In "The Internet 1996 World Exposition", we plan to introduce new technologies and experimental representative methods, such as a simultanious live through Internet. Then, we challenge to unite the multimedia world.
In this page, we present various Internet events.

Digital Hiking - A Challenge at Home Page Making

The 2nd Digital Hiking was held at the Inokashira Park in Tokyo on May 3, 4, and 5 to mark the annual Children's Day. 40 children participated with their fathers and mothers to make their unique home page. You can look forward to some very unique homepages.

Digital Harajuku [Japanese]

Harajuku is Tokyo's "Fashion Town", and the Digital Hajaruku event from January 21 to 23 was broadcast on TV and live on the Internet using a streaming video technology called Xing Streamworks (mainly for Japanese speakers).

1996 Masters Tournament Website

For the first time in its history the Masters Tournament has a website available on the Internet. IBM, as technology sponsor of the Masters Tournament, provides every information on the web. Catch the 1996 Masters Tournament on the web!

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