The Austrian Trade Delegation in Taipei is one of 86 offices around the world and part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. The Trade Delegations around the world are the official representatives of the Austrian industry and commerce within their operational region.
Alphabetic Listing of Companies Product Categories
Map of Austria, (c) by MicrosoftThe Trade Delegation Taipei has produced this interactive trade bulletin to introduce Austrian companies looking for business contacts in Taiwan. The Trade Delegate and his team can help you with questions regarding trade and business between Austria and Taiwan.
The Company Index contains an alphabetic listing of all companies, while in the Product Index companies are grouped by product category. On the Current Events page you will find company profiles recently added to this service. The Master Index contains a list of all companies in all languages (German, English, Chinese and Japanese), as well as links to the companies, corporate Web sites where applicable.

The Chronicle
Current Events
The Media Page
Business and Investment in Austria
Austrian Legal Forum
Tourist Information

Deutsch | Chinese | Japanese
(C) 1995-1997 AHSt Taipei