Nihil Obstat

... para mentes curiosas...

Todo lo contenido en esta obra: imßgenes, textos asφ como su dise±o y realizaci≤n, ha sido elaborado por el autor, sin cuya autorizaci≤n, no pueden reproducirse ni distribuirse, salvo en el caso de copias manuscritas o ilegales.

Esta obra estß impresionada en papel digital de la mejor calidad, siendo su tama±o de 800x600.

En la ciudad de Zaragoza a 15 de Enero de 1.997.

1¬ edici≤n, Marzo del 96, 3.386 ejemplares.
2¬ edici≤n revisada & aumentada.

Nihil Obstat

... for curious minds...

All the contents in this work: images, texts as well as their design and realization, have been elaborated by the author, and without his authorization, they can not be reproduced or distributed, excepting in the case of hand written or illegal copies.

This work is impressed in digital paper of the best quality, being their size of 800x600.

In the city of Zaragoza, January 15 of 1.997.

1¬ edition, March 15/96, 3.386 copys
2¬ revised & increased edition.
Ejemplar N║:

  Copy N║:
