Easy Edit Welcome to Easy Edit. Easy Edit is an easy-to-use text editor. You can edit multiple text files simultaneously. All functions of Easy Edit can be selected either from pull-down menus or by pressing short-cut keys. Easy Edit provides full mouse support but if you do not have a mouse you can still access all the functions from the keyboard. menu is accessed by pressing Alt-Space. All the other menus are accessed by pressing Alt-L, where L is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. The screen of Easy Edit is devided into 3 areas : - Menu Bar (top line) - Status Line (bottom line) - Desktop (area between Menu Bar and Status Line) Search Find Displays a Find dialog box. Search Replace Displays a Replace dialog box. Edit Window Edit Windows are where you type in and edit your text files. T You can open as many Edit windows as you want (as long as there is enough memory). l Closing and Opening Edit Windows To close an active Edit window, click the window's close box [ ] or choose Window Close. _ To open an Edit window, choose File Open. You can open the same file in more than one window. H For More Information Choose one of these for more information: Using Windows Using editor Find dialog (text search) Replace dialog File command File command Menu Bar Menu Bar is the top line on the screen which displays menu choices. Each menu choice contains a pull-down menu which can be displayed by clicking on the menu item (e.g. File), or by pressing a short cut key Alt-L where L is a highlighted letter of the menu item (e.g. Alt-F for File menu). You can also get to the menu bar by pressing F10 function key and then you can use arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired menu choice and press to open the pull-down menu. Pull-down Menus Each Pull-down Menu contains a list of functions that can be selected by moving the cursor with the arrow keys and pressing , or by clicking the mouse on the menu item, or by pressing a highlighted letter (typically the first letter). If no letter is highlighted, it means that the function is not active in the current context, for example you cannot save a text to the file if no window is open. Some menu items have a short cut defined next to the function name e.g. 'Close Alt-F3'. Such functions can be activated by pressing a short cut key from any point in the program (if a function is active) without having to open a pull-down menu. Status Line The Status Line (the bottom line of the screen) contains a list of most often used functions which can be activated by pressing a short cut key shown left to the function name or by clicking the mouse on the function name. O If a function is active in the current context, its short cut is highlighted. Desktop Desktop is your work area between the Menu Bar and the Message Line. You can open various windows, dialog boxes and entry forms on the Desktop. Dialog Box Dialog boxes enable you to enter various kinds of data. # A dialog box typically contains : - input line (sometimes with a history list) e.g. : Name - check boxes e.g. : [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only [X] Prompt on Replace [X] Replace all - buttons e.g. : [ Open ] You can select any of the above elements by either clicking with a mouse or using key (moves the focus to the next element). T If the focus is on a button press key to push the button (or use a mouse). If the focus is on a set of check boxes use Up- and Down-arrow keys to move from box to box, and use key to toggle the setting (or use a mouse). o If the focus is on a set of radio buttons use Up- and Down-arrow keys to change the setting (or use a mouse). To cancel a dialog box you have to press key, or press key, or click on the close box, or click on the standard [CANCEL] button (if one exists). Help on Help Help Window can be displayed from any point of the program by pressing F1 function key, by selecting Help from the pull-down menu, or by pressing right mouse button. Help system is context sensitive so information displayed in the help window depends on the current context e.g. if you are editing a text file in the edit window pressing F1 will result in displaying help information related to the text editor. By double-clicking with a mouse on highlighted words in a help window you can quickly access information regarding those words (cross reference). = To close a help window press Esc or click on the close box. Calculator The calculator is equipped with most common math functions. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. . Press Alt-F3 or Esc to close the calculator. Calculator Functions You can select a function by either clicking on a function button with the mouse or by pressing a highlighted letter-key. 3 Calculator functions : ====================== [BIN] BINary mode [HEX] HEXadecimal mode [DEC] DECimal mode [ CL] Cancel last operation [ AC] All Clear [ + ] addition [ - ] subtraction [ * ] multiplication [ / ] division [ = ] display result [NEG] NEGation [F-C] switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius mode [D\R] switch between Degree and Radian mode [MWR] WRite to Memory [MRD] ReaD from Memory [ ( ] open bracket [ ) ] close bracket [TAN] TANgens [SIN] SINe [COS] COSine [ % ] percent [LOG] decimal LOGarithm [LNx] Natural Logarithm [e^y] e to the power of y [Pi ] [REV] REVerse (1/x) [SQR] SQuaRe [SRT] Square RooT [FAC] factorial (!) [POW] x to the POWer of y Keys [A],...,[F] can be used only in HEX mode, either by clicking on them or by pressing Ctrl-A,...,Ctrl-F. Calendar The calendar displays the current month, highlighting today's date. The next and previous months can be viewed using the '+' or '-' keys respectivly. The mouse can also be used to change the month by clicking on the icons. % Press Alt-F3 to close the calendar. ASCII Table The ASCII table displays the entire IBM PC character set. The current character is marked by a blinking block cursor, and the hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of the character are displayed below the chart. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. ( Press Alt-F3 to close the ASCII table. About When you choose the About command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and program version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. Calendar The Calendar menu item opens a small calendar which displays the current month. It also allows you to view other months. ASCII table The ASCII menu items opens an ASCII Table that displays the IBM PC character set. Calculator When you choose Calculator, a calculator is opened on the desktop. Memory Info Memory Info displays a Memory Information Window containing the following : , - Total DOS memory : the amount of RAM memory in KB (up to 640KB) - Program size : the size (in bytes) of the part of the program which stays in memory all the time (not overlayed) - Editor buffer : the amount of memory in bytes allocated to the text editor - Overlays buffer : the amount of memory in bytes allocated to overlays (parts of the program that are loaded to memory from a hard disk when needed) - Remaining free memory : the amount of free memory in bytes used for dynamic allocation (heap) e.g. for windows; File Open (F3) The File Open command displays the 'Open a File' dialog box. In this dialog box you select the name of the text file you want to edit. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to select, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Files FILENM01.PAS FILENM09.PAS FILENM02.PAS FILENM10.PAS FILENM03.PAS FILENM11.PAS FILENM04.PAS FILENM12.PAS FILENM05.PAS .. FILENM06.PAS \MOREXAMP FILENM07.PAS \TOURS FILENM08.PAS \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. [ Open ] The Open button opens a new edit window and places the selected file in that window. [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) File File New opens a new edit window. Using Edit Windows A window is a bordered screen area that you can move, resize, zoom, rearrange, close, and open. You can have any number of windows open on the desktop (as long as there is enough memory), but only one window can be active at any time. The active window is the one that you're currently working in. It always has a double-lined border around it, and it always has these elements: x Close Zoom box box V V Title Bar ^ Scroll Bars Generally, any command you choose or text you type applies only to the active window. (But if you have the same file open in several windows, the action applies to the file in each of those windows.) j If your windows overlap, the active window is always the topmost one (the one on top of all the others). To make a window active (topmost), click on the window area (if part of it is visible), use Window command or press F6 until you get to the desired window. Edit windows also show the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX in the bottom of the Edit window frame, where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. Using Editor There are two ways to get into an open Edit window (make it active): l 1) Click on it. 2) Press (or click) F6 to cycle through the open windows (or choose Window Next). To close the active Edit window, choose Window Close, click on a close box or press Alt-F3. Q Once in the Edit window, you enter text just as if you were using a typewriter. u When you want to end a line, press Enter. To exit the editor, press F10 (it will get you to the menu bar). The maximum line width in an Edit window is 249 characters; you'll get a beep if you try to type past that. See also: n window Cursor Movement Commands Insert Delete Commands Block Commands Miscellaneous Commands Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl-S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl-D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl-A or Ctrl-Left arrow Word right Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Right arrow Line up Ctrl-E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl-X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl-R or PgUp Page down Ctrl-C or PgDn Begining of text Ctrl-PgUp End of text Ctrl-PgDn Insert & Delete Commands Insert mode on/off Ctrl-V or Ins Delete line Ctrl-Y Delete to end of line Ctrl-Q Y Delete character left Ctrl-H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl-G or Del Delete word right Ctrl-T Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl-K B or Shift-arrow Delete block Ctrl-K Y or Ctrl-Del Hide/display block Ctrl-K H Paste from Clipboard Ctrl-K C or Shift-Ins Cut to Clipboard Ctrl-K C or Shift-Del Copy to Clipboard Ctrl-K K or Ctrl-Ins Miscellaneous Commands Menu bar Save and edit New file Close active window Alt-F3 Tab Ctrl-I or Tab Find Ctrl-Q F Find & replace Ctrl-Q A Repeat last find Ctrl-L Abort operation File Save (F2) Save command saves a file from the active edit window on the disk. If a file name does not contain a path the file is saved in the current directory. File Save as Save as command allows you to save the file from the active window to a disk under a different name. This command opens a 'Save File as' dialog box. ' The Save as dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button the standard OK button an information panel that describes the selected file [ OK ] The OK button saves a file from the active window under the name entered onto input box. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name under which you want to save the file, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). File Change dir Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. File DOS shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 6 To return to Easy Edit, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. File Exit The Exit command terminates this program. Edit Undo Undoes all the changes from made from the last cursor movement. Edit (Shift-Del) Deletes the selected block of text from the active window to the clipboard. See also block commands. Edit Copy (Ctrl-Ins) Copies the selected block of text from the active window to the clipboard. See also block commands. Edit Paste Copies a block of text from the clipboard to the active window. See also block commands. Edit Show clipboard Displays a clipboard window on the screen. Edit Clear Deletes the selected block of text from the active window. See also block commands. Search Search again (Ctrl-L) Repeats the last search/replace from the current cursor position. Window Size/move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Window Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all windows on the desktop. L Tiled Windows Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all windows on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Window Next (F6) Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Previous (Shift-F6) Choose Window Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Window Close to close the active window. N You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. Options Mouse... The Mouse command brings up the Mouse Options dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your mouse works, including: R how fast a double-click is which mouse button (right or left) is active Options Colors... The Colors item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you can customize the colors of the display. Options Save Desktop Saves the state of all open windows to a file call EDIT.DSK. This file can be reloaded by selecting Options Restore Desktop. Options Restore Desktop Restore a previously-saved state of all open windows from a file called EDIT.DSK. This file is saved via the Options Desktop menu command. Options Clear Desktop Clears desk top by closing all open windows and dialog boxes. Clipboard Clipboard is a special window to/from which you can copy/paste/cut blocks of text to/from other edit windows. See also block commands. Options Load Options This command loads color palettes and mouse options from EDIT.OPT file if the file exists. The EDIT.OPT file is created by Options Options command. = You can modify color palettes using Options Colors command. < You can modify mouse settings using Options Mouse command. Options Save Options This command saves color palettes and mouse options to EDIT.OPT file. If the file exists it will be erased. The options from the EDIT.OPT file are loaded using Options Options command. = You can modify color palettes using Options Colors command. A You can modify mouse settings using Options Mouse menu command. Print Print Options This command displays a Print Options dialog box which allows setting the following parameters: - Eject a page Before printing (Yes/No) - Eject a page After printing (Yes/No) - DOS LPT # : LPT1,...,LPT4 - Number of Lines per Page - Left Margin Print Print File This command displays a Select Print dialog box which allows you to select a file that you want to print. w The file must exist on your disk, so if you are editing a new file you have to save it before you can start printing. [ After you select a file to print, printing starts and a Print Status window is displayed. You can cancel printing at any time by pressing F9 function key or by clicking with the mouse on Stop Print label on the status line. m Since printing is done in "background" you can continue using other functions of EASY EDIT during printing. Print Display Status This command displays a Print Status window if it has not been already open. You can close it at any time using menu command Print Close Status. Print Close Status This command closes a Print Status window if it has been open. You can reopen it later (during printing) using menu command Print Status. Print Status Window Print Status Window displays the following (with respect to the currently printed file): - current character number - current line number (on the current page) - current page number - file name - Graphical Indicator showing the percentage already printed: | | | 0% 50% 100% [ Open ] The Open button opens a file which for printing. Help Help Index (Ctrl-F1) Help Index command displays a list of topics which are explained by the Help system. G You can get to the topic explanation by double-clicking on the topic. Help Index |About |ASCII table ASCII Table Calculator Calculator Functions |Calculator Calendar |Calendar Clipboard Colors Dialog Desk Dialog Easy Edit|Clear Edit|Copy Edit|Cut Edit|Paste Edit|Show clipboard Edit Window Edit|Undo File|Change File|DOS shell File|Exit File|Open File|New File|Save File|Save Find Dialog Help |Memory Menu Mouse Options Dialog Open Dialog Options|Clear Desktop Options|Colors Options|Mouse Options|Load Options Options|Save Desktop Options|Save Options Options|Restore Desktop Pull-down Replace Dialog Search|Find Search|Replace Search|Search again Status Text Editor Using Windows Window|Cascade Window|Close Window|Next Window|Previous Window|Size/move Window|Tile Window|Zoom Open a File Dialog Box The 'Open a File' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. See also : Dialog Box. Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. See also : Dialog Box. Find Dialog Box The Find dialog box contains an input box with a history list, a group of check boxes, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. Text to Find Enter the search string in the Text to Find input box and choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. Press the Down arrow key if you want to show the history list associated with the input box. You can select a string from the history list by positioning the cursor on it and pressing or by clicking on the item with a mouse. r [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only This group of check boxes governs the kind of strings that the editor searches for. See also : Dialog Box. Replace Dialog Box The Replace dialog box contains two input boxes with associated history lists, a group of check boxes, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. Z Most components of the Replace dialog box are identical to those in the Find dialog box. Text to Find Enter the search string in the Text to Find input box and choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. Press the Down arrow key if you want to show the history list associated with the input box. You can select a string from the history list by positioning the cursor on it and pressing or by clicking on the item with a mouse. New Text Enter the replacement string in the New Text input box. f You can also use the history list to the right of the box to select a string you've used previously. [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only [X] Prompt on Replace [X] Replace all This group of check boxes governs the kind of strings that the editor searches for, and whether the replacement is automatic. Check Replace All if you want the editor to replace all occurrences of the search string found. See also : Dialog Box. Help on the Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Mouse Double Click Slow Medium Fast The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. B See also: Options Mouse... command Dialog Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop Menus Dialogs/Calc Edit Window Calendar Ascii table The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. a Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. See also : Dialog Box. Select File to Print Dialog Box The 'Select File to Print' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. See also : Dialog Box. Print Options Dialog Box This dialog box which allows setting various print parameters. It contains : x - 2 check boxes : - Eject a page Before printing (Yes if checked) - Eject a page After printing (Yes if checked) - 1 set of radio buttons (DOS LPT port selection) : LPT # ) LPT1 ( ) LPT2 ( ) LPT3 ( ) LPT4 - 2 input lines : - Number of Lines per Page - Left Margin Save File As dialog box The 'Save file as' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. See also : Dialog Box.