Black Jack GS v1.0 by Bob Moragues Sigma Phi Epsilon 2005 15th St. Troy, NY 12180 (518) 273-6418 Description: BlackJack GS is a single player game of BlackJack for the Apple //GS. One player plays against the dealer. I have attempted to make this game of BlackJack as realistic as possible. System Requirements: As far as I can tell, this game requires a minimum of 512K of memory. It will only run on the Apple //gs. To use this game, launch the SYS16 file BLACKJACK from the Finder or other Prodos 16 program launcher. This program needs to load almost all of the Toolsets in order to operate, so a copy of the system folder should be online. The file BlackJack.Icn should be put in the ICONS folder, but it is not required. How to play the game: BlackJack GS was designed to be very simple to use. The program is controlled by use of pull down menus and Apple key equivalents. Dimmed menu items indicate illegal choices. The dealer's hand is displayed in a row at the top of the screen while the player's hand is displayed at the bottom. The following is a list of the menu choices: About... Information about the program Rules... Displays the House Rules Quit Quits program to Prodos Money Allows you to change your bet Deal Deals the next hand of BlackJack Hit Deals one more card Stand Player stands and the dealer plays Split Double bet and split the pair Double Down Double bet and deal only one more card Reset Resets the game back to the start Deck Lets you chose how many decks to use How a split hand is played: When the player chooses to split a pair, the split card is displayed in the middle row of cards on the screen. The player plays out the first card as if it is a normal hand. When the player stands on that hand, he will then play the split hand. Split hands will be re-displayed at the time of payoff. A player may split hands infinitely. House Rules: The house rules for this program are modeled after the casinos in Lake Tahoe. There are a couple of minor alterations. --- The dealer must hit on 16 and a Soft 17. --- Insurance costs 1/2 the current bet. --- You may split any pair. --- You may double down on a total of 8,9 or 10. --- All bets must be an increment of $2. --- BlackJack pays 3:2 --- Insurance pays 2:1 --- A win pays 1:1 Future Enhancements: In the future, I am contemplating adding support for multiple players. I am also planning to add a "smart" computer player which will play using the odds and possibly counting cards. Future programming projects include a Video 5 Card Draw Poker simulator. Keep your eyes open for these future releases. MailWare: This program is MailWare. You may distribute this program freely. All I ask in return is that you send me comments either by E-Mail or by U.S. mail. I am especially interested in bug reports and suggestions. My E-mail addresses are: Compuserve: 70611,271 GEnie: B.MORAGUES Arpanet: moragues#bob%e.mfenet@NMFECC.ARPA or Copyright: As the author, I retain all commercial rights to this program. This program was written in TML Pascal. Certain portions of the software are copyrighted by TML Systems Inc.