MPs Online A Word From Our MPs

Welcome to Tampines Webtown.

As Members of Parliament of Tampines New Town, our top priorities are: To better the lives of our residents in Tampines, to find ways to draw the community closer and to help meet your personal needs.

This Tampines Webtown, we believe, can help us to do all three.

It is our hope that residents can get to know each other better here, and will get involved in making Tampines a gracious and meaningful place to live in and visit - both in the real world as well as in the virtual world.

There are many exciting plans in store for this virtual community. They include new ways of educating our children, of seeking help from family or school counsellors, arranging for fun trips together, and even having a virtual Meet-the-People-Session (MPS) (click below on "MPS Online").

We will open new avenues on-line for residents to share their concerns and thoughts with us personally.

We look forward to exchanging innovative ideas with you to make this our community an even better one.

This Tampines Webtown is for you to mould, and improve.

May it fire our collective imagination, and leave us with a deeper sense of community.

Mr Mah Bow Tan

Minister for Communications
MP for Tampines GRC
(Tampines East Division)
Dr Aline Wong

Senior Minister of State
(Health and Education)
MP for Tampines GRC
(Changkat Division)

Mr Yatiman Yusof

Senior Parliamentary Secretary
(Foreign Affairs)
MP for Tampines GRC
(Tampines West Division)
Mr Sin Boon Ann

MP for Tampines GRC
(Tampines Central)