About /Columnist/... There are a few different programs on this disk, and also various other files that relate to one or another of the programs. The purpose of the file you're reading now is to give you a quick overview of the disk, briefly describing all of the stuff on it. So without further ado, here's what you should find if you CAT this disk: PRODOS, BASIC.SYSTEM: I paid a Apple, Inc. license fee for these, and they tell me I'm supposed to include a "warranty disclaimer". Here it is: APPLE COMPUTER, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ENCLOSED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY PROVIDES YOU WITH SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. THERE MAY BE OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. Gee, that was fun, huh? I especially liked the word "merchantability". Well, moving right along... STARTUP: This is what gives you the menu screens when you boot the disk. By selecting from these menus, you can launch the various programs on the disk, view the various documentation files on-screen, or print out the documentation. The menu selection "Scan text for a word or phrase" can be used to look up a particular subject in an instruction file. For example, if you wanted to read about page headers in the Columnist instructions, you could select "Scan text..." from the Columnist menu, and then type in "header" at the next prompt. The Columnist documentation file will be put on the screen and "flipped through" until the first occurance of the word "header" is found. This search is not case sensitive. You can get a more compact printout of any of the documentation files on this disk by having the text printed onto both sides of your paper. To do this, hold down the open-apple key when you select "Text to printer" from any of the sub-menus. The file will be sent to your printer, but only the odd-numbered pages will be printed at first. When all the odd pages are printed, you will be prompted to "Remove, reverse and restart paper". This means to take the printed-on paper out of your printer, turn it font-to-back, and feed it back in. Press return, and the even-numbered pages will be printed out. Thus, page 2 will be printed on the back of page 1, page 4 on the back of 3, etc. There isn't really much need for this feature, since the longest documentation file on the disk (Columnist's) is only about 9 pages long, but it's there if you want it. Selecting "Text to printer" without holding down open-apple gives you a regular, one-sided printout. ABOUT.THIS.DISK: You're reading this file now. COLUMNIST: The Main Attraction on this disk; a text-formatting program for simple desktop publishing. Columnist is shareware and costs $15.00. COLUMNIST.DOCS: The complete instructions to Columnist. ENCRYPTOR: A utility for encrypting and decrypting all types of ProDOS files. Encryptor is also shareware and costs $5.00. ENCRYPTOR.DOCS: The complete instructions to Encryptor. WHATSIT: This is a "self-decrypting" file which demonstrates one of the uses of Encryptor. You can't use this file unless you have the password, and you don't get the password unless you pay the shareware fee for Encryptor. DOGPAW: This is an added-ProDOS-command program which is used by STARTUP to display or print the various instruction files on this disk. Dogpaw is public domain; you can move it to other disks and use it for anything, free. DOGPAW.DOCS.C: The complete instructions to Dogpaw. This file has the suffix ".C" because it's in a compressed format. This is explained further in the instructions. S.WARE.ENV: This is a cute little BASIC program which will print an "origami envelope" onto a sheet of paper. You can then fold up this envelope and use it to send me the shareware fee for Columnist and/or Encryptor. Select "Print a shareware envelope" from the main menu. ICONS/ENC.COL.ICONS: If you have a IIgs, this will put some custom icons for Columnist and Encryptor onto your Finder desktop. (If you don't have a IIgs, you're not missing much by not being able to see these icons.) FINDER.DATA, FINDER.ROOT: