Peeper version 1.03 Copyright (C) 1994 Fineware Systems and Al Meadows All Rights Reserved *** Standard Installation *** Follow this easy one-time installation procedure: 1) Create a directory to hold the PEEPER related files. The recommended directory name (used in the following instructions) is "C:\Peeper". 2) Copy all Peeper-related files to this directory. At a minimum you need the following files: PEEPER.EXE PEEPER.HLP 3) Note: You will also need a copy of VBRUN300.DLL. This file is available within many CompuServe forums. To obtain this file from CompuServe, GO WUGNET and search for the file VBRUN3.ZIP. 4) Use the Windows Program Manager to place Peeper within an existing program group or create a new group and then add the program to it. Refer to your Windows' documentation on adding new programs and groups. That's all there is to installing PEEPER. Remember that while PEEPER is active, online help is always available by pressing the F1 key. *** Requirements *** This program requires Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups. *** Documentation *** For full documentation, including context sensitive help, press the F1 key at any time while running PEEPER. If you did not receive all these files please contact the author via electronic mail to 70650,2022 on CompuServe, on Internet, BBTK05A on Prodigy, VB AL on America OnLine, or by sending postal mail to Fineware Systems, P.O. Box 75776, Oklahoma City, Ok 73147.