Preferences - Folders Tab

Options Menu

The Folders tab of the Preferences dialog allows you to specify options and locations for storing media files. Following is a description of each option:



Media files folder

Accept the default folder, or click Browse to specify the folder where SIREN will store media files. SIREN uses this folder when ripping music from a CD.

Music Library and playlist database folder

Accept the default folder, or click Browse to select the folder that SIREN will store the music database. SIREN uses this folder to store information about songs and playlists.

When Ripping Files

  • Create no subfolders - Select this option if you do not want sub-directories created when ripping files.

  • Create subfolders \By Artist\By Album - Creates a two level directory structure for your media files. Inside your Media files folder, a folder for each Artist is created. A separate folder for each album will be placed in the Artist's folder. Finally, all the tracks will be located in the Album folders.

  • Create subfolders \By Artist - Album\ - A single level directory structure for the media files. A folder for every album will be created inside the Media files folder. The folder will be named "Artist - Album". All tracks will be located in these folders.