Asian Tour Members

Starting from performances in Tokyo on March 1995 and North American tour in October 1995, "Terumasa Hino & Asian Jazz Allstars" is now about to launch for Asian countries. "Terumasa Hino & Asian Allstars" is organized by Terumasa Hino, who now lives in New York and performs constantly both in the United States and Japan to expand peace between countries and have more the cultural exchange each other. The band has been successful in the North American Tour (Chicago, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and New York) and attracted many jazz fans there.

"Terumasa Hino & Asian Jazz Allstars" is going to Asia this time. Each show is drawing the attention of many people in Asia especially in the band members' own countries. Hino is widely known in those countries because of the live TV program by satellite broadcasting from April 1995. Besides having shows in each countries, Hino and the band has been asked to have jazz clinic and lecture to local young artists and people who are interested in jazz music. This, to be able to interchange friendship, is what Hino had wanted and by doing shows and lectures, his dream will come true. Terumasa Hino who loves music, people, Asia and world is now about to launch for the Asian Tour in 1996 and furthermore for Africa, Australia, and Europe in the future to have cultural exchange world wide.

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