: Mon Apr 1 21:29:14 JST 1996

I found that this URL is not available.

March 14, 1996 09:40
translated at: Wed Mar 27 06:27:45 JST 1996

Well, the other day I wrote something that I misunderstood because I just read a little part of the sensorium. I am embarrassed. When I was reading the "sign" text by Takemura-san, I imagined what does "ku" or "air" mean in the cyberspace. It is going to be a zen catechism...


March 11, 1996 11:05 [Japan]
translated at: Wed Mar 27 06:26:47 JST 1996

For the theme "sense," I reflect on my past thought about the Net. I thought of the Net as being the same as TV shows or magazine articles, but of course advanced and used in realtime.
Teenaged girls often say, "Woo, it's fun!" It would be a right way to approach the Internet. To feel like them, I expect that sensorium will show me experiments on the Net.

Thu Mar 7 02:45:11 JST 1996 (Japan)
From: Colin Tatton@Wolverhampton, UK

A chance visit and are there any accidents when I spend a good deal of my life as a teacher and psychotherapist telling people in Fritz Perls' memorable phrase:lose your mind and come to your senses!
Greetings from Colin Tatton,

Feb. 22 19:09 (Japan)

Hi, Tanaka-san. Regarding the comment received on February 19, I think the less we experience through our five senses, the more social problems occur. Don't you think environmental problems happen because we can't feel environmental crises as our own. People say that the Internet connects each of us to the world, but is this really true? The sensorium staff agree with what you say. That's why we started the sensorium, to seek solutions. Of course, one year is inadequate, but we're going to try. If you have any ideas, please let us know.
Feb. 19, 1996 23:24 (Japan)

I think that what we call actual experience is what we experience of the world using our five senses. If that is true, to what extent the Internet can provide experiences depends on how much we actually can transfer our feelings via the Net. Current Internet communication is conducted through sight and sound. Accordingly, I doubt the potential of the Net as a communication tool to transfer actual experience.

Sat Feb 3 11:39:12 JST 1996 (Japan)

I like this design. It smacks of Japan.

Sun Jan 28 00:01:49 JST 1996 (Japan)

Beautiful graphics.
I like the concept of ''senses,'' but some of the text is a bit too much. Please use easier words and expressions.

Fri Jan 26 02:13:07 JST 1996 (Japan)

Hi! An ambitious project, isn't it? But how about being a little less abstract and idealistic? I'm looking forward to visiting again.

Jan. 17, 1996 00:18 (Japan)

What about kanji characters on the Net?
We are fed up with unicode program problems too.

Jan. 16, 1996 18:09 (Japan)

You are absolutely right! This will be a theme for everyone. It results from how we sense the world.
Sat Jan 13 08:05:28 GMT 1996

Only through a revitalization of communication can society change somehow冑 have thought this for years. I believe that the information revolution, which is currently happening, is the key to this idea.

Sat Jan 13 03:08:11 GMT 1996

I like the calm atmosphere. Other home pages are only a flood of information!

Thu Jan 11 06:41:57 GMT 1996

One question: the word "san-itsu-teki" [dissipative]: does it have any Buddhist or Zen background?

Wed Jan 10 15:26:37 GMT 1996

I agree with Takemura-san's opinion. The revolution剩he first revolution without ideologies凾y PCs and the Internet has started. That's why the dataload on home pages should be lighter to be open to many people. If you forget this aspect, the Internet expo will be just a debug experiment for Netscape 2.0 and other applications.

Jan. 9, 1996 02:10 (Japan)

Takemura's text draws a view of the world and also a media revolution that happened 100 years ago. If printing technology changed people's view of the world in the Renaissance in Italy, now PC technologies are changing the holonic view of the world. One thing I would like to comment on regarding the sensorium is that messages should be simple, because we're under NTT governance.

Jan. 9, 1996 10:37 (Japan)

The text about water was very interesting. My home page is linked to the sensorium under the name of H2O, at
By H2O (Etsuo Goto)

Jan. 7, 1996 07:03 (Japan)

I liked Murai-san's opinions. The Internet has been called the third industrial revolution. One of its influences is to allow us to recognize the world. I expect more discussion in this sensorium.

Jan. 5, 1996 08:43 (Japan)

There are so many things I don't like about the sensorium, but I would like to cheer you on. My home page is linked to the sensorium as well. My home page is modern architecture in Nagoya at

Jan. 16, 1996 21:24 (Japan)

If the Internet is just a supplement to other media, it would be boring.

Jan. 5, 1996 04:41 (Japan)

Can you imagine a virtual restaurant? I think the Internet will be just a supplement to other media and services, because a virtual museum is possible but not a virtual hospital.

Jan. 4, 1996 15:32 (Japan)

Why are Net people so abstract? I enjoy using PCs and surfing the WWW. I don't understand at all.

Jan. 4, 1996 01:40 (Japan)

I enjoyed the texts by Takemura-san and Murai-san. I didn't know anyone was thinking about the Internet in such a serious way. We probably need senses not to drown in a flood of information via the Internet. For me, sense is checking whether information is good or bad.

Jan. 2, 1996 17:42 (Japan)

I sent New Year e-mail instead of New Year cards. This year, I saw some New Year e-mail with lottery numbers. Yes, New Year e-mail can make the Internet more popular. Shall we think of how to increase the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications income, then?

Jan. 2, 1996 16:40 (Japan)

The Net is fun and touching. I can feel something new beyond the possibility of business chances.

Jan. 2, 1996 15:20 (Japan)

We know the Internet is a potential media and also one other media as a tool, such as newspapers and TVs. I think what is most important about the Net is that it is an environment that anybody can access. Because of that, what we say on the Net should be responsible, and we need a system to clarify who said what. In future, the Net may not belong to us but companies. Anyway, I'd like to have a good discussion with many people.

Jan. 2, 1996 09:56 (Japan)

When thinking about the Internet, some people think of it as an entertainment source or information tool, while others think of it as a way to expand the function of human senses. I think we'll know within a year which one is true. So please keep going to seek the senses. That's why we need the sensorium.

Dec. 31, 1995 18:23 (Japan)

Cheaper and easier, so we can use the Internet as easily as we use the TV, radio or telephone. I think that the next generation will use the Net, ATMs and TV-telephones at home.

Dec. 31, 1995 17:49 (Japan)

I would like to find sense to seek something that is not exchangeable into money. We are not very good at communicating with foreigners, so I'm interested in how we communicate with them via the Internet, where we can encounter various values. Will the Internet be just a boom, or can we find international senses in their true meaning? I believe we can enhance our senses to create new values for the Japanese.

Dec. 31, 1995 15:54 (Japan)

I would like to have an interface to receive e-mail from abroad in Japanese. To care for the Japanese language is most important for me on the Net.

Dec. 31, 1995 15:40 (Japan)

Hello. This concept fits my feelings.
My address is and Yoichi Sugawara@Kyoto Japan

[sensorium homepage]

Theme pavilion "sensorium" (sensorium home page)
INTERNET 1996 WORLD EXPOSITION (World Public Park) / JAPAN (Japan EXPO home page)