Read Me First
You must read this whole section and agree with it's disclaimer
for your license to view this disc to be valid. If you do not agree
with this disclaimer please contact Group 42 to exchange your disc
for a full refund.
General Disclaimer
This Disc contains information and descriptions of acts that could
be Dangerious, Illegal or both; if implemented. For
Informational Purposes Only.
DO NOT attempt to use any material found on this disc unless you are
certain it is both legal and safe. Group 42 and their
agents assume NO liability for any dameages which may result from
the use or misuse of any information contained on this disc. Furthermore,
Group 42 reitterates that we do not in any way advocate the implementation
of the information containded on this disc and such will not be held
responsible for any use or misuse of the information contained on this disc.
This disc, is Copyright (c)1984-1996 by Group 42. No part of
this information
archive can be reproduced, copied, offered on an online or information
server device. Each CD-ROM disc carries a licence to be used on
one machine by one person at a time. The above can conditions can
be altered on a case by case bases only with written permission from
Group 42.
Certain programs on this CD-ROM Disc can potentially damage your
equipment, cause loss of data, and interfear with the correct operation
of other software.
Group 42 will not be held responsible for damages incurred through the use
of this disc, or any programs, information or data contained on this disc.
All efforts have been made to insure that this disc is 100% Virus Free.
No Known Executable Viruses (this disc contains virus source code
only) are on this disc. Similarly we have tried to insure that No
Known Commercial Software is present.
Strong Cryptography Warning
This Disc is not for export outside the U.S. or Canada. It contains
strong cryptographic software that is illegal to export.
18 or Over only
This Disc contains material suitable only for an adult. Not for
sale in any way, shape, or form to those that are under 18.
Shareware Notice
Some of the programs included on the discs are shareware programs. This
means that if you use the programs for any length of time and find them
useful, you should register them. The registration usually includes a
nominal fee to the author of the program. Shareware is copyrighted software
that is distributed at minimal cost. It offers "try before you buy" concept
based on a "user honor system." If you try a program from this CD-ROM Disc
and you decide to continue using it, the shareware author asks that you send
him or her a nominal fee. Shareware fees are substantially lower than prices
you normally pay for software, some fees are as low as $5. Payment is made
by you directly to the author listed with each program. By paying and
registering with the author, you will get updated versions of the programs,
manuals, technical support, etc. Because of the value offered by these
shareware authors to all of us, we fully support and encourage users to
register directly with the program's respective that they will
create new, exciting and affordable shareware programs in the future. Public
Domain is software where the author has given up all intellectual property
rights and his or her right to control the use of the product. You do not
have to pay a registration fee to use this software.
In a world that is uncertain.
In a world that defies logic.
In a world where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
In a world driven by power.
In a world where money is power.
In a world where information is power.
In a world where money is becoming information.
In a world where everyone is wired.
In a world without privacy.
Only one thing is for certain.
These are....
from the movie strange days