IX. SYSTEM SETUP OPTIONS Selecting Option 5: SYSTEM SETUP OPTIONS from the Main Menu and entering the password will bring you to the Setup Menu. The choices on this menu allow you to customize some parts of `to your library. 1.``Change System Options 2.``Add/Change Category Types 3.``Add/Change Special Call # Abbreviations 4.``Update Last Report Date 5.``Add/Update Collection Counts 6.``Update Special Locations 7.``Change Wording On Notices 8.``Return To Main Menu Enter Option # CHANGE SYSTEM OPTIONS When Option 1: CHANGE SYSTEM OPTIONS is selected from the Setup Menu, the Change System Options screen appears with the cursor in the first field: Special Location. The letter 'Y' means "Yes"; that is, you want the field or function activated. The letter 'N' is "No" and turns the field or function off. If you wish to change the letter, type a 'Y' or an 'N'. If you press @Return!, the cursor will jump to the next field leaving the previous one unchanged. It is essential that you move through the entire Change System Options screen and indicate that you have completed it in order to have your options recorded. CIRCULATION PLUS ** Change System Options ** Special LocationY Print 'Parents Of' On Notices Y Address/PhoneY Print Titles On OverDue List Y Card Exp. DateY List By Location Page Breaks Y School YearY Title ISBN NumberY Maximum Books Per Patron 6 Title CategoriesY Actions Before Auto Backup25 System Collection %Y Number Of Temporary Items150 Report: N=LC Y=Dew.Y Enable FinesY Library Address 4506 Northwest Hwy. City, ST. ZipCrystal Lake , IL. 60014 Grace PeriodN Telephone # (815) 455-4660 Special Location` (Patron data) A "Y" puts this field on the patron entry screen. School librarians put a homeroom number in this field. Academic or special libraries might put in a room number, building, or department. Public libraries might not find this field useful. Address/Phone` (Patron data) This patron field is necessary if you plan to print notices to be mailed to homes. Card Exp. Date (Patron data) This is useful to public librarians. For school libraries graduating year is more useful. School Year` (Patron data) This field is necessary if you wish to delete students by graduation year. Title ISBN Number` (Title data) If for any reason you do not wish to enter ISBN or LCCN numbers for your items, this field can be removed from the title entry screen. (Keep in mind that these numbers can be used at a later date to transform your circulation record to a full bibliographic record for Catalog Plus ,`the FOLLETT on-line catalog that is under development. is slated to be available for integration with your `system in 1987.) Title Categories` (Title data) An 'N' here removes the Category Type fields from the title entry screen. System Collection% Leaving this option on indicates that you want the Collection % column on reports to be based on the actual count of the items entered into the system in each call number group. Saying "No" instructs the program to instead use the counts you entered for each classification using the Add/Update Collection Counts option, which will be explained later in this section. Report: N=LC Y=Dew A "Y" in this field indicates that your library is classified with the Dewey decimal system, while an "N" means that the collection's call numbers are based on the Library of Congress classification system. Enable Fines If you do not charge fines, you may wish to turn off this function. Then when overdue books are checked in, the program will not pause for you to accept or change the fine. Grace Period With no Grace Period, all books are marked overdue if their due date is before the date you enter as Today's Date. If you activate the Grace Period, the system will allow you to use a date other than Today's Date as the Overdue Date. In this way you can give your patrons a few days' grace. The check-out routine will not hold a patron, then, if he has a book only a day or two overdue, nor will a fine be charged if the item is brought back within the Grace Period. This then is what the opening screen will look like if you activate the Grace Period: CIRCULATION PLUS** Overdue Start-Up ** Enter Today's Date:Wed Apr 2, 1986 Enter Overdue Date:Wed Mar 26, 1986 Are The Above Date/s Correct. (Y/N) Print 'Parents Of' On Notices This allows the words 'Parents Of' to be printed above the patron's name on Mailing Notices addressed to the home address. Print Titles On OverDue List Often school media centers wish to post lists of overdue items but, particularly in high schools, the titles reflect sensitive subject matter that should not be displayed publicly. In fact, some states have enacted strict right-to-privacy guidelines. If you select "No," the overdue items on School Printout lists will be identified by barcode number only. No title will be printed. List By Location Page Breaks If in your library or media center there are only a few overdue items in each homeroom, you may want to place an 'N' in this field so a full page of paper will not be used for each homeroom list. Maximum Books Per Patron This is the number of books a patron can have checked out (not necessarily overdue) before the system requires a password. The password is all that is required in order to allow check-outs to the person. The largest number that is accepted in this field is 175. By using the password, a maximum of 200 items can be checked out to a patron. Actions Before Auto Backup This is the number of transactions which will take place at the circulation desk before the automatic backup of transactions onto the Daily Disk is activated. (Earlier you learned how to override this backup at any time, either doing it sooner or delaying it, according to circulation desk traffic.) Number Of Temporary Items Indicate in this field how many numbers, beginning with item barcode number 1, you wish to reserve to be used for Temporary Items. This can be a number from 1 to 999. Library Address This is the street address of your library. It is used in the return address on Mailing Notices. City/ST. Zip This is the remainder of your library address. What you enter here become the default values on the patron entry screen if you have the Address/Phone field activated. Telephone # This is the telephone number of your library. The area code becomes the default value for area code in the Phone Number field on the patron entry screen. After pressing @Return! in the Telephone # field, you will be asked "Are These Entries Correct (Y/N)?" If you respond with an "N," the cursor will return to the first field, and you must move through each line again. If you respond with a "Y," you will be asked whether you wish to change the Calendar. The Calendar is explained on the pages that follow. TUTORIAL #9 In this tutorial you will change several options on the Change System Options screen. 1.At the Main Menu type a``5``to select System Setup Options. 2.Press @Return! when asked for a password. You will be asked to use the Demo.Print disk for these options. 3.From the Setup Menu, select``1``Change System Options. 4.Press @Return! 10 times to move to the 'Parents Of' option. 5.Type an``N``to turn off the option. 6.Press @Return! twice to move to the 'Maximum Books' option. 7.Press the back arrow or @Delete! once to move to the first space in the field. 8.Type` ` and press @Return!. 9.Use the same method to change the 'Actions Before Auto Backup' to 30. 10.Also change the Library Address, City, ST, Zip, and Telephone # to the address and phone number for your library. 11.When asked whether the screen is correct, type` `Y` . 12.Type``Y``again when asked whether you wish to change the Calendar. THE CALENDAR 's Calendar, once entered, allows all date due and fine calculation to be performed automatically by the system. It is essential that you move through the entire Calendar screen in order to have your options recorded. CIRCULATION PLUS ** Change System Options ** Regular Circ. Period Fine: 0.05_ # Of Days For Grace Period__ Overnight Circ. Period Fine: 0.50_ Max. Fine To Be Charged 3.00 Circulation Period #2 _ Fine: 0.00_ CURRENT YEAR 86 Circulation Period #3 _ Fine: 0.00_ Circulation Period #4 _ Fine: 0.00_ Are You Open On Saturdays N Faculty Due Date ` Are You Open On Sundays N ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Circulation Periods Enter here the number of days` books in each circulation group may be checked out before they become overdue. This should be the number of days that the library is ; i.e., if you are indicating that you are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, a 2-week loan period will be only 10 working days. It is not necessary to use all of the possible Circulation Periods. However, it is advisable to have a date assigned for any Circulation Period that you have entered with an item's record on the data entry screen. "R" on a book's record indicates items that will receive the Regular Circulation Period; "1" represents the Overnight Circulation Period. As you specify each loan period, indicate the amount per day that is charged for fines for the items in that group. Faculty Due DateMany school libraries check materials out to faculty members on a semester basis. This option allows you to indicate that all items checked out to a person whose "Patron Type" is "F" should be given the Faculty Due Date. The date you wish to use for those items should be entered here in a MM/DD/YY format. For items checked out to a faculty member, this date due will override the Circulation Period entered on the book's record. (Of course, as with all transactions, the D Command can be used to alter the date due.) If you do not use a Faculty Due Date, this field will read 00/00/00 and the Circulation Period fields assigned to items (R, 1, 2, 3, or 4) will be used for faculty members as well as students. Grace Period If you have indicated on the Change System Options screen that you wish to use a Grace Period, you should enter here the number of days of leniency you wish to grant. Maximum Fine Also indicate in the third column the maximum fine you would wish to charge for an overdue item. If you use fines, it is essential that a maximum be entered. It can be any amount up to $99.99. Current Year Enter here the last two digits of the current year. As you can surmise, this is necessary in order for the system to display the day of the week with the dates it displays when you are entering the system each day (Mon Jan 06, 1986) and to allow correct leap year calculations. Are You Open On Saturday/Sunday Indicate with a 'Y' or an 'N' whether you are open on Saturdays and whether you are open on Sundays. The system will use this information in calculating dates to be used as due dates and in calculating fines. Vacation Days Forty-eight lines are available for entering other dates on which your library will be or has been closed, such as 01/01, 07/04, and 12/25. After you have entered the date in the MM/DD format and pressed @Return!, the system converts the screen display to Jan 01, Jul 04, and Dec 25. When you press @Return! in a field instead of entering a date, the assumption will be made that your list is complete and you will be returned to the Setup Menu. You can add dates to this list at any time. Remember: It is essential that you move through the entire Calendar screen in order to have your options recorded. TUTORIAL #10 In this tutorial you will change several options on the Calendar screen. You will move through the screen and edit it in the same way the Change System Options screen was edited. 1.Change the Overnight Circulation Period's Fine to . 2.Change the Maximum Fine to` . 3.Add a vacation day of``05/26` @Return! in the first empty space in the first column of dates. 4.Press @Return! a second time to return to the Setup Menu. ADD/CHANGE CATEGORY TYPES It is this routine that permits you to designate the Category Types into which you can place some of your books for the purpose of statistical reports. This will allow you to generate reports by type. There are 254 possible types numbered from 2 to 255. Category Type #1 is reserved by the system for displaying the statistics for Temporary Items. Adding Category Types is a simple process. After you select this option, a space is provided for entering the number you plan to use for items of one type. It may be any number between 2 and 255. After you have typed the number and pressed @Return!, two additional lines appear. The first (Old Name:) will show the name that is already on that number if one has been entered earlier. Otherwise, nothing will appear as Old Name. The cursor will appear on the next line (Change The Name:). If the number has not been used, the cursor appears at the beginning of a blank line. If it has been used previously, the cursor is at the end of the name. Use the left arrow to move back to the place where you wish to make changes. Twenty spaces are available for the name of each Category Type. We are often asked how these Category Types should be used. They can be used to group any items for which you would like statistical information. You may wish to code all items purchased with certain funding or all items written in the same foreign language. And the Category Type is often used to bring fiction, non-fiction, and media on the same subject together on one list (Report By Category Number). Libraries that are using more than 5 alphabetical call number designations often use Category Types for those that did not fit on their list of Special Call # Abbreviations. The Demo/Tutorial contains the following assigned Category Types: 1 - Temporary Items 2 - Special Funding 3 - Mathematics 4 - Nutrition and Diet 5 - Computer Software TUTORIAL #11 In this tutorial we will add a Category Type. 1.From the Setup Menu, select``2``to Add/Change Category Types. 2.Enter``6` @Return! foriii the Category Number. 3.No old name will be shown. For the new name type `Spanish` `Language` and press @Return!. 4.Press @Esc! to return to the Setup Menu. We will do no tutorials for the next three options because changes to them could have far-reaching effects. ADD/CHANGE SPECIAL CALL # ABBREVIATIONS The Dewey divisions (001-999) or LC divisions (A-ZZ) are already in the program. The abbreviations for the other call numbers must be set by you since there are no universal designations. We have included the following on the DEMO/TUTORIAL: - Fiction - Reference - Story Collection - Nonprint - Biography If these abbreviations begin the Call# Author field, they are automatically tabulated when an item is entered and circulated. If your abbreviations are different, you must change these before entering information on the hard disk. Any items beginning with a different alphabetical prefix will be included statistically in a "catch-all" group called "Other." These items-- which fall into neither Dewey divisions nor these five Special Call # Abbreviations-- can be tabulated through the use of Category Types. The prefix 'NP' is often used by libraries that have a multitude of call numbers for audio-visual materials and equipment. It is placed before each A-V call number. Then the Dewey report gives statistics for the audio-visual materials in total, and Category Types are used to break the figures down for specific groups. UPDATE LAST REPORT DATE This function allows you to set the counters for circulations "Since Last Report" back to zero. It establishes the beginning date for the column 'SINCE LAST REPORT' (sometimes labeled 'LR#' or 'S.L.R.'). You would probably do this only at the end of each calendar or school year. Or it could be used to compare first semester circulation statistics to those for the second semester. In installing you are required to establish the first report date. Until you use this option again (at the end of the first year or first semester or whenever you decide), the Total Circulations and the Since Last Report Circulations will be the same. After you print an annual or semiannual report, use this option to reset the Last Report Date and turn its statistical column back to zero. ADD/UPDATE COLLECTION COUNTS The numbers entered in this option are used only if the Change System Options screen option, 'Collection%' has been changed to 'N' for "No." This option is useful only during the time you are setting up the system. You will notice that on all reports of circulation there is a column that tells you how the number of circulations compares to that percent of the collection. The ratio between the percent of circulation and percent of the collection is an important one. For example, if your biographies account for 5% of your collection but account for 14% of your circulation, it might suggest that more biographies need to be purchased. If you barcode all the books in your library before you begin circulating them, the statistics will be accurate. If you barcode the books on the run, then you may turn off the Collection % on the Change System Options screen and tell the computer how many items in each Dewey or LC division you have. For example, you might tell the system that you have 2286 books in the 800's, even if you have barcoded only 700 of them. Inputting the correct collection counts will then make the last column in the statistical report and the percentages accurate. You will not yet have all the books in the system, but you will have the number of books in the system. These numbers should only be used while you are installing . Once all your items have been entered into the system, use the actual counts for total accuracy. To do so, simply return to the Change System Options screen and change System Collection% to 'Y.' UPDATE SPECIAL LOCATIONS In a typical school situation students change classes, sometimes frequently. This choice allows you to quickly change any student's location without having to go through all the fields in the Update/Delete Patrons routine. After you choose this option, a space is provided for typing the barcode number of the patron. Type the number and press @Return!. (It would also be possible to scan the patron barcode.) The Name and Special Location stored for that number is displayed along with a line for typing the Special Location for the person. As soon as you type the Special Location and press @Return!, the change is recorded and the system prepares to receive the next person's barcode number. There is another approach to this option that allows entering the patron's name instead of his barcode number. From the Main Menu press @Control! . Then you will be asked to type the name. The person's current Special Location will be shown and a place will be provided for typing in the new one. TUTORIAL #12 In this tutorial you will change one patron's Special Location. 1.From the Setup Menu, select `6 `to Update Special Locations. 2.Enter @Return! for the patron's barcode number. 3.Enter `120/1 @Return! for the new Special Location. 4.Press @Esc! twice to return to the Main Menu. The Demo.Program will be required. CHANGE WORDING ON NOTICES If you prefer different wording on any of the Mailing Notices or School Printout overdues or bills, choose this option. The first screen that appears will display four different messages: those that appear on Bill Mailing Notices, Overdue Mailing Notices, Reserve Mailing Notices, and Expired Card Mailing Notices. After you press @Return! on each line, a second screen appears. The second screen displays the messages for School Printouts: those that appear on Bills, Overdues or Overnights, and Fines. 's editing commands can be used within any line. The spaces that are available are as shown on each line. Within the Mailing Notices, wherever "###-####" appears, the library's telephone number will be inserted. In the Expired Card message, where the "### ####" appears, the month and year the card expires will be inserted. The long series of #'s within the Reserve notice will contain the item's title. You may change the number of #'s to be used for the title, but they should not exceed the maximum length of the field: 45 characters. If you made a copy of the Demo.Program disk onto a notched disk, you can experiment with this option. If you attempt to use this option with the unnotched master Demo.Program disk that you received from us, you will receive a "write-protected" error message.