128 Code Seletor 61473 File creation error. Check the file isn't open by another application. 61480 Dongle Error: Can't find dongle! Please insert the dongle into your parallel (printer) port. Also ensure that the port is not already in use by another device. 61481 Dongle Error: Can't communicate with dongle!.\nCheck the dongle is inserted fully. 61483 Dongle Error: This Dongle is not a Trainer Dongle 61484 Dongle Error: Can't find parallel (printer) port 61485 Code On 61486 Code Off 61491 Cannot open the file 61492 Error reading file (not a valid code unit file) 61493 Error - out of memory. Can't load code. 61494 Dongle Error: This dongle is not a normal dongle 61495 Dongle Error: Unknown error 61496 Unable to execute the program: 61497 Please ensure you have the program installed to this path. Also check that you have the path set correctly in the main menu. 61498 Initialising, please wait.... 61499 Select the codes wanted and click on "Back to Game->" 61500 Resetting codes, please wait... 61501 One or more of the selected codes are not supported by this version of the trainer engine. You need to obtain (download) the latest version of the engine in order to use these codes. 61502 The code file: 61503 is corrupt. You must obtain a new copy of this code. 61504 is invalid. You must obtain a new copy of this code. Check your dongle is inserted correctly. 61505 Can't use this code, probably the wrong version of the game. See help 61506 One or more codes failed and have been switched off. Click on "Back to Game->" to continue. 61507 Click on "Back to Game->" to return to the game. 61508 Close GameShark 61509 Close Action Replay 61510 GameShark Main Menu 61511 Action Replay Main Menu 61512 Version 1.11 (11th Oct 2000) Windows 95/98/ME/2000 61513 Trainer utility for cheating at almost any game now available on the web page! 61514 Unable to find the process for the program: