ACCESSORY CHOOSER NDA Shareware desk accessory by Alberto Paglino. Produced and distributed by VideoCOM - Italy. Version 3-Feb-89. Acc.Chooser is a New Desk Accessory (NDA) for the Apple IIgs which provides the ability to install both new and classic desk accessories when you would like to, rather then having to reboot. Acc.Chooser is different from other products, like InstallDA by TES Systems, because it itself is a desk accessory, so you will not force to quit an application and run it to install desk accessories. Please note that Acc.Chooser is _shareware_, not public domain. You are welcome and encouraged to give copies away to anyone and everyone. If after using Acc.Chooser for a trial period you find is useful, you should send in the shareware fee of $15 (see below). If you do not want to pay the shareware fee, you should stop using Acc.Chooser. >> Any commercial distribution of Acc.Chooser is >> expressly forbidden without prior written permission >> from the author. Here is the shareware deal: When you send your $15, we will send you back a disk with the latest version of Acc.Chooser, plus the next update free. After you register your copy of Acc.Chooser with us, you may use any future updates free. Registered owners are also entitled to full support via CompuServe, or Mail. Send your $15 to: VideoCOM Via Fasolo, 98 27100 PAVIA - ITALY CompuServe: 72411,1250 - WHO TO USE To use Acc.Chooser, you must first install it in the */SYSTEM/Desk.Accs directory of the GS/OS (or ProDOS 16) disks that you boot up your computer with. Next, restart or reboot the computer using one of the disks you have copied Acc.Chooser onto. The Acc.Chooser purpose is to save you from having to manage desk accessories into and out the DESK.ACCS folder; in fact, the only desk accessory you need in your apple menu is Acc.Chooser. This can be especially handy if you like to use different desk accessories with different applications or are using a 3.5 inch drive as your boot device and have a lot of desk accessories and fonts. Acc.Chooser gives you full control over your desk accessories: now you will only have to load the accessories you need, instead of figuring out witch accessories you might need in the future, or re-installing desk accessories on each program disk. Acc.Chooser have the ability to load both CDA and NDA _from within_ the applications you use. When you select Acc.Chooser from the apple menu a dialog will appear on the desktop, with the copyright notice. Click on the box and will appear a big dialog with the option to choose the desk accessory type. Selecting this one will bring up the standard file open dialog box. This box works the same as it does for other desktop applications. Only Classic Desk Accessories or New Desk Accessories and Folders (subdirectories) can be opened. To change disk press the appropriate button (o press the tab key). Double click on the name of the desk accessory that you would like to install or highlight your selection and click on the open button. The accessory will be load in memory and the menu bar will blink to confirm the operation. The standard file open dialog box will appear again and you will be able to choose another accessory or click the cancel button (or press apple-. keys) to exit. Please be aware that there is a limit of 11 Classic Desk Accessories and 249 New Desk Accessories, of course if you run out of memory first these numbers may be less. If you need more than 11 Classic Desk Accessories, we suggest you check out Glen Bredon's Master CDA. Normally, only the first 16-17 desk accessories are visible under the Apple menu. If you find yourself needing more, check out Two Apples by Tim Swihart or Master NDA by TES Systems. - COMPATIBILITY Acc.Chooser seems to work well with just about everything. Some desktop applications (Sierra 3D Animated Adventures, The Music Studio, Instant Music, to name a few) don't give access to new desk accessories, so Acc.Chooser will not be able to be used. A good rule is to test Acc.Chooser thoroughly with the applications you plan on using it with and, as always, SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN! We hope you like this program and find it as useful as we have. If you have ANY questions, criticisms, compliments please contact us. We would especially like to hear about which programs do and do not work with Acc.Chooser. [Document edited to correct text format (no line breaks) by marv smith, Apple-Dayton GS Librarian/Library Commitee Chairman]