Exporting Media Library File Information

SIREN allows you to export your media file information to a text file. You can export either your entire Media Library or only the files you have selected.

What do you want to do?

Export the Media Library to a text file

  1. Right-click on any view in the Media Library tab and choose Export Library from the shortcut menu. The Export Library dialog displays.

  2. Specify a location and name for the file and click on the Save button.

    The text file can now be opened into spreadsheet or database programs. With this procedure, the entire library exports regardless of which view was used to perform the export.

Export selected files to a text file

  1. From the Media Library tab, select the files that contain information you want to export.

  2. Right-click on one of the selected files and choose Export to Text File from the shortcut menu. The Export to Text File dialog appears.

  3. Specify the headers you want to include in the text file by dragging them from the Available Headers side of the dialog to the Include Headers side. Once the headers are chosen, they can be reordered by using drag and drop.

  4. Click on the Export button. The Save Text File dialog appears.

  5. Specify a location and a name for the file and click on the Save button.

    The text file can now be opened into spreadsheet or database programs. To append to an existing text file, repeat steps 1-3. Once the headers are chosen, click Append. Located a select the original file and click on the Open button. The newly selected file information appends to the end of the original file.