232,228,232 // 0 = black (background color #1) 240,236,240 // 1 = grey (background color #2) 255,0,0 // 2 = top of spec 219,0,36 // 3 182,0,73 // 4 146,0,109 // 5 109,0,146 // 6 73,0,182 // 7 36,0,219 // 8 0,0,255 // 9 0,0,255 // 10 = mid of spec 0,42,212 // 11 0,85,170 // 12 0,128,128 // 13 0,170,85 // 14 0,212,42 // 15 0,255,0 // 16 0,255,0 // 17 = bottom of spec 255,0,0 // 18 osc 1 (brightest) 128,64,96 // 19 osc 2 0,128,192 // 20 osc 3 0,192,96 // 21 osc 4 0,255,0 // 22 osc 5 (dimmest) 128,0,128 // 23 spectrum peaks Made by VisEditor from 4Q Software http://members.xoom.com/4qdownloads/frame.htm Programmed by sCud