VI. CHECKING ITEMS OUT --`ADDITIONAL COMMANDS`-- In Tutorial #2 you checked books out. That tutorial provided practice in only the simplest of the functions that are available from the Check Out/Renew Books option. Because the Check Out Books screen will be on the monitor most of each day, a number of very powerful functions are available from it. Therefore, you do not have to exit and go to another menu or a different part of the program to do tasks related to check-outs. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # Commands: (S) Search```(R) Renew```(B) Backup```(X) Backup Switch ON (13) Directly from this Check Out Books screen you can: --- Access any patron by name --- List all books currently checked out by a patron --- Access any books by title to determine if they are in or checked out --- Renew books with a single keystroke --- Search books or patrons by partial alphabetical match --- Reserve books --- Assign a different due date for a particular item These new commands can be accessed when the cursor is in either the patron field or the title field. The search command is identical in both fields. On the pages that follow, each option is explained in detail. Then Tutorial #6 will show you how the commands are used. FROM THE PATRON FIELD Four commands are listed at the bottom of the screen when the cursor is in the patron field. These correspond to the four different functions possible from this field. The command line reads: CMD:` (S) Search```(R) Renew```(B) Backup```(X) Backup Switch ON (13) S Command When the cursor is in the patron field, you may search and expand on any name in the file by typing an "S." CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # s Commands:`` (S) Search`` (R) Renew`` (B) Backup`` (X) Backup Switch ON (13) The S command is more than a simple search for a match. It allows you to search not only on an exact match but also on a partial match. When you type "S" (it does not matter if you use lower case or capital letters for any of these commands), the screen immediately asks you to type in the person's last name, followed by a comma, then the first name. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # s Enter Patron Name (Last, First): _________ You can type both the last and first names for an exact match, but it is not necesssary to enter the full name. The last name is usually sufficient. There are times when you know only the person's last name and nothing more. And you may not even know for sure how to spell it. If, for example, the person's name is Clark and you are not sure if it's spelled with or without a final "e", you may type just "Clark" and will bring to the screen the closest match, followed by the next ten names. This is called a "partial match." It is one of the most powerful tools of . This command is especially useful in public libraries where for some reason the patron does not have his library card. Typing in just part of his name quickly brings to the screen the patron's full name and barcode number. You then can access the patron's file. Displayed on the screen will be the patron's Barcode #, Name, School Year and Special Location, plus totals for his cumulative circulations, items now out, items currently overdue, and items on reserve. With this information, you should easily be able to pick the name of the patron you want. Following the search, you will have three options. You may press @Return! to continue to the next alphabetical group, press "S" to initiate a different search, or press @Esc! to exit. Pressing @Esc! returns the cursor to the patron number line, but the results of the search remain on the screen so that the person's number for which you have been searching can be typed in from the alphabetical listing. R Command This command allows you to renew books without first reading in the barcode number of the patron. With the cursor flashing in the patron field, type an "R" (or "r"). CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # r Commands:`` (S) Search`` (R) Renew`` (B) Backup`` (X) Backup Switch ON (13) The following screen will appear: CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Enter Title # To Renew: Usually when a patron wishes to renew a book, he will bring the book to the circulation desk, hand the book to the person at the charging desk, and ask to renew the item. In such circumstances, typing "R" will tell the computer to bypass the regular procedure of inputting first the patron's barcode number and the barcode number of the book. Since the computer knows at all times who has what book, telling it to "renew" a particular book also specifies that the renewal will be attached to the proper person. Renewal is a simple matter of brushing the barcode scanner over the barcode of the book in hand. The item is instantly renewed. It is also possible to type in the number. Data for the borrower and the title appear on the screen as the item is renewed. After the item is renewed, the cursor returns to the renewal field in case the same person has more than one book to renew. Simply press @Esc! to return to the Patron # field. What if a patron wants to renew a book but has left the book at home? First, read in the barcode number of the patron. With the cursor in the title field, type "L" to list the books checked out to that patron. (The L Command is discussed on pages 49-50.) Press @Esc! to return the cursor to the title field. The books and their barcode numbers will remain on the screen. Enter the barcode number of the appropriate book and press @Return!. In this case, you would be checking the book out again rather than invoking the automatic renew function. If you don't have the book in hand, this is quicker. B Command requires not only a hard disk drive but also one floppy disk drive. Whenever is running, a special floppy disk is always in drive 1 (drive A for IBM users). If there is some malfunction, an electrical surge, or power outage that jumbles the data on the hard disk drive, the floppy disk in drive 1 will be used to rebuild the hard disk data. Let's assume that on the Change System Options screen you have selected the number 25 as the "Actions Before Auto Backup." There is a counter to the far right on the command line. This counter registers the transactions. Every time you check twenty-five books out or in, the counter registers twenty-five and the system automatically pauses and writes those last twenty-five transactions out to the floppy disk as a backup. This will happen even if you're in the middle of checking out many items to the same person. The amount of time it will take depends on how many transactions you are backing up at one time (backing up 50 transactions takes about 15 seconds). The command B bypasses the automatic backup and tells the computer to back up the transactions immediately. Librarians know that check-outs come in spurts. During a lull between check-outs, therefore, it's useful to employ the B command to bring the register down to zero and thereby eliminate any pause during the next busy spurt. Since this Demo/Tutorial is not using a hard disk drive, this function is inactive. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # b Commands:`` (S) Search`` (R) Renew`` (B) Backup`` (X) Backup Switch ON (13) X Command The X command is also part of the backup system. It allows you to temporarily turn off the automatic backup. If you are very busy and you can see that the next few check-outs or check-ins will take you past transaction number 25 (or whatever you have entered on the Change System Options screen as the "Maximum Before Auto Backup"), you may turn off the automatic backup and finish the series of transactions without interruption. Pressing "X" turns it off; pressing "X" again turns it back on. When you turn it back on, the system will do the backup onto the floppy disk immediately (if you have surpassed the number of transactions set as your Maximum Before Auto Backup). This, again, helps you to handle those busy periods without interruptions. Like the B command, this command is inactive on the floppy Demo/Tutorial. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # x Commands:`` (S) Search`` (R) Renew`` (B) Backup`` (X) Backup Switch ON (13) FROM THE TITLE FIELD Whenever the cursor is in the title field, a different set of five commands appears at the bottom: CMD:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine```(D) Date On the pages that follow, each option is explained in detail. S Command from the Title Field The S command is similar to the search command at the patron level. It allows you to search titles by full title or partial match. Type an "S" (or lower case "s") and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Enter Title # s Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date A new line appears immediately asking you to type in the title (or the first part of a title) of a book you wish to find. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Book Title: __________________ After you type the title and press @Return!, the monitor will display the closest match, followed by the next ten titles in alphabetical order. The listing not only gives you the Title and Call Number Author, but also the Barcode #, the Status (out, missing in inventory, "paid book," etc.), and the number of Reserves on the book. The status column is a quick way to determine whether a particular book is already checked out. Knowing the barcode number of the book will help you if you wish to reserve it for a patron. Frequently, multiple copies of the same popular title will be displayed on the screen. Looking at the last number opposite the title (R=002) will tell you how many reserves are on that copy of the book. This will permit you to put the next reserve on the copy with the least number of reserves on it. The call number allows you to send the student to the correct shelf to find the book being sought when the status column indicates that it is not checked out. Following the search, you will have four options. The V (View) command is explained below. You may press @Return! to continue to the next alphabetical group, press "S" to initiate a different search, or press @Esc! to exit. Pressing @Esc! returns the cursor to the title number line, but the results of the search remain on the screen so that the item's number for which you have been searching can be typed in from the alphabetical listing. V Command from the Title Field One of the special features found in is the use of windows. A window allows the user to expand on the information currently being displayed on the screen. After the titles are displayed following a search, the cursor returns to the Title # field. The V command allows you to view (to see) a window telling who has a particular book, when it is due, and if there are any reserves on it. This is one of the most powerful and useful commands from this screen. After typing "V" and pressing @Return!, you must enter the barcode number of the book you wish to view. If you have just completed a search, the barcode number appears immediately to the left of the title. Typing in the barcode number and pressing @Return! will create a window on the screen; within the window is the full book information. The view command will display: TITLE CALL# AUTHOR DUE DATE FOR THE BOOK PATRON WHO HAS THE BOOK SPECIAL LOCATION OF PATRON SECONDARY ID# OF THE PATRON NEXT PATRON WITH THIS BOOK ON RESERVE (NAME AND BARCODE #) When the view window is visible, a line is available at the bottom of the screen to type the number of the next title you wish to view. Pressing @Esc! will remove that line and the window and bring the cursor back to the title field. L Command from the Title Field The L command allows you to list all items checked out to the person whose name is currently in the patron field. It will list not only the books presently out but also those that have been returned but for which fines are still owed. It will also list the books this patron has reserved. This command is very helpful if the system holds a patron who has outstanding overdues and the patron wants to know exactly what he still has out. The line displays the Barcode #, the item's Title, Price, Due Date or Fine amount (or Reserve Expiration Date), and the Status. The Price is handy when patrons admit to losing a book and want to know quickly how much the book costs. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 4 Enter Title # l Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date If you would like to hand a copy of this list to the patron, simply do a screen dump while the list is on the screen. On the Apple, press @Control! ` ; on the IBM, press the @PRT SCN! key while holding down the Shift Key. Since I cannot do a search for a specific title until the cursor is in the title field, how do I put the cursor in the title field if I don't really want to check any books out to anyone? Putting the cursor in the title field does not automatically check an item out to someone, but it does allow you to search for a specific title. You should assign a barcode number to yourself (a low one that's easily memorized). Whenever you wish to search for a title, type your barcode number in the patron field and press @Return!. This will place the cursor in the title field from which you can conduct a search. R Command from the Title Field The R command allows you to put a reserve on any book currently checked out. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 4 Enter Title # r Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date If you try to reserve a book that is still on the shelf, the system will tell you that the book is available. You may reserve a book by barcode number only. The barcode number, however, is easily determined by first doing a search (the S command) on the title. The information found during a search will stay on the screen so that you need not even copy it down. After you type "R" in the field and press @Return!, the screen will ask you for the book number. The title is shown and you are asked to enter a Reserve Expiration Date. This is the date past which the patron no longer wants the book. If the patron does not receive the book by that date, the reserve will automatically be deleted and the next reserve on that item will be moved up. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Enter Book Number To Reserve: 00189_ Enter Reserve Expiration Date: ___ Reserve: A farewell to arms F Command from the Title Field The F command is used to edit fines from the Check Out/Renew mode for the person whose name is shown on the screen. After you type the "F" and hit @Return!, a screen listing all of that person's outstanding fines will appear, and each will be assigned a number, beginning with the number 1. You will be asked whether you wish to remove or update one of the fines that is shown or whether you wish to add a fine. If you choose to remove or update, you will be asked the number of the fine record you wish to change. If you are removing a fine, you will also be given the opportunity to remove all fines with one command. If you wish to add a fine, you will be asked for the item's barcode number, its date due, the date it was returned, and the amount of the fine. (Usually fines are added automatically when an overdue item is returned.) The Next Fine and Last Fine commands are used to move from screen to screen when a patron has more than one screen full of fines. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 4 Enter Title # f Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date D Command from the Title Field The D command is a special date function that allows you to attach a special due date to any circulating item in the collection at the time it is checked out. This is especially convenient when handling items on special reserve. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 4 Enter Title # d Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date If you type "D" in the title field and press @Return!, the screen will ask for a password. This is so unauthorized people cannot put special dates on check-outs. Next the screen will prompt for the due date. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 4 Enter Due Date: Enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format and press @Return!. The cursor will appear in the Title # field, and the special date you have entered will be displayed on the right side of the screen. The barcode number should be typed (or read with the barcode scanner). The item will be checked out with the special date you have entered. The due date will remain the same for the rest of this person's transactions unless you re-read the patron's barcode number or select "D" to change the date due again. The date will return to normal when you return the cursor to the Patron # field. CHECK OUT SCREEN COMMANDS --`A Summary`-- With the Cursor in the PATRON FIELD: Search any patron by last name R:Renews a book B:Manually backs up the transactions to floppy disks X:Temporarily turns off the automatic backup With the Cursor in the TITLE FIELD: Search any title V:After a search, shows patron who has a specific book L:Lists current check-outs, fines, and reserves for patron whose name is on the screen R:Reserves a book to the patron whose name is on the screen F:Allows a person's fine record to be edited D:Turns present due date off and allows any due date to be attached to that check-out These nine commands, all accessible from the entry screen through a single keystroke, add a new and powerful dimension to the check-out screen. They allow you to access any book or patron record directly and to do so within seconds. They permit searches on full or partial matches, and they make renewals, fine editing, and special due dates fast, easy, and efficient. WINDOWS IN CIRCULATION PLUS One of the enhanced features found in the latest versions of ` is the use of windows. A window allows the user to expand on the information currently being displayed on the screen. As we have already seen, the Check Out/Renew program of` uses a window to allow you to view` information about the status of any book found in the data base. OTHER WINDOWS: APPLE System Status window: It is also possible to view the System Status (the number of books checked out, the number of overdue books, etc.) in a window. On the Apple IIe, any time you can see the cursor on the screen, this window can be activated by pressing the @Closed Apple! key located to the right of the space bar. Pressing the @Closed Apple! key a second` time removes the window. Version window: A third window can be viewed if the System Status window is active. On the Apple IIe the @Open Apple! key is pressed to reveal a window that tells the user the program version` of software being used. This window automatically clears itself from the screen after a few seconds. OTHER WINDOWS: IBM On the IBM the function keys (F2-F10) are used to activate windows. The windows are available from any point in the program. To remove a window, press the same function key again or press @Esc!. More than one window may be displayed at the same time. The latest one requested will be "on top." Re-requesting one of the windows that is covered by pressing its function key again will remove all windows that overlay it. Pressing @Esc! when more than one window is present will remove the "top one." (The top one can also be removed by pressing its function key a second time.) The function keys and the windows they reveal are: F2 = Patron Search Window F4 = Title Search Window These two windows operate in the same way. As soon as you select the window, you are asked for the last name of the patron or the first word of the title you wish to search for. (The entire name or title could be typed if you preferred to narrow the search.) After you type your search field and press @Enter!, the first entry that matches or follows it will appear, followed by the next eight names or titles alphabetically. There are five commands you can press at this point: @PgDn! displays the next page of nine names or titles. @PgUp! displays the previous page of nine names or titles. The up arrow (Cursor Up key) moves the display upward one line. The down arrow (Cursor Down key) moves the display downward one line. Typing an 'S' allows you to initiate a different search. F6 = Version Window This window tells the user the program version` of software being used. F8 = Date/Due Dates Window This window displays Today's Date and each of the current due dates. F10= System Status Window This window reveals the System Status (the number of books checked out, the number of overdue books, etc.). TUTORIAL #6 In this tutorial you will practice using the additional commands that are available from the Check Out Books screen. You must imagine a series of typical patrons approaching the circulation desk. Each one of them will require you to do something more than just check a book out. Scenario #1: Search (Patrons) and List A young man approaches the desk and tells you that he's moving and wants you to sign his release form. He also tells you that he's lost his library card and that he has no idea what his barcode number is. He tells you his name is Jim Noland. You must first establish his barcode number. 1.From the Main Menu, type a``1``to select the Check Out/Renew Books option. The Check Out Books screen will appear, and the cursor will be in the Patron # field. 2.Type``S``in the the patron field and press @Return!. This will allow you to search on the patron's name to quickly find his barcode number. 3.Type``and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # s Enter Patron Name (Last, First): noland_______ The system lists the closest match followed by the next ten names. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # s Patron Name: YR : Spc. Location : C/C : T# #O : R : 33Noland, Jim86213/5 2--- 6Noland, Vashti87213/3 0--- 34O'Shea, Lisa87108/5 0--- 50Odom, Kay88110/5 0--- 35Parsons, Gina89117/4 0--- 36Perez, Apolinar86111/2 0--- 37Quackenbush, Geraldine87118/1 0--- 38Rhodes, Imelda88125/3 0--- 39Richardson, Jaime89119/1 0--- 40Saunders, Maria86110/3 0--- 41Smith, Michael87111/2 0--- @RETURN! To Continue @S! To Search Again @ESC! To Exit 4.Now you can see that Jim's barcode number is 33. Press @Esc! to take the cursor back up to the patron field. 5.Type` `and press @Return!. The computer beeps and shows you that he has two books out and that both of them are overdue. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00033 Noland, Jim (86) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 2 Books Out: 2 Enter Password: 6.To continue, you must enter a password. In this case, since we did not specify one, press @Return!. You can see that if you choose to employ a password system, it puts an automatic hold on all patrons with outstanding overdues (and fines). This means that your aides will not be able to continue to check out to students with overdues or fines unless they (or you) type in a password. 7.At this point, Jim Noland asks what books he has out. With the cursor in the title field, press``L``(or lower case "l") and press @Return!. The screen now shows you all the books currently checked out to Jim Noland. It would also show you those not yet overdue and any returned books with outstanding fines. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00033 Noland, Jim (86) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 2 Books Out: 2 Titles : Price : Due Date : Status : 157Japan yesterday and today Mar 21, 1986 O/Due 155Nutrition and physical fitness Mar 21, 1986O/Due ** End of list, Press any key to continue ** 8.If you have a printer, press @Control!``D` `(Apple) or Shift Key and @PRT SCN! (IBM) to print a copy of this screen to hand to the patron. 9.Press @Esc! to return the cursor to the Patron # line. Scenario #2: Renew, Search (Titles), and Reserve Maria Saunders comes to the desk with a book not yet overdue but she would like to renew it. The title of the book is Cannery Row. 1.Type``R``for Renew and press @Return!. 2.When asked for the title number, type``174` `and press @Return!. When actually using , you will be using a barcode reader and you'll simply run it across the book's barcode label. 3.When the renewal has been completed, press @Esc! to return to the Patron # field. Maria now tells you that she would like to reserve a book. She hands you her library card and the barcode number is 40. 4.Type` `and press @Return!. Maria tells you that she's not sure of the title of the book she wishes to reserve, but she thinks that it starts with "Mirror, Mirror...". 5.We will use the S (search) command in the title field to search for the title. Type``S``and press @Return!. 6.When asked for the title, type``mirror, mirror``and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Book Title: mirror, mirror________ The monitor will display the closest match followed by the next ten titles. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 : BC# : Title: CALL # : Status : 169Mirror, mirror on the wall613.2 HauserBook Is Out 181Modern American secret agents364.13 Army 151More Basic computer games001.64 Ahl 177The nibbling diet 613.2 Engleba 166Nutrition612.39 Chaney 155Nutrition and physical fitness613 Bogart R=002Book Is Out 195On heroes and hero worship398.2 Carlyle Book Is Out 180The outsidersFic HintonR=001 Book Is Out 167The population bomb301.3 Ehrlich 200 339.4 Hunter Book Is Out 165Practical shop math made easy684.08 Burke @RETURN! Continue``@S! Search Again``@V! View Title`` @ESC! Exit 7.You can see on the screen the book Maria wishes to reserve. Its barcode number is 169. Press @Esc! to end the search. 8.With the cursor in the Title # field, type`` R``and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Enter Title # r__ 169Mirror, mirror on the wall613.2 HauserBook Is Out 181Modern American secret agents364.13 Army 151More Basic computer games001.64 Ahl 177The nibbling diet 613.2 Engleba 166Nutrition612.39 Chaney 155Nutrition and physical fitness613 BogartR=002 Book Is Out 195On heroes and hero worship398.2 Carlyle Book Is Out 180The outsidersFic HintonR=001Book Is Out 167The population bomb301.3 Ehrlich 200Poverty 339.4 Hunter Book Is Out 165Practical shop math made easy684.08 Burke Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date 9.Now the screen asks for the barcode number of the book to be reserved. Type` `and press @Return!. You'll notice that everything found during a search stayed on the screen so that you could use it for the task at hand. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Enter Book Number To Reserve: 169__ 169Mirror, mirror on the wall613.2 HauserBook Is Out 181Modern American secret agents364.13 Army 151More Basic computer games001.64 Ahl 177The nibbling diet 613.2 Engleba 166Nutrition612.39 Chaney 155Nutrition and physical fitness613 Bogart R=002Book Is Out 195On heroes and hero worship398.2 Carlyle Book Is Out 180The outsidersFic HintonR=001 Book Is Out 167The population bomb301.3 Ehrlich 200Poverty 339.4 Hunter Book Is Out 165Practical shop math made easy684.08 Burke 10.Now you are asked for the Reserve Expiration Date, the date past which the patron no longer wants the book. Enter ` 05/15/86``and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00040 Saunders, Maria (86) Fines: None Exp Date: None`Overdues: 0` Books Out: 4 Enter Book Number To Reserve: 00169_ Enter Reserve Expiration Date: 05/15/86 Reserve: Mirror, mirror on the wall 11.When the cursor returns to the Title # field, the reserve has been recorded. Press @Esc! to bring the cursor back to the Patron # field. Scenario #3: Fines You are checking out books when Eric Edwards approaches the desk and says that he wishes to pay a fine. Eric's barcode number is 15. 1.Type` `and press @Return!. 2.Because Eric has fines, the password is required. Press @Return!. 3.With the cursor in the Title # field, type``F` `and press @Return!. The Demo.Print program is required. Then the three fines that Eric owes will appear on the screen. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update Fines ** : # : List Of Fines On Eric Edwards : Fines : The population bomb$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) 2Tall tale America$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) 3Treasure Island$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) Enter COMMAND Letter: R) Remove Fine``U) Update Fine``A) Add Fine``N) Next Fine``L) Last Fine 4.Eric has $1.00. He wants to pay the first two fines and pay $.20 on the third one. Type` `R``for "Remove Fine." 5.For the Fine # to be removed, type` . Do press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update Fines ** : # : List Of Fines On Eric Edwards : Fines : The population bomb$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) 2Tall tale America$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) 3Treasure Island$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) Enter Fine # To Be Removed, Or (A) For All Fines: 1 6.You will notice that the fines are renumbered when one is removed. The fine that was second is now number 1. Repeat the procedure to remove it. 7.Now only one fine remains. Type``U``for Update Fine. 8.The third fine is now number 1, so type a` . CIRCULATION PLUS** Update Fines ** : # : List Of Fines On Eric Edwards : Fines : 1Treasure Island$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) Enter Fine # To Be Updated: 1 9.The "old fine" is shown and you are asked to enter the "new fine." Type` `and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Update Fines ** : # : List Of Fines On Eric Edwards : Fines : 1Treasure Island$ 0.40 (Due: 03/18/86 - Returned: 03/28/86) Enter Fine # To Be Updated: 1 Old Amount= .4 Enter New Amount= .20__ 10.Press @Esc! to clear the fine record. The Demo.Program will be requested. Press @Esc! again to return the cursor to the Patron # field. Scenario #4: Special Dates Kay Odom comes to the desk with a book and a note from a teacher asking that she be allowed to check the book out for four weeks because of a special assignment. She hands you the book and her library card. She is patron #50 and the book is item #191. 1.Type` `and press @Return!. 2.On the Title # line, type``D``and press @Return!. This activates the special date function. 3.When asked for a password, press @Return!. 4.Four weeks from April 2 is April 30, so type`` 04/30/86``for the special due date. Press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00050 Odom, Kay (88) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 0 Enter Due Date: 04/30/86 5.The special date is shown to the right of the screen and the program now wants to know the book's number. Type `191` `and press @Return!. CIRCULATION PLUS** Check Out Books ** Patron # 00050 Odom, Kay (88) Fines: None`Exp Date: None Overdues: 0 Books Out: 0 Enter Title # 191_ SPECIAL DATE: 04/30/86 Commands:```(S) Search```(L) List```(R) Reserve```(F) Fine``` (D) Date 6.The book is checked out with the due date of 04/30/86. Press @Esc! twice to return to the Main Menu. You can see from these four scenarios that all the functions related to check-outs can be accessed quickly from this screen. You will have to practice a bit with all the commands before you can smoothly go from command to command. If ever you find yourself in a place you do not want to be, just press @Esc! as many times as it takes to get back to a menu.