
Accesses for EXPO96 KDD Server
May 11, 1996

Last updated : 3:15:00 a.m.
AccessWatch took 28 seconds to gather current data

Daily Access Statistics

Today, there have been a total of 2670 accesses by 328 unique hosts viewing an average of 8.1 pages related to EXPO96 KDD Server. Of these, 27 (1.01%) have been from EXPO96, and 2643 (99%) have been from outside hosts.
There have been a total of 10253 hits and 114 errors related to EXPO96 KDD Server, accounting for 100% of total server hits and consisting of 91819 kilobytes of information. There have been 821.5 accesses per hour, and at this rate, EXPO96 KDD Server will get 19716 accesses today.

Summary Statistics
Count% of total
Accesses from EXPO96
27 1.01%*
Outside Accesses
2643 99%*****************
Total Page Accesses
2670 100% *****************
Total hits related to page
10253 100%*****************
Total hits on server
10253 100% *****************

Hourly Statistics

Avg Accesses/Hour821.5
Max Accesses/Hour1108
Min Accesses/Hour151
> 90%1108 accesses
> 80%997 accesses
> 70%886 accesses
> 60%775 accesses
> 50%664 accesses
> 40%554 accesses
> 30%443 accesses
> 20%332 accesses
> 10%221 accesses
> 0%110 accesses

Page Demand
Of the 328 hosts that visited today, each traversed an average of 8.1 pages.
Page Location Accesses % of total
91 3.41 **
67 2.51 *
67 2.51 *
58 2.17 *
57 2.13 *
57 2.13 *
57 2.13 *
56 2.10 *
56 2.10 *
56 2.10 *
55 2.06 *
55 2.06 *
53 1.99 *
53 1.99 *
32 1.20 *
29 1.09 *
27 1.01 *
26 0.97 *
26 0.97 *
22 0.82 *
21 0.79 *
21 0.79 *
20 0.75 *
20 0.75 *
20 0.75 *
19 0.71 *
18 0.67 *
18 0.67 *
17 0.64 *
16 0.60 *
16 0.60 *
16 0.60 *
15 0.56 *
14 0.52 *
13 0.49 *
12 0.45 *
12 0.45 *
12 0.45 *
11 0.41 *
11 0.41 *
11 0.41 *
10 0.37 *
10 0.37 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *
9 0.34 *

Accesses by Domain
Domain Description Count % of total
Japan 2092 78.35 ***************************
ip address
Unknown 340 12.73 *****
US Commercial 187 7.00 ***
Network 29 1.09 *
US Educational 8 0.30 *
Non-Profit Organization 4 0.15 *
Portugal 2 0.07 *
Spain 2 0.07 *
Sweden 2 0.07 *
US Government 2 0.07 *
Also, hosts from the following domains visited: Hong Kong (1), Taiwan (1),

Most Frequent Accesses by Host
Host Count % of total
64 2.40 *
59 2.21 *
53 1.99 *
53 1.99 *
50 1.87 *
50 1.87 *
48 1.80 *
46 1.72 *
45 1.69 *
44 1.65 *
Access Details: A list of individual accesses, sorted by host

AccessWatch This page was produced by AccessWatch v1.32, a WWW utility written by Dave Maher <> Copyright ©1996 All Rights Reserved.