Puedes leer los comentarios recibidos a la edici≤n anterior.


O puedes, si asφ lo deseas, enviar los tuyos.



You can read the comments received in the previous edition of this web.


Your comments, poems, ideas,... are always welcome.


Si quieres navegar hacia otros lares, relacionados con el arte y la cultura, aquφ tienes una lista.



If you want to navigate towards other places, related with Art and Culture, here you have a list.


Espero que la lectura de esta obra te haya aportado algo y que recφprocamente, tu tambiΘn contribuyas, aunque solamente sea dejando de ser un an≤nimo visitante.

... y no te olvides de ser feliz.


I hope that the reading of this work might have been profitable for you, and that reciprocally, you may also contribute, even if it is only by not being an anonymous visitor anymore.

...and don't forget to be happy.

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