Welcome to the world of CD-ROM! On this disk you will find a few megabytes of Apple II and IIgs software, much of it collected over the past year from the public domain libraries of various user groups and from the online services of America Online, CompuServe, and GEnie. Our intention is to provide user groups with a "starter collection" of software for their libraries, and, not coincidentally, provide demonstration versions of some of the best Apple II applications available today. We've organized these programs into general categories: Games, Communications, Development, Graphics, Fonts, Disk Utilities, and several IIgs-specific categories such as NDAs and CDAs. Most of the software is for the IIgs, but that's because most of the newer programs are written for that computer. We haven't slighted the owners of earlier Apple II models, though: you will also find files that run on those computers. Our descriptions of the software contained herein are meager. We would have liked to include fuller descriptions, particularly for programs that did include "read me" or documentation files, but we did not have enough time for that task. If a documentation file accompanies an application, please read it first. If a program's purpose isn't readily apparent, list the program (if it's written in Applesoft), or just run it. Of course, be careful if you're running a disk or file utility program, as they can make permanent changes to other files. Shareware Some of the programs on this CD are classified as "shareware": in other words, the author of the software wishes to be compensated for his efforts, and is offering to you a "free trial period" to use his product. If you use a shareware program and you like it, please send the requested fee to the author to encourage further work and reward him for what he's done. Author information may usually be found within the program itself. Viruses Apple II viruses are very rare, and you won't find any in the software on this CD, as far as we can tell. Every program has been tested for the known forms of Apple II viruses, and all have found to be clean. But in case you're still worried, look in the Disk Utilities section for a few virus detection and elimination programs. Feature Attractions What do we actually have on this CD? Lots. To start, there's the latest demonstration version of HyperStudio, by Roger Wagner Publishing, plus lots of stacks; classic Beagle Bros software, from Alpha Plot to Silicon Salad; the demonstration version of Stone Edge Technology's DB Master, a relational database; and public domain and shareware applications that we've gathered from all over. For a complete list, see the files in the "Contents" directory. There are two versions of these files: ASCII text files (for those of you without AppleWorks) and AppleWorks word processor files. Copying Files To use any of the programs on the GEM-CD, just copy the files from the CD onto another ProDOS disk. Application files which are related are kept in the same directory as (or in a subdirectory of) the main program. Copy all of the files, or you may not have every file that is necessary to run a program. Unpacking Archived Programs Several files on this disk are not in a "ready to run" state once copied, but have been stored in compressed-form archives with Andy Nicholas' ShrinkIt program. These files may be identified by their file type of $E0, with an auxtype of $8002, or by the suffixes of ".SHK" or ".SDK" on the file name. To unpack these programs, run ShrinkIt and select the "Unshrink" option. The ShrinkIt documentation is included, with the ShrinkIt application, in the "ShrinkIt" directory which is listed in the root directory of this disk. Some ShrinkIt archives, such as the Beagle Bros software, do not contain merely individual files, but are actually archives of entire disks, either 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch. These files must be unpacked to blank disks, as the unpacking will erase any files which already exist on the destination disk. ShrinkIt 3.0, the latest version, may be found in the "ShrinkIt" directory on /GEM.CD.A/. How to Run the Programs If you don't have the latest versions of ProDOS 8, Basic.System, or the IIgs System Software, you should be using them. If you don't have them, you're in luck: Apple Computer has given us permission to include the latest system software (see the file "Legal.Stuff"). The latest versions are: ProDOS 8 version 1.8; Basic.System version 1.4; and IIgs System Software version 5.0.2. We suggest using ProDOS version 1.8 when reading this disk, as many of the file names contain lowercase letters, a situation which previous versions of ProDOS could not handle. (The lowercase letters are only displayed when using GS/OS; ProDOS 8 users will still see only uppercase letters.) Many of the programs are type SYS or S16, which may be launched from any program selector. Most SYS files may also be launched from Applesoft BASIC, using the "smart run" command: for example, "-pinball" or "-volcano.system". However, not all SYS files can be launched from BASIC, and these files must be launched using a program selector. BAS files (Applesoft BASIC) are always launchable from the BASIC prompt. BIN type files are often data files for other programs, but many are also runnable programs; use the "smart run" command to launch them, or "BRUN ". And Now a Few Words From Our Lawyer... PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE. BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS LISTED BELOW. SHOULD YOU NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED SOFTWARE TO INTERCHANGE INC.. THIS LICENSE IS EFFECTIVE UNTIL TERMINATED. TERMINATION OCCURS EITHER BY YOUR DESTRUCTION OF THIS COMPILATION OR YOUR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY PROVISION HEREOF. Efforts have been made to contact the authors of software hereon and it is believed that this compilation is in complete compliance with U. S. Copyright Law and the individual software authors' distribution limitations. Portions of the software in this compilation have been designated by their respective authors as "Share ware." In the event that your use of any of these programs exceeds the time period set forth in the program's guide lines, the appropriate Shareware payment should be forwarded to the author. Your purchase of this compilation does not obviate the necessity for such payments. While duplication of portions hereof is encouraged, particularly for the creation of "Disks of the Month" distributed by user groups, reproduction of this compilation in its entirety is prohibited. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATE ABOVE, INTERCHANGE INC., NAUGC, APPLE COMPUTER INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR PRINTED MATERIALS ACCOMPANYING THE DISK. INTERCHANGE INC., NAUGC, APPLE COMPUTER INC. ALSO MAKE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL INTERCHANGE INC., NAUGC, APPLE COMPUTER INC. BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR GOOD WILL, OR OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT CONTAINED ON THIS DISK, ITS SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. INTERCHANGE INC., NAUGC, APPLE COMPUTER INC. SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REPLACEMENT COST OF THE PRODUCT. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The sofware and documentation are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you. No claim is made as to the ownership of trademarks or copyrights of the individual components hereof. Portions (C) Copyright Apple Computer Inc. This compilation (C) Copyright 1990 InterChange Inc. ---------- And Now a Word from Apple Computer's Lawyers "Permission given by Apple Computer, Inc. for distribution to the National User Group Convention, 1990 only. You may not distribute, sell, copy, or modify the Apple copyrighted material." "APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ("APPLE") MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE. APPLE DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU." ---------- In other words, the software oughta work, and if it doesn't, you're on your own (just kidding). If you need help, a good place to ask is your local users' group; but if there isn't a group near you, try one of the commercial online services or a local bulletin board. If you have a modem, the places to call are the Apple II forums on America Online, the "apple" conference on BIX (the BYTE Information Exchange), the Apple II Productivity and Entertainment Forums on CompuServe, and the Apple II Roundtables on GENie. We've tried to ascertain that the programs that we've included on this CD are in working order, but we didn't have enough time to check everything. Please accept our apologies if something doesn't quite run properly. We'll be trying harder on the next edition, as we have a bit more time to prepare. Questions, comments, and general chatter should be directed to: InterChange / GEM-CD Project 1865 W. Spring Ridge Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1217 Or, if you have access to the Internet, the address is "crash!edward@pro-harvest.cts.com". Thanks for your purchase of the first Apple II GEM-CD, and we hope to be back next year with all-new stuff! Edward Floden Co-ordinator, InterChange / Apple II GEM-CD Project Major Thank-yous Mark de Jong at Beagle Bros, for letting us tie up pro-beagle, his bulletin board system, for nine hours one Sunday, to transfer an humungous file containing the Beagle Oldies. Morgan Davis, for the software running on the above-mentioned BBS. (If you've never seen a ProLine system, check the list of sites in the Communications section for the one nearest you.) Barney Stone, Tom Weishaar, Ron Lewin, and the other members of the Apple II Developers Organization, for believing in the viability of the Apple II. Lou Roberts and Phil Williams at Apple Computer (they know why). CMS Enhancements, for the donation of the hard drive upon which most of this disk was assembled. And to the people who donated some of their software to the Project: Russ Messana, Greg Nelson, Karl Bunker, Ron LeCour, Glen Bredon, Don Elton, Morgan Davis, Eduard de Kam, Barney Stone, Jim Shapiro, Andrew Mackie, Ronald Nilson, Dave Ciotti, Dave Lyons, Kenneth Gluckman, Steve Stephenson, Rick Pedley, Mark Collins, and Roger Wagner. (If we've neglected to mention someone, tell us; we'll make it up to you on next year's CD.)