Tampines Community Channel

Yes, Tampines Community Channel is now actively looking for Volunteers.

If you're interested in script design or production, please send an email to pcheung@pobox.org.sg.

More details coming up soon...Watch this space...

These video clips were extracted from the documentary on Tampines shown by TV12 on Sunday, 14th April 96. TV12's contribution is gratefully acknowledged.

Click on the disk to download the segment of the video clip you want :

Community Channel in Tampines (Size: 6.3Mb)

Tampines in the 1960's (Size: 1.9Mb)

Tampines receiving the prestigious United Nations "World Habitat Award" (Size: 1.86Mb)

Housing in Tampines (Size: 2.28Mb)

Does Tampines have more twins and triplets than other estates in Singapore? (Size: 2.8Mb)

Some landmarks in Tampines Central (Size: 1.71Mb)

Short film clip on "Discover Singapore" (Size: 568K)