Tokyo Japan Zeit Foto Salon was founded by Etsuro Ishihara in 1978. The gallery has been recognized as one of the first Japanese gallery that is specialized in photography and it has been serving as a medium to collectors of photograph, to museums and other galleries in the photography field . Ishihara had also organized the first photography museum, Tukuba Museum of photography in 1985.

The gallery is located at the foot of Nihonbashi bridge, the center of the old Tokyo or Edo. It has been offering a great diversity of exhibitions by the artist from all over the world. In the early years, the gallery had mostly had exhibitions of western modernists of photography, however the resent years it has been giving more opportunities to Japanese photographers.

Here is the list of the Exhibitions which have been held at Zeit Foto.

We will also provide an on line service of art works to all over the world at ZEIT FOTO on line service.

Yagicho-Bldg. 5F, 1-7-2 Nihonbashi-Muromachi, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan.