In "The Internet 1996 World Exposition", we plan to introduce new technologies and experimental representative methods, such as a simultanious live through Internet. Then, we challenge to unite the multimedia world.
In this page, we present various Internet events.

Rally Raid Mongol 1996

Wedding Bells from Jamaica

On June 11, a young Japanese couple got married in Jamaica, and many greeting messages had been sent to them. Thank you for accessing the page and witnessing their wedding. We will show "Thank you card" from the couple on this page soon. 

Digital Hiking - A Challenge at Home Page Making

The 2nd Digital Hiking was held at the Inokashira Park in Tokyo on May 3, 4, and 5 to mark the annual Children's Day. 40 children participated with their fathers and mothers to make their unique home page. You can look forward to some very unique homepages.

Digital Harajuku [Japanese]

Harajuku is Tokyo's "Fashion Town", and the Digital Hajaruku event from January 21 to 23 was broadcast on TV and live on the Internet using a streaming video technology called Xing Streamworks (mainly for Japanese speakers).

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