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Masaki Fujihata

Born in 1956. Through CG works such as "Mandala 1983,1983" "MIROKU-Maitreya , 1984", Masaki Fujihata firmly established his place as one of the pioneers in the field of computer art. From late 80's, Fujihata's oeuvre extended beyond the computer. "Geometric Love, 1987","Forbidden Fruit, 1990" was a computer generated sculpture series. Exhibition "Removable Reality, 1992" for InterCommunication'92 was an installation work collaborating with architect Kei'ichi Irie. Exhibition "Impressing Velocity, 1994" was an experiment for visualization using GPS(Global Positioning Systems) technology. "Beyond Pages, 1995" was a multimedia artwork first shown at "The Future of the Book of the Future" exhibition. It was exhibited also at Ars Electronica'96, and ISEA'96. "Global Interior Project, 1995" was first shown at the "InterCommunication'95" and awarded the Golden Nica '96 of Prix Ars Electronica in the category of interactive art. It was exhibited also at SIGGRAPH'96, and DEAF'96(Dutch Electronic Art Festival). At present, Masaki Fujihata is an associate professor at Keio University, Faculty of Environmental Information.

Copyright 1996 The executive committee of "Global Interior Project #3" exhibition,
All RIghts Reserved.