Vision Statement | Principal's Message | Halloween Day Parade


It is our vision that all Milnes students will be prepared to meet the academic challenges that they will face in the twenty-first century.

Through the creative and innovative teaching of specific content areas including math, science, social studies, and language arts, students will be on the cutting-edge of a constantly changing world. Technology is used to enhance and complement all curriculum areas.

Students work in the content areas, language arts, and on research in a cooperative environment. They are encouraged to e honest, self-motivated, and committed in all their endeavors. We as educators strive to instill in each student compassion and sensitivity towards others, acceptance of individual differences, and respect towards self, community, and the environment. Individual and specific needs are met to help all students become successful and productive citizens of tomorrow.


Halloween Day Parade

Talkin' Baseball & Goblins

If you give a Mouse a Cookie....

There are many challenges and exciting innovations occurring at Milnes School this year. With regard to curriculum, there have been several changes in our math program. Grades 3-5 will no longer be ability grouped for math. Students will remain with their homeroom group. Statistics support the concept that children learn better in a heterogeneous environment. The interaction between a variety of ability levels has a beneficial effect on instruction and learning.

To further enhance our children's educational experiences in math, the district adopted a new text, Connections, published by DC Health. This new text is more than just a math book. The series provides a program loaded with opportunities for our children to develop skills and concepts through a curriculum that encourages hands-on experiences through the use of manipulatives at all grade levels. Students also receive in depth instruction and participate in problem solving and math life skills. The DC Health program supports the tenets of NCTM standards as well as the New Jersey core curriculum standards, thus best preparing our children for the life experiences of the 21st century.

Milnes School was selected as one of three district elementary schools to participate in a pilot spelling program in grades 2-5 developed by Dr. Andee Rolfe. The remaining public schools are piloting a the Houghton-Mifflin spelling program. Teachers across the district will evaluate the success and worthiness of these programs throughout the year. A district adoption of a new spelling program should be in place for September, 1997.

Milnes School, led by the QAAR Committee comprised of parents and teachers, has established two challenge objectives for 1996-97. The first goal is to develop good sportsmanship and self-esteem through an Olympic theme recognition program. By displaying good sportsmanship as well as accomplishments in and out of the school setting, our children will be nominated to the Milnes Hall of Fame. Teachers will provide instructional opportunities for students to learn the standards of sportsmanship as well as encouragement and support to excel in areas of strength and to improve performance.

Our second goal is to expose and immerse our students in the cultural arts. Throughout the year students will participate in hands-on workshops conducted by artists in residence in the areas of music, performing arts, and visual arts. The PTA has generously agreed to underwrite the bulk of the expense through their fundraising efforts. We also hope to have a weekend performance of a Gilbert and Sullivan opera presented for our families at nominal cost.

I'd like to close with an appeal for our children's safety and well being. Please follow the rules of the road as well as school guidelines and common when driving near the school. Know what areas are for parking and those that prohibit parking or stopping and standing. They are clearly marked. Do not make 3-point turns, U-turns, or back out of driveways in areas where children are present. Take the extra minute or two to drive around the block to get back home. Obey the speed limit (25 mph) around school. Don't discharge your children when double-parked or in an intersection - pull over to an unmarked curb and make them exit the car on the sidewalk side. Think of our children as your own child(ren). Think of the same environment that is your child's right and help make that safe environment a reality for all of our children!


Linda J. Scheppler