Senior Citizens' Corner Senior Citizens' Corner

Ah, to be wise in spirit and young at heart.
So many friends to make and new things to discover still.

At Tampines New Town, there are plenty of places for us to gather, sit down, have a chat.

Called senior citizens' corners, they are located in convenient void-decks.

Presently, in Changkat Division alone, there are five senior citizens' corners. They are equipped with facilities such as a toilet, wash basin, storeroom, pantry and a television set.

They cost about $70,000 to about $85,000 to build. They are co-funded by the Government and the Town Council.

Every evening, senior citizens and residents gather at the corner to watch TV and make friends with each other.

Dr Aline Wong, MP of the Changkat Division, encourages residents to adopt these facilities as their own.

She hopes that residents would treasure these facilities which they had built up through their hard work.

A range of activities are planned, too, by the Residents' Committee and the Senior Citizens' Club to help people like us lead an active, healthy and meaningful life.

There include parties and group tours to places such as Malacca for members to learn more about the history and culture of other places.

The Tampines West CC Senior Citizen's Club, for instance, organises health talks, walk-a-jogs, singing and handicraft-making courses.

See you around, in some corner of the void-deck!