VII. ADD/UPDATEAdditional Commands Choosing Option 3: ADD/UPDATE OPTIONS from the Main Menu and entering the password takes you to the Add/Update Menu. The first two choices on this new menu allow you to enter patrons and titles for the first time and were covered in an earlier chapter. Choices three through seven change or remove data already in the system. UPDATE/REMOVE PATRONS Whenever you make this choice the system begins by putting the first patron records on the screen. The first five patron records are very special. They are explained in the next section. At the bottom of the screen are six commands. Simply pressing the letter of the command issues that command. It is not necessary to press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update/Delete Patrons ** Bar Code # 3 Patron Name ** BINDERY **___, _____ Special Location ________ Street Address _____________ City, St. Zip ________, _ _____ Patron Card ID# 3______ Phone Number (__) __-__ Card Expiration __ School Year _ Patron Type _Cumulative Circulations: 0 N) Next Patron E) Edit This Patron D) Delete This Patron L) Last Patron S) Search For Patron C) Change Barcode # N) Next Patron Pressing "N" will make the next patron record appear on the screen. Following the first five special patrons, the surnames will begin to appear in alphabetical order. This command allows you to scroll through the records one at a time, from the beginning or following a search. L) Last Patron This reverses the scrolling and takes you from record to record in reverse alphabetical order. E) Edit This Patron Once you have located a patron's record that requires editing, pressing "E" puts the cursor in the patron name field. Pressing @Return! brings the cursor down through each field, leaving the fields undisturbed. When the cursor is at the field that requires editing, use the backspace arrow to put the cursor where you wish to begin. The insert and delete commands (see page 26) will simplify editing. You will notice that the bottom of the screen tells you that pressing the up arrow ends the edit mode for this record. This allows you to leave the edit routine as soon as you've made the correction, making it unnecessary to press @Return! repeatedly to bring the cursor to the bottom of the screen. If you miss the field where you wanted to stop, press @Esc! to move back up through the fields. As soon as you press the up arrow or have moved through the entire screen, the changes you have made will be recorded and the patron index will be updated. S) Search for Patron If you press "S" the screen will ask you to type in the last name followed by a comma, a space, and then the first name of the patron you are looking for. Coming as close as possible to the spelling of both names will ensure an instant match. The system will, of course, do a partial match, bringing up to the screen the closest match. If the record brought up to the screen is not the one you want, the "N" and "L" commands will permit you to quickly scroll forward or backward through the records until you find the correct one. You will notice that the patron's record contains the cumulative number of check-outs (the total number of items that person has checked out since the system was installed). The number of items currently checked out and the total amount of fines owed is also shown if applicable. You may also search for a patron by barcode number. In the space for surname, simply type a pound sign (#) followed by the barcode number. D) Delete This Patron To delete the patron whose record is displayed on the screen, press "D". To help prevent accidental erasures, the system will ask if you are sure. If you reply "Y", the record on the screen will be deleted. Typing an "N" cancels the deletion request. C) Change Barcode# (IBM only) This option allows you to move a person to a different barcode number. After you type a "C," you are asked whether you are sure you want to move the person. If you respond with a "Y" for 'Yes,' you will be asked what the person's new number is. You may type it and press @Return! or scan the barcode for that patron number. As soon as you do so, the patron's data will be moved to the new number. @Esc! You must press @Esc! to exit from Update/Delete Patrons. (On the Apple, there is also a "Q" or Quit option.) SPECIAL PATRON NUMBERS The first five patrons are really places rather than people. They are: Bindery Barcode #3 Lost Books Barcode #1 Paid Books Barcode #2 Special #1 Barcode #4 In Library Use Barcode #5 On the previous page we displayed the screen for that first record: Bindery. has set aside the first five patron records as special places where books can be "put" when they are neither on the shelf nor checked out. So that you will always know where a book is, it is necessary to check the book out to "somebody" if it is not on the shelf. No overdues will ever be sent to these "patrons," but you will be able to print a list at any time of all books that have been placed on them. Some books simply disappear from your collection and must be presumed lost or stolen. Others are paid for by patrons. Most librarians, however, do not immediately remove the shelf list card if a book is reported missing or lost. A note is made on the shelf list and is carried forward for one year because lost, missing, and paid for books have a way of turning up even a year later. These five fictitious patrons, then, serve the same purpose as a note on your shelf list card. If ever you search for a particular book not found on the shelf, you will be able to tell the patron if it's in one of these categories. Lost Books (Patron #1) You do not check items out to Patron #1. The system uses it as a place to transfer items that are still checked out to patrons who are being deleted from the system. Paid Books (Patron #2) If a patron pays for a lost book, check the book out to patron #2. If (or when) the book finds its way back to the library, it can be brought back into the system by checking it back in as though it were a circulating item. Bindery (Patron #3) Patron barcode number three is assigned to the bindery. If you send a book out to be rebound, you should first check it out to the imaginary patron #3 called "Bindery." Then if anyone is searching for the item, the information that it is at the bindery will be displayed. When items return from the bindery, simply check them back in. Special #1 (Patron #4)This patron number is available for you to use as you wish, perhaps for some special collection that may temporarily be housed outside your library. Up to 200 items can be "checked out" to each special patron record 1, 2, 3, and 4. To remove books from patrons 1-4 simply check them back in. In Library Use (Patron #5) Patron #5 is for In Library Use. This number is used simply to store a statistical total for items that are used in the library but not checked out. For example, in a high school library at the end of a period, any items that have been used and either left on desks or left at the circulation desk can have their barcodes scanned. The items are not checked out, and "In Library Uses" are not considered in the items' cumulative circulations. The total number of uses is simply tallied on this patron number for your statistical use. UPDATE/REMOVE TITLES The commands for updating book records are very similar to those for updating patron records. Only a brief description of each function, then, will be given here. The fuller explanation can be found in the previous section on updating patrons. You will notice that the status of the book (in or out) is displayed as well as the number of circulations the book has seen. Two circulation numbers are posted: total check-outs since the system was begun and total since the Last Report Date. N) Next Title Displays the next record alphabetically in the file. L) Last Title Displays the previous record in alphabetical order. E) Edit This Title Allows you to edit or correct this record. S) Search for Title Searching for title is similar to searching for patron. Partial matches to the beginning characters of a title are permitted, and the system will automatically ignore "The", "A", or "An" if you include them at the beginning of the title. You may also search for a title by barcode number. In the space for title, simply type a pound sign (#) followed by the barcode number. D) Delete This Title Removes this record from the file. C) Change Barcode # Allows you to retain bibliographic information that has been entered on one barcode number and move it to a different number. After selecting this option, you are asked whether you are sure you want to remove the item. Then the new barcode number for the item must be entered. @Esc!You must press @Esc! to exit from Update/Delete Titles. TUTORIAL #7 In this tutorial you will update one patron record and one book record. Scenario #1 Bryan Granger's family has moved to a new house in the same city, and you must change his Street Address. 1.From the Main Menu type a``3``to select Add/Update Options. Press @Return! when asked for a password. You will be instructed to flip to the Demo.Print disk in order to arrive at the Add Update Menu. 2.Type a``3``to select the Update/Remove Patrons option. As discussed earlier, the Bindery record will appear. 3.Type an``S``to initiate a patron search. A line will appear for typing the name. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update/Delete Patrons ** Bar Code # 3 Patron Name** BINDERY **___, _____ Special Location________ Street Address __________ City, St. Zip _______, _ _____ Patron Card ID# 3_____ Phone Number (__) __-__ Card Expiration __ School Year _ Patron Type Cumulative Circulations: 0 Enter Patron Name (Last, First)?_____________ 4.Type` and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update/Delete Patrons ** Bar Code # 3 Patron Name** BINDERY **___, _____ Special Location________ Street Address __________ City, St. Zip _______, _ _____ Patron Card ID# 3_____ Phone Number (__) __-__ Card Expiration __ School Year _ Patron Type Cumulative Circulations: 0 Enter Patron Name (Last, First)? granger______ 5.Bryan's record will appear on the screen. Type an` `E``to begin editing. 6.Press @Return! three times to bring the cursor down to the Street Address field. 7.Use the backspace arrow or the @Delete! key to bring the cursor back to the first position in the Street Address field 8.Type``422 Willow Road`. Instead of pressing @Return!, press the up arrow to tell the computer that you are finished. 9.You may, at this point, try both the L and N commands (for Next Patron and Last Patron). These permit you to scroll forward and backward through the records. 10.Press @Esc! to return to the Add Update Menu. Scenario #2 You may have noticed that one of the titles in the data base, "Flying : principles of flight," is misspelled as "Flying : principes of flight." We will correct it now. 1. Type a``4``to Update/Remove Titles. The first book title in alphabetical order will appear on the screen. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update/Delete Titles ** Barcode # 187 ISBN Number0-06-080505-6 TitleAccidents will happen________ Call# Auth621.48 Environmental TOTAL CIRCULATONS: 0 Price14.25_ SINCE LAST REPORT: 0 Circ PeriodR Category 12_ Special Funding Category 2__ Title Is In N) Next Title E) Edit This Title D) Delete This Title L) Last Title S) Search For Title C) Change Barcode # Type an``S`ito initiate a title search. A line will appear for entering the title. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update/Delete Titles ** Barcode # 187 ISBN Number0-06-080505-6 TitleAccidents will happen________ Call# Auth621.48 Environmental TOTAL CIRCULATONS: 0 Price14.25_ SINCE LAST REPORT: 0 Circ PeriodR Category 12_ Special Funding Category 2__ Title Is In Enter Title:________________ 3.Type``and press @Return!. The record with the misspelling will appear. 4.Type``E``to edit the record. 5.Press @Return! to move to the Title field. 6.Backspace until the cursor is over the "e" in "principes." 7.To insert the missing letter, hold down the @Open Apple! key while you type an` `(i). (Release both keys.) This puts you in the "insert mode." Then type the missing letter:` . As soon as the word is correct, you can press the up arrow to end the editing. 8.If you wish, scroll through some of the title records by using the N and L commands. 9.Press @Esc! to return to the Add Update Menu. UPDATE/REMOVE FINES You have already practiced editing fines from the Check Out Books screen. This is simply another approach to the fine editing functions. If it is your practice to print one of 's fine lists and mark off fines as they are paid, then bring the list to the computer and remove all paid fines at one time, you will probably prefer to edit the fines in this mode (from the Add/Update Menu). On the other hand, if you remove each fine as soon as it is paid, you will probably do it from the Check Out Books screen. Once you have entered the barcode number of the patron, a fine screen identical to the one you worked with in Tutorial #6 will appear. Fines are edited in the same way. REMOVE A RESERVE FROM A PATRON The program will automatically remove a reserve from a patron when the reserve book is checked out by the patron holding the reserve. It will also automatically remove the reserve if the date typed in as Today's Date (when the system is booted up) is past the Reserve Expiration Date. You will remember that when a patron reserves a book, the system asks for a date past which the patron no longer wants the book. The reserves are also kept in the order in which they were entered. There are occasions, however, when you might wish to manually remove a reserve, perhaps if a patron moves or tells you s/he got the item elsewhere. To do so, you will need to know the barcode number of the patron. You have already seen how to do a search from the check-out screen. You can, therefore, quickly pull up the barcode number of any patron. Afer entering the barcode number of the patron, all reserves which that patron holds will be listed on the screen. As with fines, each reserve will be assigned a number beginning with the number '1'. You may selectively delete any of the reserves. TUTORIAL #8 In this tutorial you will remove a reserve. 1.At the Add Update Menu type a``6``to select the option to Remove A Reserve From A Patron. The following screen will appear: CIRCULATION PLUS** Delete A Reserve ** Enter Patron # ____ 2.Type` `and press @Return!. A list of the items on reserve for patron #49, Carrie May, will appear. CIRCULATION PLUS** Delete A Reserve ** : # : Titles On Reserve For Carrie May : 1The outsiders Enter # To Delete, Or Press @RETURN! To Continue: ___ 3.Type a``1``and press @Return!. This removes the reserve from The outsiders. 4.Press @Esc! twice to return to the Main Menu. It will be necessary to flip back to the Demo.Program. REMOVE PATRONS BY YEAR This feature is especially helpful in schools where the librarian would want to remove all the students from the last graduating class after they leave. You do not have to do so. You might wish to retain these names for another year if some of these students have outstanding bills. Since the system will hold 8,000 (or 15,000) names, in most schools it could easily hold more than four classes at the same time. After you select Option 7: REMOVE PATRONS BY YEAR, the system expects you to type a two-digit number indicating a graduating year. For example, freshmen who entered high school in 1985 will have 89 as their graduation year. Once you have indicated the graduating year, the screen will ask you if you are sure. This will ensure against accidental deletions. If you press "Y", the program will look through all the records, deleting all patrons whose years of graduation match the one you've typed in. CIRCULATION PLUS ** Remove Patrons By Year ** Enter The Year You Wish To Remove (0-99):