
Accesses for EXPO96 KDD Server

Last updated : 12:00:00 a.m.
AccessWatch took 328 seconds to gather current data

Daily Access Statistics

On 14/May/1996, there have been a total of 35839 accesses by 2197 unique hosts viewing an average of 16.3 pages related to EXPO96 KDD Server. Of these, 5169 (14.4%) have been from EXPO96, and 30670 (85.6%) have been from outside hosts.
There have been a total of 118930 hits and 670 errors related to EXPO96 KDD Server, accounting for 100% of total server hits and consisting of 929862 kilobytes of information.

Summary Statistics
Count% of total
Accesses from EXPO96
5169 14.4%***
Outside Accesses
30670 85.6%***************
Total Page Accesses
35839 100% *****************
Total hits related to page
118930 100%*****************
Total hits on server
118930 100% *****************

Hourly Statistics

Avg Accesses/Hour1493.3
Max Accesses/Hour3569
Min Accesses/Hour143
> 90%3569 accesses
> 80%3212 accesses
> 70%2855 accesses
> 60%2498 accesses
> 50%2141 accesses
> 40%1784 accesses
> 30%1427 accesses
> 20%1070 accesses
> 10%713 accesses
> 0%356 accesses

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