Virtual Riviera Advertising International

VRAI (Virtual Riviera Advertising International) enables businesses to advertise their products and services to the whole world, while benefitting from having the glamour and sophistication of the Côte d'Azur as a backdrop.

The form below is primarily for use by the media sales staff of VRAI. Have a look at the rate card find out more about the structure, possibilities and costs of an advertising presence on Virtual Riviera.

virtual riviera world wide web presence request

date of order - dd/mm/yy


contact name

advertiser's address




duration of presence required

class of presence required

extra pages/ links required

text, photography and graphics provided

further design details

total cost of presence (ttc)

25% deposit taken

75% due on completion of pages

contract details

virtual riviera - 10 rue sade - antibes 006600 - france -
(+33) 93 34 04 21 - fax - (+33) 93 34 25 81 - media sales (+33) 93 34 46 06

siret 40 1982368000 11 Code A.P.E. 724Z

Created, composed, and constructed by Virtual Riviera 1995