#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" proc interface {} { wm title . "CDR Toaster - 1.08" label .title -text {CDR Toaster} -font -*-times-bold-r-*-*-30-*-*-*-*-*-*-* frame .b -border 3 -relief raised button .b.burn -text {Have a Cook-Off} set m .b.trick.m menubutton .b.trick -text {Do Tricks} -menu $m -relief raised -border 2 menu $m -tearoff 0 $m add command -label "Read CDROM to create ISO image" -command read_iso $m add command -label "Read audio tracks from CDROM" -command read_audio $m add command -label "Blank a CDRW Media" -command blank_cdrw button .b.quit -text {Never Mind} set m .b.help.m menubutton .b.help -text {Get Help!} -menu $m -relief raised -border 2 menu $m -tearoff 0 $m add command -label "About" -command help $m add command -label "Clarifications" -command help_clarify frame .audio label .audio.la -text {Audio Track List} frame .audio.f -border 3 -relief sunken listbox .audio.f.lb -height 16 -width 30 -selectmode browse -yscrollcommand {.audio.f.sb set} scrollbar .audio.f.sb -orient v -command {.audio.f.lb yview} frame .audio.m button .audio.m.up -text {Move up} -command { set num [.audio.f.lb curselection] if {""==$num} return if {$num==0} return flip $num incr num -1 .audio.f.lb selection set $num .audio.f.lb see $num } button .audio.m.dn -text {Move Down} -command { set num [.audio.f.lb curselection] if {""==$num} return incr num 1 if {$num==[.audio.f.lb index end]} return flip $num .audio.f.lb selection set $num .audio.f.lb see $num } frame .audio.ar -relief flat button .audio.ar.add -text {Add} -command { audio_add } button .audio.ar.rem -text {Remove} -command { audio_remove } button .audio.remall -text {Remove All} -command audio_removeall label .lds -text "Data Track Source" frame .ds -border 3 -relief sunken radiobutton .ds.none -text {Make audio-only disk} -variable {ds} -value none radiobutton .ds.mk -text {Make data track on the fly} -variable {ds} -value mkisofs radiobutton .ds.pre -text {Use pre-made data track} -variable {ds} -value premade entry .ds.tname -width 20 -font 7x14 .ds.tname insert 0 "image.iso" # # FIXME: # There is a missing function called my_image. It is supposed to invoke # the nice happy tk8.0+ file dialog, then populate the .ds.tname entry. # Since the function is missing, I comment out the offending code so everyone # uses the compatibility stuff. # I do not have tk8.0 so I cannot develop the other function. # ## Lets make the selection button if you have tk8.0 + #if {[info tclversion] >= 8.0} { # button .ds.select -text {Select} -command {my_image} #} else { button .ds.select -text {Select} -command { perusefile .ds.tname delete 0 end .ds.tname insert 0 $perusedfile } #} label .lm -text {Data Track Creation Options} frame .m -border 3 -relief sunken frame .m.scan checkbutton .m.scan.all -text {All files (keep backups etc.)} -variable {all} checkbutton .m.scan.links -text {Follow SymLinks} -variable {follow} frame .m.file checkbutton .m.file.joliet -text {Joliet support} -variable {joliet} checkbutton .m.file.trans -text {Translation Tables (old)} -variable {trans} frame .m.rock -border 0 -relief flat label .m.rock.l -text {Rock Ridge:} radiobutton .m.rock.none -text {None} -variable {rock} -value none radiobutton .m.rock.rational -text {Rationalized} -variable {rock} -value rat radiobutton .m.rock.literal -text {Literal} -variable {rock} -value lit frame .m.volid -border 0 label .m.volid.l -text {Volume ID (name)} entry .m.volid.e -width 32 -font 7x14 frame .m.root -border 0 -relief flat label .m.root.l -text {Root of Tree} entry .m.root.e -width 24 -font 7x14 button .m.root.p -text "Peruse" -command { peruse .m.root.e delete 0 end .m.root.e insert 0 $perused } frame .m.custom -border 0 checkbutton .m.custom.use -text "Use Custom Layout" -variable custom(use) button .m.custom.b -text {Set Custom Layout} -command custom_layout frame .m.boot checkbutton .m.boot.check -text "El Torito Bootable CD" -variable boot button .m.boot.opts -text "Boot Setup" -command boot_setup label .lc -text {cdrecord options} frame .c -border 3 -relief sunken frame .c.flag checkbutton .c.flag.dummy -text {Dummy Burn} -variable {dummy} checkbutton .c.flag.eject -text {Eject when done} -variable {eject} button .c.flag.pad -text "Padding..." -command padbox frame .c.dev -border 0 -relief flat label .c.dev.l -text {Device} entry .c.dev.e -width 20 -font 7x14 frame .c.speed label .c.speed.l -text "Speed:" radiobutton .c.speed.1 -text "1x" -variable speed -value 1 radiobutton .c.speed.2 -text "2x" -variable speed -value 2 radiobutton .c.speed.4 -text "4x" -variable speed -value 4 radiobutton .c.speed.6 -text "6x" -variable speed -value 6 radiobutton .c.speed.8 -text "8x" -variable speed -value 8 pack .title -side top pack .b -side top -ipadx 30 -ipady 10 pack .b.burn -side left -expand 1 pack .b.trick -side left -expand 1 -ipady 1 -ipadx 1 pack .b.quit -side left -expand 1 pack .b.help -side left -expand 1 pack .audio -side right -anchor n pack .audio.la -side top pack .audio.f -side top pack .audio.f.lb -side left pack .audio.f.sb -side left -fill y pack .audio.m -side top pack .audio.m.up -side left pack .audio.m.dn -side left pack .audio.ar -side top pack .audio.ar.add -side left pack .audio.ar.rem -side left pack .audio.remall -side top pack .lds -side top pack .ds -side top -padx 5 pack .ds.none -side bottom -anchor w pack .ds.mk -side bottom -anchor w pack .ds.pre -side left -anchor w pack .ds.tname -side left -anchor w pack .ds.select -side right -anchor n pack .lm -side top pack .m -side top pack .m.scan -side top -fill x pack .m.scan.all -side left pack .m.scan.links -side right pack .m.file -side top -fill x pack .m.file.joliet -side left pack .m.file.trans -side right pack .m.rock -side top -anchor w pack .m.rock.l -side left pack .m.rock.none -side left pack .m.rock.rational -side left pack .m.rock.literal -side left pack .m.volid -side top -anchor w pack .m.volid.l -side left pack .m.volid.e -side left pack .m.root -side top -anchor w -fill x pack .m.root.l -side left pack .m.root.e .m.root.p -side left pack .m.custom -side top -fill x pack .m.custom.use -side left pack .m.custom.b -side right pack .m.boot -side top -anchor w -fill x pack .m.boot.check -side left pack .m.boot.opts -side left -expand 1 pack .lc -side top pack .c -side top pack .c.flag -side top pack .c.flag.dummy -side left pack .c.flag.eject -side left pack .c.flag.pad -side left pack .c.dev -side top pack .c.dev.l -side left pack .c.dev.e -side left pack .c.speed -side top pack .c.speed.l .c.speed.1 .c.speed.2 .c.speed.4 .c.speed.6 .c.speed.8 -side left frame .spacer -height 10 pack .spacer -side top .c.dev.e insert 0 "/dev/sg0" } proc toast {} { global apad dpad ds if {$ds == "none"} { set source "" } if {$ds == "premade"} { set source [.ds.tname get] if {![file isfile $source]} { alert "Premade data track must be a regular file." return } } if {$ds == "mkisofs"} { set source - set mk [make_mkisofs_cmd] if {$mk == ""} { return } } set cd [base_cdrec] set nuke "" set convlist "" if {$source != ""} { lappend cd -data if $dpad {lappend cd "-pad"} lappend cd $source } set tmp [.audio.f.lb get 0 end] if {$tmp == ""} { if {$ds == "none"} { alert "No audio tracks were specified for an audio-only disk. This makes no sense." return } } else { lappend cd -audio if $apad {lappend cd "-pad"} else { if $dpad {lappend cd "-nopad"} } set warned 0 foreach i $tmp { ## Have to validate audio track type switch [file extension $i] { .mp2 - .mpg - .mp3 { if {$warned == 0} { # Give use opportunity to opt out. Also collect info for conversion. set tempdir [get_mp3_burn_info] if {$tempdir==""} { alert "An understandable choice." return } set warned 1 } # Queue for conversion burning, and nuking. # Yes, there are race conditions. No, I don't care too much. If # you have a fix for the race conditions which is not too complicated, # tell me and I'll probably add your fix. Thanks. set tail [file tail $i] set tempfile [file join $tempdir "###${tail}.wav"] if [file exists $tempfile] { alert "$tempfile already exists. I will cancel the burn and let you decide what to do." return } lappend convlist $i lappend nuke $tempfile lappend cd $tempfile } .wav - .raw - .pcm { # queue for burning lappend cd $i } default { # Note the offending file for the user. alert "I don't recognize the file extention on '$i'. For safety reasons, I won't burn that file as an audio track.\n\nI'd suggest removing it and others like it from the audio track list." return } } } } if {$ds == "mkisofs"} { set cd [concat $mk $cd] } set shellCommand $cd regsub -all {///PIPE///} $shellCommand "|" shellCommand if {[sure "About to run command:\n\n$shellCommand\n\nAre you sure?"]} { set err 0 set err [catch { # Run necessary conversions if [llength $convlist] { toplevel .conv wm title .conv "Converting MP3s" text .conv.t -width 80 -height [llength $convlist] pack .conv.t foreach orig $convlist tempfile $nuke { .conv.t insert end "$orig --> $tempfile ..." update exec mpg123 -s $orig | sox -t raw -w -s -c 2 -r 44100 - -t wav $tempfile >&/dev/null .conv.t insert end " Done.\n" } destroy .conv } }] set cmd_list [list $cd] if $err { alert "Some error occured during the MPEG conversion process. You probably ran out of space or don't have the mpg123 and sox tools installed." } else { # Remove temp files when done... foreach tempfile $nuke { lappend cmd_list [list rm $tempfile] } dispatch $cmd_list {CD Burn Progress} } } } proc audio_add {} { catch {destroy .add} toplevel .add wm title .add {Add Audio Tracks} label .add.l -text {Track Name (Globals OK)} entry .add.e -width 32 -font 7x14 button .add.ok -text {OK} -command { set tmp [glob -nocomplain [.add.e get]] foreach i $tmp {.audio.f.lb insert end $i} destroy .add } button .add.cancel -text {Cancel} -command { destroy .add } pack .add.l -side top pack .add.e -side top pack .add.ok -side left pack .add.cancel -side right } proc audio_remove {} { set victim [.audio.f.lb curselection] catch {.audio.f.lb delete $victim} } proc audio_removeall {} { .audio.f.lb delete 0 end } proc flip n { .audio.f.lb selection clear 0 end set above [expr $n - 1] set tmp [.audio.f.lb get $n] .audio.f.lb insert $above $tmp .audio.f.lb delete [expr $n + 1] } proc alert msg { tk_dialog .alert Alert $msg info 0 "So it goes." } proc help {} { catch {destroy .help} toplevel .help wm title .help {Help!} button .help.ok -text {This Rules!} -command {destroy .help} text .help.t -width 60 -height 18 -yscrollcommand {.help.sb set} -wrap word scrollbar .help.sb -orient v -command {.help.t yview} pack .help.ok -side bottom pack .help.t -side left pack .help.sb -side left -fill y .help.t insert 1.0 {About CDR-Toaster version 1.08 This is a graphical front-end for the excelent programs 'mkisofs', 'cdrecord', and 'cdparanoia'. It's good for: o Avoiding coasters due to command-line mistakes o Eliminating the tedium of consulting documentation o Feeling more secure in a correct set of options o Being lazy As you can guess, I wrote it for what it's good for. CDR-Toaster is copyright 1999 Ian Kjos CDR-Toaster contains some code contributed by: Andrew Williams CDR-Toaster is availible under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 or later (at your option). This license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html } .help.t config -state disabled } proc sure msg { return [expr ![tk_dialog .alert Confirmation $msg questhead -1 yes no]] } proc read_iso {} { catch {destroy .top} toplevel .top wm title .top "Read ISO image" frame .top.dev -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.file -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.b -border 0 -relief flat label .top.dev.l -text {device to read:} label .top.file.l -text {file to write:} entry .top.dev.e -width 20 -font 7x14 entry .top.file.e -width 20 -font 7x14 button .top.b.ok -text {Do it} -command { if {![file readable [.top.dev.e get]]} { alert "You do not have read permissions on '[.top.dev.e get]'. You should probably be running this as root." return } set tmp "echo 'This takes a good while.';dd if=[.top.dev.e get] of=[.top.file.e get] bs=1024k; eject [.top.dev.e get]" dispatch [list $tmp] "Reading ISO Image" destroy .top } button .top.b.dis -text {Forget it} -command { destroy .top } pack .top.dev -side top pack .top.file -side top pack .top.b -side top -fill x pack .top.dev.l -side left pack .top.file.l -side left pack .top.dev.e -side left pack .top.file.e -side left pack .top.b.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .top.b.dis -side left -expand 1 .top.dev.e insert 0 "/dev/cdrom" .top.file.e insert 0 "image.iso" } proc read_audio {} { catch {destroy .top} toplevel .top wm title .top "Read audio tracks" frame .top.path label .top.path.l -text "Rip Destination: " entry .top.path.dest button .top.path.peruse -text "Peruse" -command { peruse .top.path.dest delete 0 end .top.path.dest insert 0 $perused } frame .top.1 -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.2 -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.3 -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.4 -border 0 -relief flat radiobutton .top.1.entire -text {Rip Entire Disk} -variable {rip} -value {all} radiobutton .top.2.track -text {Tracks:} -variable {rip} -value {track} radiobutton .top.3.custom -text {Custom Options} -variable {rip} -value {custom} button .top.4.ok -text {Do it} -command { set tmp "Ripping Audio" switch $rip { all { set dp [list "cdparanoia -s -w -B 1-"] } track { set dp [list "cdparanoia -s -w -B [.top.2.from get]-[.top.2.to get]"] } custom { set dp [list ["cdparanoia [.top.3.opt get]"] } } if {[.top.path.dest get] != ""} { set dp [concat [list "cd [.top.path.dest get]"] $dp] } dispatch $dp $tmp destroy .top } button .top.4.dis -text {Not now.} -command { destroy .top } label .top.2.lfr -text {From:} entry .top.2.from -width 4 -font 7x14 label .top.2.lto -text {To:} entry .top.2.to -width 4 -font 7x14 entry .top.3.opt -width 20 -font 7x14 pack .top.path -side top -fill x pack .top.path.l .top.path.dest .top.path.peruse -side left pack .top.1 -side top -fill x pack .top.2 -side top -fill x pack .top.3 -side top -fill x pack .top.4 -side top -fill x pack .top.1.entire -side left -anchor w pack .top.2.track -side left -anchor w pack .top.3.custom -side left -anchor w pack .top.4.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .top.4.dis -side left -expand 1 pack .top.2.lfr -side left -anchor e pack .top.2.from -side left -anchor e pack .top.2.lto -side left -anchor e pack .top.2.to -side left -anchor e pack .top.3.opt -side left -anchor e global rip set rip all } proc blank_cdrw {} { global blank catch {destroy .top} toplevel .top wm title .top "Blank CDRW Media" frame .top.type -border 0 -relief flat frame .top.b -border 0 -relief flat label .top.type.l -text {Blank Type} frame .top.type.r radiobutton .top.type.all -text {Entire Disk} -variable {blank} -value {all} radiobutton .top.type.session -text {Session} -variable {blank} -value {session} radiobutton .top.type.track -text {Track} -variable {blank} -value {track} radiobutton .top.type.fast -text {Fast} -variable {blank} -value {fast} radiobutton .top.type.r.unreserve -text {Unreserve} -variable {blank} -value {unreserve} radiobutton .top.type.r.trtail -text {Track Tail} -variable {blank} -value {trtail} radiobutton .top.type.r.unclose -text {Unclose} -variable {blank} -value {unclose} button .top.b.ok -text {Do it} -command { set cmd [base_cdrec] lappend cmd "blank=${blank}" dispatch [list $cmd] "Blanking CDRW: ${blank}" destroy .top } button .top.b.dis -text {Let's not.} -command { destroy .top } pack .top.type -side top pack .top.b -side top -fill x pack .top.type.l -side left pack .top.type.r -side right -fill y pack .top.type.all -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.session -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.track -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.fast -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.r.unreserve -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.r.trtail -side top -anchor w pack .top.type.r.unclose -side top -anchor w pack .top.b.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .top.b.dis -side left -expand 1 set blank session } proc dispatch {cmdList title} { set shellCommand "" foreach cmd $cmdList { set tmp [join $cmd "' '"] append shellCommand "'$tmp'; " } regsub -all {\'///PIPE///\'} $shellCommand "|" shellCommand append shellCommand "echo Done. Press Enter; read" puts $shellCommand exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -geometry 80x6 -title $title -e sh -c $shellCommand & } proc base_cdrec {} { global dummy eject speed set cd [list cdrecord -v] if {$dummy} {lappend cd -dummy} if {$eject} {lappend cd -eject} set dev [.c.dev.e get] if {![check_device $dev]} { alert "You don't have write permission to the device you selected. You should probably be running this as root. If that is not an option, get the system administrator to give you write privileges for the cd-writer." return -code return } lappend cd "dev=$dev" "speed=$speed" return $cd } proc help_clarify {} { catch {destroy .help} toplevel .help wm title .help {Help!} set helpstuff { {All Files} { Ordinarily files with names contataing '#' or '~' are backup files on Linux. CDR-Toaster will instruct mkisofs to skip these files in the creation of a CD. If you DON'T want to skip them, click this box. } {Joliet support} { This stores long filenames on a CD so Windows 9x/NT machines can read them. Unlike the Joliet CDs produced on MS-Windows, you can still see the 8.3 filenames on MS-Dos and other systems that don't support Joliet. Linux kernels 2.2 and up can also read Joliet names. } {Rock Ridge} { This is another way to store long filenames on a CD. It works with all Un*x-like systems that also support CDs. It allows file permissions, ownership info, and symbolic links to be stored and appear as such on the CD. If you choose "Literal", the final CD will look in all respects identical to the directory hierarchy it was created from, except for some reason you can't write to it. This could be good for system backups. If you choose "Rationalized", you get a more generally useful CD. It sets the user and group of all files to root, removes SUID and SGID bits, makes all files and folders readable globally, sets all execute bits for anything that has any execute bits, and clears all write bits. } {Follow SymLinks} { Normally symbolic links are ignored, unless you use Rock Ridge, when they are copied literally. If you want the actual files and folders pointed to by the symbolic links to show up on the CD, check this box. } {Translation Tables} { Puts a file called "TRANS.TBL" in every directory on the CD which maps 8.3 files to their long equivalents. Very simple, very old. } {MPEG Compressed Audio} { CDR-Toaster will extract MPEG Compressed audio (mp3) if you have mpg123 and sox installed. This way you can burn an audio CD from mp3 files. The sound will not be as good quality as the original uncompressed audio, but that's the trade off that a lossy compression like MPEG makes to attain the high ratios that it does. For more information, point your web browser at these: http://www.mpeg.org/MPEG/ http://drogo.cselt.stet.it/mpeg/ } {PCM vs. WAV} { WAV is a format composed of 44 bytes of header data, then raw PCM data. PCM means only pulse code modulation, which is to say a digitial audio format made of numbers to signify each sample. There is no attempt made to compress the signals beyond the decisions of sample rate and dynamic range. For CDR-Toaster to burn audio, you can feed it either a raw PCM file or a WAV file. WAV files are better because they contain enough information in the header to ensure that the audio format is correct. To get an audio track to burn properly, the PCM data needs to be composed of exactly the same structure as on a CD - that is 41.1 khz 16 bit stereo. Anything else and you get an unusable audio track. When using WAV files ripped from a CD, (as CDPARANOIA does) you will get files that are already correct. If you want to use a WAV file you recorded yourself, it is wise to ensure you recorded cd-quality (16 bit stereo 44.1khz) uncompressed audio. If you did otherwise, there are many format converters availible which can convert to this format without any signal loss. The other issue with audio files you record yourself is that they must be a precise multiple of 1/75th of a second. This is where audio padding comes into play. If you do not have the right number of samples, the Pad Audio option can round up using absolute silence. } {Burning Bootable CDs} { When your computer boots from a CD, it treats part of the CD as a floppy drive. The emulation is at the BIOS level, so programs like the Linux Kernel operate normally but programs like LILO or SYSLINUX are fooled. All attempts to access the (primary) floppy drive are mapped to the "BOOT" extent on the CD. Step by step, the easiest way to make a bootable CD is as follows: 1. Make a real live floppy disk that boots your computer ok. There are many rescue disk packages which are good for this purpose, or you can use your operating system install disk. Make sure the floppy actually boots properly. 2. Copy this floppy disk to an image file. Under Linux you can type: dd if=/dev/fd0 of=bootimage.bin bs=18k 3. Put this file in the directory you are going to make your CD from: mv bootimage.bin /tmp/my_cdrom/ 4. Bring up CDR-Toaster. Put a check in the "El Torito Bootable CD" box, and click the "Boot Setup" button. 5. For "Boot Image Path" type "bootimage.bin" 6. For "Boot Catalog Path" type "bootcat.bin" 7. Click OK, and set the "Root of Tree" appropriately. From the example above, it would be "/tmp/my_cdrom" 8. Finish burning your CD as you would normally. 9. Set your bios to boot from CD, and things should be happy. The Boot Catalog is a place for information about the Boot Image. It is generated automatically. It need not exist beforehand. In fact, if it does exist, it will be overwritten. Both paths are interpretted relative to the root of the CD. For more information, see "man mkisofs". It should be on your system for CDR-Toaster to operate properly. } {Using ATAPI CDR(W) Devices} { ATAPI CDR(W)s are special. The Linux kernel needs to be compiled specially for them to work properly. Basically, you must TURN OFF IDE CDROM support and instead use both "SCSI emulation" and "SCSI generic support". If you have never compiled a kernel before, you are wise to read the Kernel Howto. I tend to use "make menuconfig" to configure the kernel, and these are the things I did: Under "Block devices", I set "Include IDE/ATAPI CDROM support" to "n" and I set "SCSI emulation support" to "Y". Under "SCSI support", I make sure there is "SCSI CD-ROM support" and "SCSI generic support" turned on. Since I have no true SCSI cards, I need nothing from the "SCSI low-level drivers" section. I built and installed this kernel. As a result, my CD-ROM detected as a scsi device (/dev/scd0 in my case) during bootup and I have been able to burn to /dev/sg0 as is the default in CDR-Toaster. For more information on the special needs of your CDR(W), see the documentation for "cdrecord" which is the burn program that CDR-Toaster calls out to. } } frame .help.b set m .help.b.topic.m menubutton .help.b.topic -menu $m -text Topic -relief raised menu $m button .help.b.ok -text {This Rules!} -command {destroy .help} text .help.t -width 60 -height 18 -yscrollcommand {.help.sb set} -wrap word scrollbar .help.sb -orient v -command {.help.t yview} pack .help.b -side bottom -fill x pack .help.b.topic -side left pack .help.b.ok -side bottom pack .help.t -side left pack .help.sb -side left -fill y .help.t insert 1.0 {Clarifications: } foreach {topic body} $helpstuff { set end [.help.t index end] set line [expr $end - 1] $m add command -label $topic -command ".help.t yview $line" .help.t insert end " o $topic\n" .help.t insert end "$body\n" .help.t tag add head $line $end } .help.t tag configure head -foreground white -background blue -font 8x16 .help.t tag add top 1.0 2.0 .help.t tag config top -foreground white -background blue -font 10x20 .help.t config -state disabled } proc padbox {} { catch {destroy .pad} toplevel .pad wm title .pad {Padding Options} frame .pad.audio checkbutton .pad.audio.cb -text {Pad Audio Tracks} -variable {apad} message .pad.audio.amesg -text {This option will pad audio track data to be a multiple of 2352 bytes. The padding is done with all zeroes which means complete silence. See also PCM vs. WAV in help. } frame .pad.data checkbutton .pad.data.cb -text {Pad Data Track} -variable {dpad} message .pad.data.dmesg -text {This option appends 15 sectors of zeroes to each data track. This works around a bug in very old Linux kernels.} button .pad.ok -text Dismiss -command {destroy .pad} pack .pad.audio -fill x pack .pad.audio.cb -side left -anchor n pack .pad.audio.amesg pack .pad.data -fill x pack .pad.data.cb -side left -anchor n pack .pad.data.dmesg pack .pad.ok } proc peruse {} { # Just browse directories global perused set perused "" catch {destroy .peruse} toplevel .peruse wm title .peruse {Peruse Folders} frame .peruse.dir -border 0 -relief flat frame .peruse.mod -border 0 -relief flat frame .peruse.control -border 0 -relief flat menubutton .peruse.dir.up -menu .peruse.dir.up.m -relief raised -border 2 button .peruse.dir.ok -text {<-- Accept} -command { } listbox .peruse.mod.lb -height 10 -width 20 -selectmode browse -yscrollcommand {.peruse.mod.sb set} scrollbar .peruse.mod.sb -orient v -command {.peruse.mod.lb yview} button .peruse.control.go -text {Delve} -command { } button .peruse.control.cancel -text {Cancel} -command { } pack .peruse.dir -side top -fill x pack .peruse.mod -side top -fill x pack .peruse.control -side top -fill x pack .peruse.dir.up -side left pack .peruse.dir.ok -side right pack .peruse.mod.lb -side left -fill y -anchor w pack .peruse.mod.sb -side left -fill y -anchor w pack .peruse.control.go -side left -expand 1 pack .peruse.control.cancel -side left -expand 1 peruse_populate [pwd] tkwait window .peruse } proc perusefile {} { # Just browse files global perusedfile set perusedfile "" catch {destroy .perusefile} toplevel .perusefile wm title .perusefile {Peruse Files} frame .perusefile.dir -border 0 -relief flat frame .perusefile.mod -border 0 -relief flat frame .perusefile.control -border 0 -relief flat menubutton .perusefile.dir.up -menu .perusefile.dir.up.m -relief raised -border 2 button .perusefile.dir.ok -text {<-- Accept} -command { } listbox .perusefile.mod.lb -height 10 -width 20 -selectmode browse -yscrollcommand {.perusefile.mod.sb set} scrollbar .perusefile.mod.sb -orient v -command {.perusefile.mod.lb yview} button .perusefile.control.go -text {Delve} -command { } button .perusefile.control.cancel -text {Cancel} -command { } pack .perusefile.dir -side top -fill x pack .perusefile.mod -side top -fill x pack .perusefile.control -side top -fill x pack .perusefile.dir.up -side left pack .perusefile.dir.ok -side right pack .perusefile.mod.lb -side left -fill y -anchor w pack .perusefile.mod.sb -side left -fill y -anchor w pack .perusefile.control.go -side left -expand 1 pack .perusefile.control.cancel -side left -expand 1 perusefile_populate [pwd] tkwait window .perusefile } proc peruse_populate dir { set tmp [file tail $dir] if {$tmp == ""} {set tmp /} .peruse.dir.up configure -text $tmp set m .peruse.dir.up.m catch { destroy $m } menu $m -tearoff 0 set up / foreach dcomp [file split $dir] { set up [file join $up $dcomp] $m add command -label $dcomp -command "peruse_populate \"$up\"" } .peruse.mod.lb delete 0 end set tmp [lsort [glob $dir/.* $dir/*]] foreach dcan $tmp { if [file isdirectory $dcan] { set tail [file tail $dcan] if {$tail != "." && $tail != ".."} { .peruse.mod.lb insert end $tail } } } ## Bindings .peruse.control.cancel config -command { set perused "" destroy .peruse } .peruse.dir.ok config -command [subst { set perused "$dir" destroy .peruse }] set go [subst -nocommands { if {[.peruse.mod.lb get active] != ""} { peruse_populate [file join "$dir" [.peruse.mod.lb get active]] } else bell }] bind .peruse.mod.lb $go .peruse.control.go config -command $go } proc perusefile_populate dir { set tmp [file tail $dir] if {$tmp == ""} {set tmp /} .perusefile.dir.up configure -text $tmp set m .perusefile.dir.up.m catch { destroy $m } menu $m -tearoff 0 set up / foreach dcomp [file split $dir] { set up [file join $up $dcomp] $m add command -label $dcomp -command "perusefile_populate \"$up\"" } .perusefile.mod.lb delete 0 end if {[catch {lsort [glob $dir/.* $dir/*]} catchvar]} { set tmp "" } else { set tmp $catchvar } foreach dcan $tmp { set tail [file tail $dcan] if {$tail != "." && $tail != ".."} { .perusefile.mod.lb insert end $tail } } ## Bindings .perusefile.control.cancel config -command { set perusedfile "" destroy .perusefile } .perusefile.dir.ok config -command [subst { set perusedfile "$dir" destroy .perusefile }] set go [subst -nocommands { if {[.perusefile.mod.lb get active] != ""} { perusefile_populate [file join "$dir" [.perusefile.mod.lb get active]] } else bell }] bind .perusefile.mod.lb $go .perusefile.control.go config -command $go } proc boot_setup {} { global bootimg bootcat catch {destroy .boot} toplevel .boot wm title .boot {Bootable CD Setup} frame .boot.img -border 0 -relief flat frame .boot.cat -border 0 -relief flat frame .boot.cmd -border 0 -relief flat label .boot.img.l -text {Boot Image Path} label .boot.cat.l -text {Boot Catalog Path} entry .boot.img.e -width 20 -font 7x14 entry .boot.cat.e -width 20 -font 7x14 # Got TK8? You get a pretty button. if {[info tclversion] >= 8.0} { button .boot.img.b -text {Select} -command open_bootfile button .boot.cat.c -text {Select} -command open_catfile } button .boot.cmd.ok -text {OK} -command { set bootimg [.boot.img.e get] set bootcat [.boot.cat.e get] destroy .boot } button .boot.cmd.cancel -text {Cancel} -command { destroy .boot } button .boot.cmd.revert -text {Revert} -command { .boot.img.e delete 0 end .boot.cat.e delete 0 end .boot.img.e insert 0 $bootimg .boot.cat.e insert 0 $bootcat } # Populate Data Fields .boot.img.e insert 0 $bootimg .boot.cat.e insert 0 $bootcat pack .boot.img -side top -fill x pack .boot.cat -side top -fill x pack .boot.cmd -side top -fill x pack .boot.img.l -side left pack .boot.cat.l -side left pack .boot.img.e -side right pack .boot.cat.e -side right pack .boot.cmd.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .boot.cmd.cancel -side left -expand 1 pack .boot.cmd.revert -side left -expand 1 # Got TK8? You get a pretty button. if {[info tclversion] >= 8.0} { pack .boot.img.b -side right pack .boot.cat.c -side right } # frame .m.img # label .m.img.l -text "Boot Image Path" # entry .m.img.e # frame .m.cat # label .m.cat.l -text "Boot Catalog Path" # entry .m.cat.e } proc get_mp3_burn_info {} { # Returns either the empty list, indicating a cancelation, # or the temp directory. global perused set warn {\ You have chosen to burn an MPEG compressed file as an audio track. This will not be the same quality as the original from which it was made. However, the burn can proceed if given a space to uncompress the audio files. Do you wish to proceed?} set go [sure $warn] if {!$go} { return {} } set df [exec -keepnewline df] catch {destroy .df} toplevel .df wm title .df {Free Disk Space} text .df.t -width 80 -height 10 -setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand {.df.sb set} scrollbar .df.sb -orient v -command {.df.t yview} .df.t insert end "Please browse to a directory with sufficient free space.\n\n" .df.t insert end $df .df.t config -state disabled pack .df.sb -side right -fill y pack .df.t -side left peruse destroy .df alert "Be aware that the MP3 conversion process typically takes some time." return $perused } proc custom_layout {} { global custom catch {destroy .custom} toplevel .custom wm title .custom {Custom CD Layout} frame .custom.dirs -border 0 -relief flat frame .custom.table -border 0 -relief flat frame .custom.cmds -border 0 -relief flat frame .custom.help -border 0 -relief flat label .custom.dirs.a -text {Make contents of:} label .custom.dirs.b -text {Show up on CD within:} foreach x {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} { frame .custom.table.$x -border 0 -relief flat button .custom.table.$x.peruse -text {Peruse} -command "custom_peruse $x" entry .custom.table.$x.from -width 25 -font 7x14 entry .custom.table.$x.to -width 25 -font 7x14 button .custom.table.$x.clear -text {Clear} -command [subst { .custom.table.$x.from delete 0 end .custom.table.$x.to delete 0 end }] pack .custom.table.$x -side top -fill x pack .custom.table.$x.peruse -side left -anchor w pack .custom.table.$x.from -side left -anchor w pack .custom.table.$x.clear -side right -anchor e pack .custom.table.$x.to -side right -anchor e } scrollbar .custom.help.sb -orient v -command {} -command {.custom.help.t yview} text .custom.help.t -width 70 -height 10 -setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand {.custom.help.sb set} button .custom.cmds.ok -text {OK} -command { set from {} set to {} foreach s [pack slaves .custom.table] { lappend from [$s.from get] lappend to [$s.to get] } set custom(from) $from set custom(to) $to set custom(use) 1 destroy .custom } button .custom.cmds.revert -text {Revert} -command { foreach s [pack slaves .custom.table] from $custom(from) to $custom(to) { $s.from delete 0 end $s.to delete 0 end $s.from insert 0 $from $s.to insert 0 $to } } button .custom.cmds.cancel -text {Cancel} -command { destroy .custom } pack .custom.dirs -side top -fill x pack .custom.table -side top -fill x pack .custom.cmds -side top -fill x pack .custom.help -side top -fill both -expand 1 pack .custom.dirs.a -side left -anchor w pack .custom.dirs.b -side right -anchor e pack .custom.help.sb -side right -fill y -anchor e pack .custom.help.t -side right -fill both -anchor w pack .custom.cmds.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .custom.cmds.revert -side left -expand 1 pack .custom.cmds.cancel -side left -expand 1 .custom.cmds.revert invoke .custom.help.t insert 1.0 { Custom CD Layout Help This was always the biggest pain for me. I want stuff from the hard drive from arbitrary places to show up on the final CD in (other) arbitrary places. I've tried to make this fairly general. Name what you want on the left, and where to put it on the right. The one thing to remember is that if you put a directory on the left, you have to give it a name on the right unless you want a whole bunch of files sprayed all over the root of the CD. The names you give on the right do not have to exist anywhere except your imagination. If they don't exist within other parts of what you burn, the directories will be automatically created to exist on the CD. Directories created in this way will be owned by root.root and have permissions 555 (read/exec for all). I'm not yet sure how these custom layouts interact with bootable CD creation. I think that you specify the boot paths relative to the final CD image. I know it works that way in the simple case. } .custom.help.t tag add cool 1.0 2.0 .custom.help.t tag config cool -font 10x20 .custom.help.t tag config cool -background blue .custom.help.t tag config cool -foreground white .custom.help.t config -state disabled } proc custom_peruse x { global perused peruse if {$perused != ""} { .custom.table.$x.from delete 0 end .custom.table.$x.from insert 0 $perused }} proc make_mkisofs_cmd {} { global all joliet follow trans ds rock global boot bootimg bootcat custom set vol [.m.volid.e get] set root [.m.root.e get] # Presumably this is not necessary if there is a custom layout. if {![file isdirectory $root]} { alert "For on-the-fly ISO image creation, the root of tree must be a directory." return } set mk mkisofs if {$all} {lappend mk -all-files} if {$joliet} {lappend mk -joliet} switch -exact $rock { none {} rat {lappend mk -r} lit {lappend mk -R} } if {$follow} {lappend mk -follow-links} if {$trans} {lappend mk -translation-table} if {$boot} { if {($bootimg == "") || ($bootcat == "")} { alert "You selected 'Bootable CD' but either the boot image or boot catalog entries are blank. This will not work." return } if {![file exists [file join $root $bootimg]]} { alert "[file join $root $bootimg] is not there. You can't make a bootable CD without a bootimage." return } if {[file exists [file join $root $bootcat]]} { if {![sure "[file join $root $bootcat] will be overwritten if you continue. Is this ok?"]} {return} } lappend mk -b $bootimg -c $bootcat } else { if {$bootimg != ""} { set ok [sure "You have stuff in the bootimage entry, but have not chosen the 'Bootable CD' option. Do you want a standard non-bootable cd?"] if {!$ok} {return} } } if {$vol != ""} {lappend mk -volid $vol} ## Here we need to (maybe) process the custom layout entries. lappend mk $root if {$custom(use)} { foreach dir $custom(from) graftpoint $custom(to) { if {$dir == ""} continue set isdir [file isdirectory $dir] if {$isdir} {set dir "$dir/"} lappend mk "$graftpoint/=$dir" } } ## Last gasp. # use a illegal filename as symbol for the pipe so it can be recognized later lappend mk "///PIPE///" return $mk } proc open_bootfile {} { set types { {{Disk Images} {.img} } {{All Files} * } } set boot_img [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir ~/ -title {Choose Image}] .boot.img.e delete 0 250 .boot.img.e insert 0 $boot_img } proc open_catfile {} { set types { {{All Files} * } } set boot_cat [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir ~/ -title {Choose File}] .boot.cat.e delete 0 250 .boot.cat.e insert 0 $boot_cat } proc check_device dev { if {[file writable $dev]} { return 1 } # Now gotta test for numeric device specification set len [string length $dev] set field {0123456789,} for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set try [string index $dev $i] if {![string match *$try* $field]} {return 0} } return 1 } # This is CDR-Toaster set speed 2 set joliet 1 set rock none set dummy 1 set eject 1 set ds mkisofs set apad 1 set dpad 0 set bootimg "" set bootcat "" set custom(from) {} set custom(to) {} set custom(use) 0 interface .b.quit configure -command {destroy .} .b.burn configure -command {toast}