
The Group bar can be used in any Media Library view, and allows all songs in the music library to be grouped by field(s).

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Display the Group bar

Use one of the following methods:

Hide the Group bar

To hide the Group bar, click on the Group Bar button , or right-click in the database toolbar and choose Hide Group Bar from the shortcut menu. Music remains grouped after the Group bar is hidden.

Group music

  1. Display the Media Library view and the Group bar.

  2. Drag a field from the Field Chooser to the Group bar. All songs in the music library are grouped by the selected field.

  3. Drag a second field from the Field Chooser to the Group bar. All songs all sorted by this secondary field, within the primary field.

Group music using multiple fields

Using the previous procedure, users can continue adding fields to the Group bar. Once in the Group bar, fields can be arranged into a user-specified order, with the left-most field being the primary grouping.

Remove fields

Save grouped music

Do one of the following: