Error Messages

This section provides assistance with error messages that may be encountered while using Siren. Click on a message to view more information.

You have not specified a drive to use.

This error indicates that there is no drive specified. Follow the steps below to select a drive:

  1. From the Options menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog is displayed.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. Specify the appropriate drive and click OK to save the change.

The SCSI device for the drive could not be opened.

The state of the drive may be compromised for various reasons. Another application might be accessing the drive, or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state. Click Details to display more information about the error.

The currently selected SCSI device is not a CD-Recordable drive or CD-ROM drive.

You have selected to use a device on the system that is not a CD-Recordable or a CD-ROM drive. Follow the steps below to select a drive:

  1. From the Options menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog is displayed.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. Specify the appropriate drive and click OK to save the change.

The command failed due to a SCSI IOCTL error.

The state of the drive may be compromised for various reasons. Another application might be accessing the drive, or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state. Click Details to display more information about the error.

There is no disc in the drive.

The drive is reporting that there is no disc in the drive. This may also happen because the drive does not "like" the particular media that you are using. Try another disc, or a different brand of media.

Another reason for this error may be that the drive hasn't finished reading the disc. In this case, wait a moment for the drive to spin up, then attempt to access it again.

The disc in the drive is a read-only disc.

This error occurs when you try to write to a disc that is read-only. This includes commercially manufactured CDs and closed CD-R discs.

An unknown drive error has occurred.

An error has occurred that Siren does not know how to deal with.

Verify that the SCSI chain is properly terminated, and that you have no conflicting SCSI IDs. Verify all SCSI cables are in working order, and are not especially long.

Try another different disc in the drive, or a different brand of disc media. It is possible that the drive does not recognize the media you are using. The media may also be dirty.

Verify that you are using the latest drivers for the SCSI card, and that you have the most current firmware for the drive.

Click Details to display more information about the error. Keep this information handy for calling technical support.

The drive is not ready.

The drive is not ready to process any commands. This may occur for several reasons:

The state of the drive may also be compromised for various reasons. For example, another application might be accessing the drive, or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state.

If this is the case, power-down the computer and the drive, and reboot.

The drive is busy processing a command.

The state of the drive may be compromised for various reasons. For example, another application might be accessing the drive, or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state.

Power-down the computer and the drive, and reboot.

A SCSI error has occurred. Check your SCSI configuration.

Verify the SCSI chain is properly terminated and that there are no conflicting SCSI IDs. Verify that all SCSI cables are in working order, and are not especially long.

Try another disc in the drive, or a different brand of disc media. It is possible that the drive does not recognize the media you are using. The media may also be dirty.

Verify you are using the latest drivers for the SCSI card, and that you have the most current firmware for the drive.

Click Details to display more information about the error. Keep this information handy for calling technical support.

The drive has been reset, most likely by another application or due to a SCSI configuration problem.

This error may occur because another application is accessing the drive. Verify that no other applications are running.

Verify the SCSI chain is properly terminated and you have no conflicting SCSI IDs. Verify all SCSI cables are in working order and are not especially long.

Try another disc in the drive or a different brand of disc media. It is possible that the drive does not recognize the media you are using. The media may also be dirty.

Verify you are using the latest drivers for the SCSI card, and that you have the most current firmware for the drive.

Click Details to display more information about the error. Keep this information handy for calling technical support.

The drive cannot process this PQ list due to the fact it is either too large, or contains an option the drive does not support.

The PQ list you are trying to write is too complicated for the drive. This may also indicate that the drive does not support one or more of the PQ codes you are trying to write.

Click Details to display more information about the error.

The burn failed due to a buffer underrun.

A buffer underrun is caused by the failure of your system to move data from the hard drive to the CD-R drive rapidly enough. Try writing at a lower speed.

The disc is blank.

If you try to read audio from a blank disc, this message is displayed. Siren can only read audio from a previously created Red Book audio CD.

The disc is not blank.

If you try to write audio to a disc that has already been written upon, this message is displayed. Siren cannot write audio to a disc that is closed, or to a full disc.

A drive hardware error has occurred.

This error indicates that there has been a hardware failure in the drive. Click Details to display more information about the error.

The disc is either dirty or corrupted.

An error has occurred because the disc could not be read properly. This indicates that the disc media is either dirty or corrupted. Try another disc.

The disc is not of a media type that is supported by this drive.

This error indicates that the drive that you are using does not support the current media. Verify that you are using the type of media recommended by your drive manufacturer, and that the media is clean and uncorrupted.

The drive has received an illegal command.

The state of the drive may be compromised for various reasons. For example, another application might be accessing the drive, or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state.

Click Details to display more information about the error.

A play error has occurred.

This error occurs if Siren had trouble playing an audio track. Verify that the disc is clean and try again.

The drive failed to load or eject a disk.

This error indicates that the disc could not be loaded or ejected. The tray may be locked.

A read error occurred. The disc may be dirty or corrupted.

An error has occurred because the disc could not be read properly. This indicates that the disc media is either dirty or corrupted. Try another disc.

A write error occurred. The disc may be dirty or corrupted.

An error has occurred because the disc could not be written to properly. This indicates that the disc media is either dirty or corrupted. Try another disc.

A seek error occurred. The disc may be dirty or corrupted.

An error has occurred because the disc could not be read properly. This indicates that the disc media is either dirty or corrupted. Try another disc.

The disc has changed.

The state of the drive may be compromised for various reasons. For example, another application might be accessing the drive or you may have canceled during a critical operation, which has left the drive in a non-functioning state.

Power-down the computer and drive, then reboot.