======================== DAL Systems Clipboard NDA v1.0 P.O. Box 287 North Liberty, IA 52317 David A. Lyons 4-Jul-88 [CompuServe 72177,3233] ======================== [GEnie mail D.LYONS2] Install Clipboard NDA in your SYSTEM/DESK.ACCS folder; choose it ("Show Clipboard") from the Apple menu of any desktop application. While the Clipboard NDA window is in front, you can put its credits onto the clipboard (and, therefore, into the window) by typing Apple-C or Apple-X, or by choosing Copy or Cut from the Edit menu. Some applications already have a "Show Clipboard" option under their Edit menus. This NDA is more useful for applications that don't, although it may help you determine how well an application is following the rules. (Some applications have their own private clipboard; this is fine, but they are supposed to automatically exchange data between their private clipboards and the system's clipboard, as implemented with the Scrap Manager.) Finder v1.0 has a "Show Clipboard" option, but it fails to notice when an NDA changes the contents of the clipboard. (Also, it fails to scroll Text correctly.) I have had problems with Paintworks Gold and MultiScribe GS 3.01c. Paintworks does not seem to Copy pictures onto the clipboard, and MultiScribe GS 3.01c crashes into the monitor while trying to import text from the system clipboard to its private clipboard. When you open Clipboard NDA, it loads and starts up any of the following toolsets that are not already loaded and started up: Scrap Manager, Font Manager, and QuickDraw Auxiliary. When the application quits, Clipboard NDA carefully shuts down and unloads any toolsets it loaded when it was opened. While the NDA is open, it asks the Scrap Manager approximately once per second (using GetScrapCount) whether the clipboard contents have changed. If any PICT data is available, it is displayed, assuming the Font Manager and QuickDraw Auxiliary are available. Otherwise any TEXT data on the clipboard is displayed. ------------------------------- end of Clipboard NDA v1.0 notes -------------------------------