Address Database version 2.0 is a low-cost software package for managing names and addresses. It sports a slick Windows interface that displays a summary of all names in the address book as well as the detail for each name. It allows you to enter names, addresses, phone numbers and unlimited notes about each name in the address database; find names with the click of one button; categorize the names and filter your list by categories; maintain a list of names you generally send holiday cards and gifts to; print mailing labels; print file folders; print phone lists; print address books on standard or Day-Timer paper; print Holiday lists; keep a "To Do" list; import names and addresses from other software packages; export names and address to other software packages (for mail-merge, etc.) and merge existing files together for creating consolidated address books. Address Database 2.0 has an intelligent zip code that automatically fills in the city and state for zip codes that have been previously entered. It also contains intelligent phone numbers that convert alphabetics to numerics. Address Database costs less than half the price of existing personal information managers and the Windows interface is sharp and lightning fast. Unlike most name and address managers, Address Database lists a summary of names and the detail of each highlighted name, all on the same screen. System Requirements for Address Database version 2.0 are: an IBM AT or higher compatible computer running Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or higher, a monochrome or color EGA, VGA or better monitor, 1M RAM, Windows Notepad installed, and Windows Write installed. Address Database version 2.0 is available for $19.00 (plus $5 S&H within the U.S., $10 outside the U.S.) from: Steve Miller Pragmatic Software Co. 6728 Bellehaven Drive Plano, TX 75023 By registering your copy, you will receive the latest version of Address Database, a printed copy of the User's Guide, a printed copy of the Tutorial, and a year of free phone support. Additional information about the product is available by calling (214) 517-2540. Cash, check, money order, and cashiers check are accepted. Available in 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" disk.