ORDERFRAME FOR PROTEC --------------------- You can send this Orderframe to: Wilfried Lottermoser Spechtweg 7 D-66287 Quierschied Germany With this I order the Game PROTEC for IBM-compatible PC at the Price of 29 DM (please add Shipping) Shipping : ========== Europe : Check/cash 3 DM Other 6 DM Check/cash payment by (delivery only after payment): __ |__| Cash on delivery (only in Europe Add 9 DM) __ |__| Check or cash __ |__| Remit at Account Nr 210-035.309 German DM drawn on Bank : Sparkasse Saarbrcken BLZ 590 501 01 Diskette size: __ |__| 3 1/2 Diskette __ |__| 5 1/4 Diskette Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Voice Phone: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Signature: _________________________