Edit History ------------ V1.0 ---- First 'real' release. Support of EELASTF.ILE with 3 parameters. Support for command line switches to bypass parameters. V1.1ft ------ Fixed bug with /R(+/-) and no filename. Added support for loading macros and running a macro. Changed help text to make sure margins are defined if page numbers are required. V1.2 ---- Fixed bug with 2 command line switches and no filename. Set initial left margin offset to 0 for printing. Cured a bug in the Printer Setup window. Changed initial menu in Print Menu to line 3 (file). Avoids accidental printing of file. Added support for local EEINITF.ILE files as well as the global one. Added a 'CTRL-Z' to the print output (if to printer) to close off a network printer. Took out check for illegal command line switches. They are just ignored now. V1.21 ----- Took out CTRL-Z on print output since it didn't work. Changed structure of printing to use the DOS open and CLOSE mechanism for devices. This means the 'paper out' error will be lost (you get a general error writing to print device) but it should work over the network. Added support for LPT3, COM1 and COM2 as print devices. Added support for F11 and F12. No idea if it works since my keyboard (LK250) doesn't support it. Can't test it with my other keyboard since my BIOS appears to trap and throw away those keys. Changed default function key assignments to support my keyboard. Should be no impact on other keyboards. Modified the Function Key Help in EEINST to display more on one screen. Much easier to read now. @pa V1.22 ----- Fixed bug if you try to open the last file (EELAST=ON) and EELASTF.ILE is not there. Added a test for illegal command line switches - immediate exit. Necessary to fix above problem. Added 'R_C' option to opening new file (CTRL-F2) Fixed bug with moving to correct line number if pagination is ON. Fixed bug with 2 command line switches and no filename (Put in in V1.20 !!) V1.23 ----- Fixed a bug in the printing routine where the output filename wasn't being initialised properly. Added '%' option in headers/footers to print current date. Added '&' option in headers/footers to print current time. Fixed bug in print menu where first char was not being highlighted. Fixed bug in print menu where the printer definition table was being lost on entry. V1.24 ----- Added an '*' before the filename in the status display to show if the file had been modified. Renamed the EEINST program to KBD_INST at the request of Paul Medcalf. @pa V1.30 - Major new release ------------------------- Added 'Autosave'. This option will back up the file every few minutes (specified by the SAVETIME option), to a file with the name of the file being edited and an extension of .SAV. It does not affect the original file or the backup (.BAK) file. If you abort the edit, the original file is preserved. The autosave will back up all files being edited as long as they have been modified. It does NOT back up linked files (editing the same file in two windows) more than once. It does not change the status of the 'modified' flag (specified by an '*' next to the filename). If the file has been modified, it WILL be saved when you exit from the program. If you abort the edit for any reason, the .SAV file will still remain. This allows you to have an intermediary file with some edits in it for you to access (it all helps). You may delete this file manually or wait for Easyedit to delete it on the next save. Updated the help text to reflect the extra options available in the print menu (left over from V1.21) V1.31 ----- Modified the save routine to delete the .SAV file after saving. It wasn't being done before. Added a check for > 59 minutes in SAVETIME. AUTOSAVE is turned off if an illegal time is entered. Changed the save file subroutine so it does not save the .R_C and last edited files if its only an AUTOSAVE. Changed the autosave override to /A- (it seemed better than B) V1.32 ----- Fixed a bug where, if you had modified one window and were editing another window, the current window overwrote the .SAV file of the other window. @pa V1.33 - first public release ----- Added a /L:filename option to read in another macrofile at run-time, thus bypassing the defaults. Added an option '/A+' to enable Autosave from the command line. Changed the command line parsing so that wild cards can have switches. Changed the Macro execute function so it doesn't operate on wild cards. Fixed a few esoteric bugs with the command line switches. V1.34 ----- Added a box drawing option. Press to mark start of block, move cursor and press it again to draw box between marks. V1.40 ----- Added line drawing option. Toggle with Alt-F4 then use cursor keys. Added LEFTUP option to EEINITF.ILE. Makes left arrow wrap to end of previous line. Fixed setting cursor at last position when reading in files which were written out using the 'Page mode' option. Fixed markers to allow user to go to marker for corner of box. Fixed bug when invoking drawbox (alt-F5) for third and 4th time. V1.41 ----- Changed American spelling of 'colors' to UK 'colours' Added Shift-F10 to close current file and open a new one. Fixed bug where current file was always written out even if not modified when using the Shift-F10 option. Changed window link to reflect line drawing status of other window on open (F2 [RET]) V1.50 ----- Added a character translation table facility. File has name of Printer Definition File but with extension of .CHT. Structure is: Col 1 - Character to be translated Col 2 - Ignored. Col 3-34 - String of characters to replace the original (max 32). There can be up to 32 of these translations. Tested on Dec LA75 with box drawing characters. Changed printing option so that when it is called while printing is taking place, an information box is displayed with relevant info on the file being printed. Fixed memory display with (Get Info) so it agrees with the (Get Memory) option. Wasn't hard when I thought about it. Just got free memory BEFORE assigning space for window not AFTER. Fixed bug if escaping from 'Goto page' option. (It used to take you to Page 1 all the time). Fixed error handling when printing to a printer Fixed major error in Borland internal error handling routines. Simplified things a lot so that the error won't happen. V1.60 ----- Changed maximum number of tabs to 40 (was 20) Added the following command line options /I+ /I- Start off in insert or overstrike modes /T+ /T- Write tabs on output or spaces /W+ /W- Start off with wordwrap on or off /J+ /J- Start off with right justify on or off /P+ /P- Start off in 'page mode' or not. /T:n Set tab size to 'n' Added macro substitution for: F Current filename D Current date T Current time S String read in at playback time. Fixed a bug in the 'open window' command. (A rare one). Extended the length of the print status window to 60 characters. This should capture most filepaths around. V1.61 ----- Fixed a Borland bug where the keyboard typeahead was being captured by EasyEdit on exit Made sure that the macro substition understands low case commands. V1.62 ----- Fixed a bug whereby Shift-F10 would always save a 'NONAME' file even if nothing was modified. (Borland again) Fixed a bug whereby Ctrl-F10 would save a file even if not modified. (Borland again) Changed the Modified flag when reading in a file and running out of memory. Now, it does not set the modified flag so a mistaken 'Save and Exit' will not overwrite the original. Fixed bug in EdInterruptableDelay whereby it hung if a window was open on the screen V1.70 ----- Changed the format character '@' to be user configurable End-End now goes down a line (optionally) Home-Home now goes up a line (optionally) If user option set, right arrow goes to the next line if at the end of the line The printing display now shows and constantly updates the page number. Changed KBD_INST so that it only does the full screen data entry of keyboard changes without the superfluous question Fixed a bug in KBD_INST where it would remove the modified display if the key was 'escaped' from a second time. Added the option to print out the keyboard mapping to a file for later printing V1.71 ----- The SHAREWARE version Changed the EEINITF.ILE to be EE.CFG Changed the program so that the EE.CFG file can have comments in. Removed all references to the .UID file and the copyright notice. Tidied up the code (saved about 2Kb). V1.72 ----- Added a new option to EE.CFG - WRITER_C to avoid writing the .R_C file if it is not being used V1.73 ----- Added an option 'Exit' to the file menu (requested by Laing Homes) Changed KBD_INST so that it would read in and save a binary keyboard definition file EEKEYF.ILE Fixed KBD_INST so that the 'R' and 'Q' options ask for confirmation if anything has changed. V1.74 ----- Fixed a bug in KBD_INST where the last line of the EEKEY.MAP file wasnt being written Fixed a bug in EE where the line showing the page number currently printing would be written even if not asked for (Forgot to set a boolean to False) Changed the Find-Next command so that it ignored the 'G' option Added a new command to EE.CFG - SEARCHINIT which sets the initial options in the FIND,FIND-NEXT or REPLACE commands. Fixed a bug whereby the Printer Definition file was not being loaded in properly if there was a path in front of it. Centred the 'Info screen' (Ctrl-F1). Changed the print initialisation routine so that it looks for a .R_C file to get the margins from. Centred the printing information screen V1.75 ----- Increased the typeahead buffer to 1024 from 256 to allow for macros to be executed more times. Fixed a bug where the default path wasn't being initialised properly (my fault - trying to fix an old bug the wrong way) V2.00 - First of the new breed!! -------------------------------- Added FULL mouse support. Better than anything else on the market. Added an option to print a Table of Contents. EasyEdit can now read in read-only files or files on a network (ms-net) The print translation table space has been increased to 64 lines of up to 64 characters each. This is to accomodate long init sequences sometimes found on the new laser printers The correct message is displayed at the top line when autobackup is taking place The spelling checker code has been removed. This saved about 10Kb. Tidied up the help file a bit. Speeded up entering long lines with WordWrap set Fixed a bug in the Autobackup routines where it would back up too soon the first time. Added the ability to position the cursor at the beginning or end of a found string. Fixed a bug with applying macros if the start and end character were or and ENDHOME was ON in EE.CFG. Fixed a bug with Find-next and block markers Removed from the end of the file. V2.10 ----- Added mouse support to the print menu Put the spelling checker back in (requested by users) Added overlay support to get extra memory. Put the following routines into the overlay. Block Move, Copy and Delete Abbreviations expansion Spell Checker Initialisation routines DOS spawner Directory commands Print setup menu Option setting Added code to put the overlays in EMS memory if present Added option to store colour map in external file. Added option to put environment variables in .CFG files Added option of abbreviations list Added new commands to set/unset hi-bit stripping You can now use an environment string 'EEPATH' to tell EE where to find its support files Fixed bug where a Block Read didn't check if the file was there Fixed a bug where the /P+ and /P- was ignored if a R_C file was present Fixed bug where 'delete current char' wouldn't join two lines if the cursor was beyond the last character of a line Fixed bug where append to a file didn't work V2.20 ----- Added option to include binary files as UUENCODED text and extract them Speeded up the initialisation (I think) Added checking for a 3 button mouse. Works with Genius mouse OK Added option for getting help with initial key press Allow block formatting even if cursor is not in block Added .CFG option (EMS OFF) for EE not to attempt to put the overlays into EMS memory even if there is some (bug in DV with no HI mem) Added extra command (no. 199) to do a word count and display it. Extended the environment variables to include %var% in the middle. Fixed a bug when attempting to write the EELASTF.ILE data to a R/O drive V2.21 ----- Fixed a bug with /BC switch where it would hang if it didn't find a binary file V2.22 ----- Fixed a bug (introduced in 2.10) where, when trying to read a R/O or networked drive, the error message 'file not found' was given. Added command to check for and extract a binary file from the file displayed in the current window. V2.23 ----- Fixed a bug where binary file addition caused a hang if it wasn't in the current directory. Fixed a bug where doing a BLOCK READ from a networked or R/O file caused the wrong messages to be displayed. V2.24 ----- I hope I've fixed the bug with the mouse movement losing characters on a slow machine. V2.25 ----- Fixed bug where the OS gave a 'file is read-only' message trying to write to EE.EXE Fixed a bug with the EMS ON/OFF - it wouldn't have worked..... Added an option in EE.CFG - BCHALT - to halt after checking for a binary file even if one wasn't found Added the option to change the binary file name/directory etc before writing it EE now checks for the cursor size and attempts to restore it before exiting I've swapped over two routines to try and fix a BASIC problem if you called EE with data in display page 1 When adding a binary file using the FA option, if the current window has not been modified, then editing continues. The way the switch '/AB' is used has not changed. The manual EASYMAN.TXT now starts in column 1 (the @PO 8 command is out)