
Dream Log

Kenji's journal of dreams


I was probably in a school. I entered the medical room to see a doctor wearing a white coat to have myself diagnosed. He said something about stepping stones, and I had a feeling like he was implying that I was only at the first stone to step. This feeling of mine was then visualized, and I was playing a huge picture ludo stood vertically in the air inside the room. I could not move to the second step however I tried. By trying, I mean instead of casting a die, thinking of different ways to see the problem.

the girl I sat next to
In a class room, I sat next to the girl whom I have longed for meeting. She was a brunette. She had a nice art work she made, which was some painting of a chaotic pattern. I showed her I could paint too by smearing some colourful mud in a sink using my finger nails. The pattern I made was of colour brown, red and yellow, and their gradations. I said to her I had seen her talking to that spokesman from the religious cult who put toxic gas in a subway train. She said she could barely remember, but she could not deny it.

I was in a crowded airport, where people from all over the world were lined up at a gate. There was a board to tell people the boarding time. I was spoken to by a black airport staff wearing an indigo blazer. He told me I'd better check my luggage in immediately if I didn't want to miss my plane. He helped me throwing my suitcase in the check-in counter so that I could make it.

In a crowded subway station, people were trying to purchase their passes. I just wanted my one way ticket to somewhere, but I dropped my stump set which I use in my office, wondering why I brought it there.

A woman I had an affair with and I said good night to each other. As I walked to my apartment, I realized that she was following me, trying not to be noticed. My apartment happened to have two entrances. I decided to use the back door which I hadn't used so often. As I entered my apartment, I noticed that she only knew about the front door and walked toward it. I walked across my room, anticipating the door bell to ring.


A man was killed inside a house of a guy, who could not decide anything by himself. The dead body's head was covered with blood, suggesting that the fatal blow was made on his head. The killer, although it was not very clear, was probably one of us. The guy asked me if he'd better move the body out of his house. I told him yes, and we carried the body outside and put it in the guy's car. The car was big and painted dark green. It was probably a Rover. We drove to the victim's house where we laid the body on the floor. I was thinking how we could construct an alibi, but I wasn't too worried.

The tool used in the crime was a set of six dark grey metal objects which could be holded by two hands. They looked like either parts of some machinery or miniature cars. We were walking on the road which was partially covered with snow when we passed several police officers from London. I was holding metal objects which were exactly like the ones used in the crime. By then, it was probable that police had already known about the metal objects. But I was confident that I would look innocent enough.

There was a press conference. We were now a group of four people, all men, and were seated among the press which was mostly women. We were pressured to move as there were a lot more press people coming and seats had to be packed.

The press conference turned out to be a meeting for freshmen in a university and in particular, for international students who wanted to make international friends. It was during the fair, and the whole college town community was animated then, especially the soba (Japanese noodle) shop in Totsuka (a town in Yokohama which does not have a university).

There was a female student from Australia who wanted to befriend me. I made it clear that I hated her.

device to send documents
A bunch of researchers were conducting an experiment on a document processing by monkeys. I was one of the experimentees simulating the behaviours of monkeys. We were supposed to put a sheet of paper into a device which would carry the document above by compressed air. The device was made of steel and seemed unnecessarily huge. It was also mostly rusty, and made a terrible noise as the fan rotated rapidly inside.

We were putting our hands near the rotating fan when we inserted sheets of paper to the device. We were told that it was safe, but I was not sure if I should believe the experimenters.


I was in a room with windows on one side. I could see the neighboring buildings from the windows. The room seemed quite apart from the ground. I was with a man or a boy who was considered as a VIP. I realized that someone outside the window was trying to attack him. The enemy was not necessarily in one of the neighboring buildings, but it was quite possible that he or she was floating in between buildings, inside a small flying device painted red and white.

As we hid ourselves under the window, the enemy pulled the trigger, and I could feel something heavy and tiny hit the wall twice from the outside. I advised the VIP to leave the room immediately. After he left, I ran too.

Dave Stewart from Eurythmics was running an Indian restaurant on the top floor of a huge condominium building. The building was cylindrical with huge windows in each floor. Dave Stewart's shop could be seen from a train running beneath the building. As I was watching the building from inside the train which ran from right to left, I could see Dave Stewart himself was serving the customers. He was wearing a black vest and sunglasses.


One of my female friends was having a wedding ceremony. My friends and I were walking down the street to find a right (or the reserved) place for the ceremony. As we walked, there was an obvious leap of the landscape, which I would think strange if it had happened in reality. But it was considered perfectly normal. Certainly, I remembered doing it before. That was how my mental map was drawn.

There was a park. The family of one of my friends, with a lot of children, kept walking till they got stuck at the cliff. They called for a help - only to find out that it was included in the hiking course of the park.

The place for wedding was a white building, and was packed with people. We walked through an open space where another wedding was going to be held. I was reading a book with a black cover as I walked.

The book was a series of short stories by a writer named Shimizu. In one of the stories, it was explained that the universe is nothing but a huge collection of information ghosts, and there were agents who were trying to bring the situation back to normal. The particular ghosts which had to be eliminated more than anything, one of the agents suggested, were the overly decorated brides.

We entered the room with long tables, and we had to sit on the floor (perfectly accepted Japanese style, but still weird for a wedding). I sat next to my friend from my high school. But the person next to whom I really wanted to sit was the girl wearing green. I was reading a US issue of WIRED then.

I was walking with a girl wearing red. We rode the underground together to go to what seemed to be Isezaki-cho (a town in Yokohama) to have dinner (or maybe just drink although I don't drink alcohol, and maybe that was why I felt uneasy). We were walking up the stairs to the ground when we realized that it was raining. I told her that I had an umbrella in my bag (the one I bought in U.K.). She said she had one too, and we smiled to each other.


The investigation team was too rigid and was going nowhere. Its office was on the third or fourth floor in an old building. The office was empty except a handsome man who called for a girl who was a member of the team. The girl was acted by an actress named Kokusho. When she arrived at the floor where the office was, she found a set of benches in front of the office door, which you would find in an airport. The seats were painted dark red. She thought that these should be for girls waiting for their turns to enter the room to meet him. Actually, it was his practical joke.

He told her that he had a clue to solve the puzzle. But he could not reveal it as the criminal can be one of the team members.

The key was holded by a mouse who was very intelligent. At the airport, I carefully put him in a cardbox and tried to leave the scene. The criminal group of people found me suspicious, and chased me. I was surrounded by them near the exit. I used my ultrasonic voice to attack them, and managed to escape.

I was worried if I could go through the subway gate hiding a metal bar in a box inside my coat.

People showed me how they could shoot a film using a dog. The dog had brown hair. They simulated a scene in which the dog is drowned, by putting him into water. I was hurt. I thought such a scene had to be created entirely from computer graphics.

I was with my friends, surrounding a table. I proposed that we stayed for the night, but actually I just wanted to spend some time with a girl in the group.


I was working in a firm in U.K. I failed to wake up in time on the important day of the firm's party. But the party was held right at the next door of the place where I woke up, so there wasn't a real need to hurry.

However, my hair looked terrible. I had to take a shower, but I had to go through the party room to go to the shower room. Which I did. The party had not begun really, and only a small number of people saw my hair.

The shower room was crowded, which was unusual. My ex-coworker whom I disliked was taking a shower wearing a pair of pink trousers. I was worried as I didn't want people to see me naked.

my drawing of the secretary
The firm was modeled according to the actual place in U.K. where I used to work. But the secretary of the firm was from the graduate school I went to in U.S. I left a drawing of her visualized in my dream on her desk when I went out. The drawing did not look like her at all - the woman in the drawing was quite round while in reality the secretary was thin. I was afraid of what she would think.

When I was riding on a bicycle, a car was approaching me. I noticed that it was the secretary's, and stopped the car. I told her that there was a drawing of her on her desk but it did not look like her at all. She told me it was all right.

When I returned to the firm, I found that the secretary had changed the name on the drawing so that it was not her anymore.

The laboratory was like a maze. In fact, they were conducting an experiment on me by letting me try to escape or to find a secret room. The maze was three dimensional. When I entered a room full of super computers, someone talked to me from the ceiling. She said that I should not be there.

I was elected as a submarine crew member, and I went on board the ship for a training session. I saw how the pink gel from people's mouths was processed inside the submarine. It was stored in a metal cylinder in each block, which would swing as the ship rolls. In order to prevent the gel from being spilled, it has to be collected before it reaches a certain height.

the back up crew member
I had a back up crew member. To meet her, I used a lift on which I had to fix my body by slipping into a small cavity in the metal block. I was elevated to reach the ground. The back up crew member handed me a folder of documents on which it was read "Ken'ichi Saito" in clear Japanese alphabets, while I was still in the cavity. "I'm a wrong guy," I thought. I had some difficulty opening the gate of the lift to get out, but I found a red button on the back and the gate opened when I pressed it.

The back up crew member was wearing an expensive kimono. Yet she was supposed to get in the cavity of the lift and go down to have a training session. I took her scarf, asking her if she had read the instruction at all.


I was seeking the origin of viruses by becoming one. I was floating in a blood stream whose colour was light green.

A female friend of mine wanted me to do her a favour. I was asked to visit a hospital where I saw a girl lying on a bed in coma. The friend of mine wanted me to entertain her by talking to her. The girl in coma was a high school student. When I realized it, the friend of mine also turned into a school girl. They appeared to be close friends.

The friend of mine was called by a doctor, and she went out from the hospital room. She was not going to come back till tomorrow, and I was supposed to stay in the room for the night. I lied down on the bed next to that of the girl in coma. The room had no ends, but there were only two beds. I pulled the curtain between the beds just in case she wakes up - I thought she would find it an odd situation to be alone with a strange man in a same room. I simulated in my mind what would happen when she wakes up, hoping it really happens.

my arm stretched as she walked
I was with a girl who appeared to be my girl friend. She had a round face. We were alone in my apartment. She was leaving, but in her mind she wanted to make love. She just could not express her feeling in words.

Soon after she closed my apartment door, I opened it, and grabbed her arm. She kept walking and my arm stretched until it became good three meters long. She came back and rapidly entered my apartment as if she was avoiding my neighbor's eyes who was opening a vegetable shop right next to my apartment door. My girld friend and I hugged each other and fell over my laundry bag but there were three cockroaches near it, and we had to go to the living room.

The black wise man who is short and fat was a researcher of human behaviours. This was a documentary film of him. He did his activities at night and when it was over, he stayed in a lodge which cost $0.50 a night, said the narrator. I mistook it to be $50.00, still cheap for my standard. The $0.50 lodge turned out to be a public toilet, where he changed his clothing and shaved his face. When the next morning came, he left the lodge pretending to be blind. He was going to experiment how people would treat a blind man on streets.

A member of a movie crew for a Japanese film came to the scene riding on a bicycle. He is a Chinese and he had a reserved parking spot for his bicycle.

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Always under déconstruction

Copyright © Kenji Saito, 1996