X. THE INVENTORY PROGRAM These options allow you first to do inventory and then to print out a list of the items not found. Doing inventory in this manner requires that every book in the collection have a barcode on it. 1.``Enter Titles Into Inventory 2.``Begin A New Inventory 3.``Finalize Inventory 4.``Inventory Print Options 5.``Return To Main Menu Enter Option # Doing inventory poses logistical problems rather than programming problems. To use barcodes to do inventory, the computer must be brought to the books or the books must be brought to the computer. Moving the hard disk is not a good practice. Therefore, the hard disk version of allows inventory to be taken on a separate computer with only one floppy disk drive. A computer with one floppy disk drive can be put on a movable cart. The books are inventoried by scanning the barcodes of the books on the shelves with the barcode reader. The results are written on floppy disks (copies of the Batch Disk), which will be uploaded to the hard disk. The last item barcode number that was read is shown on the screen at all times. You can begin and leave off scanning barcoded books anywhere in the collection. If you scan the same book twice, the book will still be marked as "here". Just as in an inventory by hand, you must keep track of which sections have been done simply so that time is not wasted. Normally, the Inventory Batch Disks must be uploaded to the hard disk before inventory results can be printed and checked. The uploading is done by selecting Option 1: ENTER TITLES INTO INVENTORY from the Inventory Menu. ENTER TITLES INTO INVENTORY When you choose Option 1: ENTER TITLES INTO INVENTORY, the hard disk program will ask if you wish to enter them in from floppy disks. After Inventory Batch Disks have been uploaded, you should print a list of unmarked books in order to check the inventory results. Since this Demo/Tutorial is already on floppy disks, the batch method of inventory cannot be demonstrated. Inventory can, however, be simulated by typing in the numbers of the books to be inventoried. BEGIN A NEW INVENTORY This choice sets all the counters back to zero. This tells the computer that you wish to start over again. You would make this choice just before beginning a new inventory. The only codes that remain after this option has been completed are the "MISSING: 86" or other previous years' finalized inventory codes. (These codes are removed only by checking the item out or by scanning the item's barcode during a later inventory.) TUTORIAL #13 In this tutorial you will pretend that you are conducting an inventory. 1.From the Main Menu, select 6 `to arrive at the Inventory Menu. 2.Press @Return! when asked for a password. 3.Type 2 `to Begin A New Inventory. 4.Type `Y `when asked whether you have time to reset the inventory markers. 5.When the markers have been reset, type `1 `to Enter Titles Into Inventory. 6.Type @Return! for the first title number. CIRCULATION PLUS** Inventory Titles ** Enter Title Number: 151__ Last Title # Was 0 7.Keep typing all numbers from 152 to 165. 8.Press @Esc! to return to the Inventory Menu. FINALIZE INVENTORY This option is not chosen until an inventory has been completed.` Why? Because it will mark any item that has not been inventoried as a missing book, missing in inventory as of the current year. Before this option is selected, the inventory should have been completed and a list of unmarked books printed, That list must be double-checked against the shelves. When it is ascertained that the list of unmarked books is accurate, this option to Finalize Inventory is chosen. (On the Demo/Tutorial, we are not going to take this step.) +*+ Follett Library Software +*+ *** INVENTORY REPORT *** Unmarked Books By Call # 500-699 Today's Date: Apr 2, 1986 Last Report: Oct 10, 1985 TITLE CALL#/AUTH BC# TY2 LR# Accidents will happen 621.48 Env 187 R00 The dolphin smile 599.5 Devi $ 7.95186 R12 Flying : principles of flight629.132 Ca $ 2.50185 R12 Life long ago, the story of fossils560 Fenton$ 6.00 178 R00 The nibbling diet613.2 Engl $ 7.95177 R00 Nutrition612.39 Cha $ 6.50 166 R00 INVENTORY PRINT OPTIONS You may print a list of books found missing in one of three ways: by Call Number Author, by Category Type, and in alphabetical order by Title. 1.``Print Out By Call# Author 2.``Print Out By Category Range 3.``Print Out All Titles 4.``Return To Inventory Menu Enter Option # The call number list is probably the most practical. Any range of Dewey numbers may be chosen; e.g., 700-900 (or any alphabetical range of LC categories if you have specified that you use the LC classification system). Fiction books may be broken down by letters of the alphabet, since``always allows partial matches. The range Fic-S would print the missing fiction books of all authors whose last names begin with the letter S. The range Fic by itself would print all the missing fiction books. Each type of listing allows four choices: lists of marked books, lists of unmarked books, lists of missing books, or lists of books missing one particular year. The lists of marked and unmarked books may be printed after the inventorying has been completed but before Option 3: FINALIZE INVENTORY has been chosen. You will use them to confirm the fact that the inventory has been completed, that no shelves or sections have been missed, and so on. The list of unmarked books will be a list of all items whose barcode numbers were scanned (or typed) during the inventorying process that are checked out. In other words, items that are checked out will not be considered missing. The items checked out to special patrons 1 through 4 will not be listed either, since they are accounted for. After the inventory results are final and Option 3: FINALIZE INVENTORY has been completed, you would choose one of the other printing options. Lists of missing books would list all books missing in all inventories that have been conducted. The list by year, of course, lists only the items that disappeared in the year requested. The lists by Call# Author allow you to indicate the classification range to be included on the list. The lists by Category Type ask whether you wish to search by 1 or 2 types. Then you are asked to indicate the Category Type number/s to be included. If you are searching by two types, you may indicate a Boolean relationship ("not," "or," or "and") between the two. If you elect to print the missing items for one year, you will be asked to enter the last two digits of the year. ***** Example ***** From the Inventory Menu, select `4`, Inventory Print Options. Choose: `1` to Print Out By Call# Author. Select: `2` to print a list of Unmarked Books By Call# Author. @Return! @Return! for the Call# range. Press @Return! to begin the printing. When the list is finished, press @Esc! until you are back at the Main Menu. ************************* YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE TUTORIALS.If you wish to exit, you must select the Main Menu option to 'Backup/Quit', enter the password, and press @Return!. Or, you may select any other option and experiment with the program. You can re-enter this program at any time to gain additional experience with Circulation Plus's many features, as well.Keep in mind that, if you or another person would like to follow the tutorials again, a new copy of the write-protected Demo.Data disk must be used so the data will match the exercises.