߱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ۱ܱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ۱۱ ۱۱ ߱ ۱ Apogee Software Productions P.O. Box 476389  Garland, Texas 75047-6389  214/240-0614 Apogee Software Productions (ASP) is the leading publisher of shareware games. Our vast team of experienced game designers are leading the field with unique games, and new gaming technology. Our new FAST (Fluid Animation Software Technology) allows for ultra high-speed animation, even on older IBM PCs. We we release up to ten new games each year, so keep in touch! When placing orders please specify if you require 5" or 3" disk size. Also let us know if you have CGA, EGA or VGA, so we know which bonus games to send to you. (That's right, ASP will always include our newest bonus games with every order!) Phone orders of $25 or more are accepted, just call: 1-800-852-5659. (All foreign orders must be made in U.S.A. funds, and add $2 extra shipping.) Thanks for your interest and patronage. Scott Miller President, ASP The Games From Apogee Software Productions NOTE: The following quotes & comments ARE REAL! The quotes are extracted from thousands and thousands of letters sent to Scott Miller of Apogee Software. All excerpts can be verified for authenticity. Some are more incredible than I could ever make up! Trust me on this. -- Scott Miller Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ͻ ; ; Ľ Ŀ ͻ ; Ŀ ; ; ; ; Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ; ͻ ͻ ͻ Ľ Ŀ Ľ Ľ ; ͻ ͻ ; Ľ ; Ŀ Ľ Ŀ ; ; ; ; ; ; Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ; ͻ ջ ջ ; ; Ŀ Ľ Ŀ Ŀ Ȼ ͻ ; ; ͻ ; Ľ Ŀ Ľ Ŀ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; These games won a national programming contest as "Best Games in Shareware". They feature levels of rousing action, 16-color graphics and a library of 200+ sound effects. They're a unique combination of arcade, adventure and strategy. They all have 16-color graphics (yes, 16 colors!) and a tremendous sound effects library. In each game you must navigate through dangerous chambers, solving puzzles and avoiding pitfalls. Collect gems, whips, chests, nuggets, tablets, keys and scrolls to aid your progress. These games are as much strategic as they are pure arcade fun. All Kroz games are designed to work correctly on ANY computer system, regardless of microprocessor type or speed. Although they are best played on a color system, they do have an option to be played on a monochrome system! There are currently seven Kroz games: * Caverns of Kroz II - $7.50 Ŀ * Dungeons of Kroz II - 7.50 * Kingdom of Kroz II - 7.50 All six for just $35! * Return to Kroz - 7.50 * Temple of Kroz - 7.50 * The Final Crusade of Kroz - 7.50 * The Lost Adventures of Kroz - 20.00 *** Order all seven Kroz games for only $45! *** QUOTES: "Kingdom of Kroz is the best of all." -- PC-SIG Directory Guide "I've had this game a long time, and I still stay up late to play it." -- Shareware Magazine (Program of the Month) "The most unique and fun-to-play game in shareware!" -- Micro Star Catalog "From Texas author Scott Miller comes an exciting adventure game, Kingdom of Kroz. You can use your only weapon, a whip, to dispatch foes and break through walls. It's a real challenge." -- COMPUTE!'s PC Magazine "1989 in Review -- Best New Programs...Kingdom of Kroz..." (Kingdom of Kroz was one of three games listed.) -- PsL News, Dec. 1989 "I'm really enjoying KINGDOM OF KROZ, I hope it doesn't destroy my GPA!" -- Greg McKinzey, OK "My computer is held hostage as my wife whips her way to level 25! You really DID write an entertaining program, my check is enclosed for the two sequels." -- John Rollinson, CA "Thank you for creating the Kingdom of Kroz series. They are by far some of the most interesting and addictive games that I've ever played. The shareware concept is a great one. It allowed me to try out Kroz, a game that I probably would not have given a second thought to, because the graphics look so simple and uncomplicated. What the game lacks in it's visual appeal, it more than makes up in it's richness and complexity of play. Kroz is a real 'thinking [person's]' game." -- Vincent Tavedi, MD The following is a review of the new Kroz games from The Software Labs catalog of shareware games: "It's pure dynamite! A unique combination of arcade action, strategy and adventure unlike any other game you've played. Some levels are puzzle oriented, which makes a great change of pace from the high action parts of the game. You'll find new terrains, traps, spells, hazards, creatures, and levels to challenge your dexterity, and sound effects galore. You'll encounter moving walls, forbidden forests, active volcanoes, bottomless pits and much more, plus plenty of options. AND, no two games will be alike! Great fun, great challenge, great action--GREAT GAME!!!" -- Software Labs Catalog The following is an actual letter from a young grandmother who enjoys Kroz: "I have lived in Kroz for almost a month and was sorry tonight to finally find the Amulet. "It really is strange what an illness your game can be. I have found myself going over in my head a particularly difficult level right in the middle of a conversation. To tell you that I have enjoyed the challenge would be very understated. "I am a Grandmother who has traveled around the world, but found no place that was more interesting than your world of Kroz. "Please keep my address and drop me a note when you have a new game. Guess that about says it all. Best of everything in the future, I hope that you become the Agatha Christie of computer games." -- Patricia Baker, RI "P.S. I have died a million deaths!" (Pat, you're famous!) "We REALLY enjoy your Kroz games. We also thank they are a steal at the price you ask. Keep up the excellent work!!" -- Yvonne May, TX "It's GREAT!. More challenging and addicting than any other game I've ever played, commercial games included! I definately like your style and would be interested in any more Kroz games you have." -- Susan Hanna, NH "As usual, you've outdone yourself with the new features of Lost Adventures and I'm looking forward (anxiously but quite impatiently) to the next Kroz game you create." -- Helen Bestafka, NY "Your new features completely amaze me. My friend Richard and I have had many many laughs while playing Kroz. Everytime we think we have a level figured out, up pops something new. It's just great, so keep up the great work. Sincerely hope you continue to make these Kroz games." -- John W. Clifford, IN "I have just completed your amazing game THE LOST ADVENTURES OF KROZ. The problem that I now face is that I am not willing to 'go gently into that good night' of retirement. I am not content hanging up my whip and sitting in the rocking chair with my memories. After completing all seven Kroz games, I feel as if I'm going through withdrawal without another Kroz fix to look forward to taking. Maybe I cound open up a home for old Kroz Crusaders! "If there are any Kroz creative juices in your mind, please stimulate them for just one more game. Just one more that's all I want, just one more. Then I can stop, really I can stop, but I want just one more!" -- Tonnie A. Hoyle, OH COMING MARCH 1991 The ultimate confrontation awaits...! $15 per volume, or $30 for all three volumes! Dark Ages is the first shareware game to support the Ad Lib and Sound Blaster music cards. It features a movie-style soundtrack of eight unique songs and themes. It also has sound effects that don't require an Ad Lib (or Sound Blaster) card to enjoy. The EGA/VGA graphics are colorful and stunning, with fast scrolling screens and high-speed animation. Dark Ages has such demanding graphics and animation that it requires an 80286 (or 80386) machine to run at proper speed, otherwise it may run too slowly. Therefore, Dark Ages may only run on the newer, faster PCs and compatibles. In the game, you're the Prince of the Great Kingdom, who as a child watched your father die at the hands of Garth, a power mad warlord with uncanny magical abilities. Garth sent you away from the Great Kingdom to be raised as a peasant, and to never fulfill your destiny as the future King. But Garth made a terrible mistake. The very peasant he choose to raise you was once the Kingdom's greatest hero, long since retired and forgotten. And over the years you were raised as a warrior and as champion of justice, and the time has come for you to claim your heritage, and free the Great Kingdom from the dark age of Garth. "Prince of Destiny" is volume one of the Dark Ages trilogy. Only part one is available via shareware distribution, the other two volumes ("The Undead Kingdom" and "Dungeons of Doom") may only be purchased directly from Apogee Software Productions (ASP). Each volume has its own unique appearance, with different goals, level designs and locations. Each volume has 10 huge scrolling levels packed with devious traps, creatures and treasures. Dark Ages requires 400k free RAM, and an EGA- or VGA-equipped system is required. Sorry, CGA is not supported. Other features include built in instructions, save and restore, permanent high scores, sound on/off, flexible keyboard configuration, and three skill levels. Registered players will also receive a secret password, which can be used to activate a "child level" mode, and also an auto-fire mode, so you can hold down the fire key for continuous shots! Order the Entire Trilogy and Save $15! Each volume of Dark Ages is $15, or you can order (and register) all three volumes for just $30. As an incentive to order all three volumes, you'll also receive a hint sheet, a cheat mode password, and new bonus games from ASP. Plus, you'll be able to call the Dark Ages hints line or mail questions to ASP for assistance. $15 per volume, or $30 for all three volumes! Commander Keen is the first truly "commercial quality" game to be distributed as shareware. It features ultra high-speed smooth-scrolling EGA graphics and superb sound effects. The animation and scrolling is updated at nearly 40 frames per second, for comparison, motion picture quality cartoons are filmed at only 24 frames per second. The story of Commander Keen is epic, and in the style of the memorable matinee serials, like Flash Gordon. You play the role of Billy Blaze, eight year-old kid genius who builds an interstellar ship when not working at home on his college fast-track degree. Among other household objects, Billy uses his Nintendo joystick for flight control and his mom's vacuum cleaner (heavily modified) for his ship's ion propulsion system (with pile height adjustment). At the hint of galactic trouble, Billy dons his brother's football helmet and becomes "Commander Keen"defender of Earth! Ever on the side of justice, fairness, and high calorie junk food, Keen dispenses justice with an iron hand. Keen's first adventure takes you to Mars, where the Vorticon invasion force is planning their conquest of Earth. While Keen is exploring Mars the Vorticons steal pieces of his ship and hide them within their cities. Can Keen recover all the pieces and repel the Vorticon invasion? You'll explore many dangerous cities, packed with diabolical traps and hideous creatures, both of Martian and Vorticon origin. Use your pogo stick to reach high ledges and jump deadly pits, and use your ray gun to stun the Vorticon invaders. Can you find the secret city? "Marooned on Mars" is volume one of the Commander Keen trilogy. Only part one is available via shareware distribution, the other two volumes ("The Earth Explodes" and "Keen Must Die!") may only be purchased from Apogee Software Productions (ASP). EACH VOLUME HAS COMPLETELY UNIQUE GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION! Volume one is located on the planet mars. Volume two takes place on the immense Vorticon mothership, where you'll need to stop the destruction of Earth by disabling the eight deadly ray cannons aimed at Earth's greatest cities and wonders. Volume three takes Keen to the dangerous Vorticon home planet, where you'll explore huge caves, battle the top Vorticon ninja fighters and discover the secret of the Grand Intellect. Commander Keen requires 520k free RAM to run. Therefore if you have too many RAM resident (TSR) programs you may have trouble running Commander Keen. You may use either a joystick or keyboard to play. And, of course, an EGA- or VGA-equipped system is required. CGA is not supported. Each volume of Commander Keen is $15, or you can order (and register) all three volumes for just $30. As an incentive to order all three volumes, you'll also receive a hint sheet, a cheat mode password, and new bonus games from ASP. Plus, you'll be able to call the Commander Keen hints line or mail questions to ASP for assistance. 9 $10 per volume, or $25 for all four volumes! Pharaoh's Tomb is an arcade/adventure game set in a huge Egyptian pyramid. You will need to explore and survive 20 uniquely dangerous levels (screens) riddled with ingenious puzzles and traps. This game uses a special animation system called FAST (Fluid Animation Software Technology) which allows for flicker free movement even on the older IBM PC's. You will start with five lives and a few spears, which can be thrown at offending denizens that guard the pyramid. Moving walls, falling spikes, bats, mummys, and magic winds are just some of the hazards to overcome. On each level you will need to collect one or more keys to advance to the next level. And hidden on the final level will be the prize of your journey. Notable features: No two levels will have the same animated creature patrolling it, which adds greatly to the variety of the game. Sound effects are also used, but can be toggled off. The keyboard controls can be configured to two alternate sets of keys. A five player permanent high score table keeps tracks of the all-time best explorers. Plus, you can save the game on any level and restore at any time. This is the first of four volumes of Pharaoh's Tomb, subtitled "Raiders of the Lost Tomb" The other three volumes are: "Pharaoh's Curse", "Temple of Terror", and "Nevada's Revenge!". The volumes should be played in sequence, since they continue the story to the final encounter. Each volume is $10, or order all four for just $25. All orders must include an extra $2 P&H. For registering you will get the newest versions, a hint sheet, and the secret cheat code. $10 per volume, or $25 for all four volumes! In the game, NASA has sent several manned missions to explore the mysterious monuments...but every mission has ended in disaster. Soon after the astronauts landed on Mars NASA lost contact with themand no one knows why. You're the final hope. You have been chosen for a special mission to rescue the missing astronauts and to discover the secrets of the Martian monuments. The game begins just after your ship lands on Mars near the site of the "Cliff", one of the many monuments. Will you suddenly vanish like the astronaut explorers before you? Can you find the entrance to each monument and discover what secrets are hidden inside? The Monuments of Mars! is an arcade/adventure game set in the near future as you explore a secret underground city on Mars. In the first volume ("First Contact") you will need to survive 20 unique and challenging levels (screens) filled with puzzles, traps, creatures and useful artifacts. This game features great graphics and sound effects, plus a compelling and fascinating story. Features include save/restore, high score chart, sound on/off and keyboard configuration. Plus, this is the first game to give you unlimited lives! You will never see a "Game Over" message in The Monuments of Mars!, since you simply restart the level whenever you die. This will let you concentrate on solving each level without the hassles of constantly saving and restoring your game. This is a revolutionary feature that will be used in many future games by Apogee Software. SPECIAL NOTE: > Due to the immense animation requirements of this game, it will not > function on the original style IBM PCs that use the 8088 microprocessor > If your computer is equipped with an 8086, 80286 (AT), 80386, or 80486 > then this game will run properly on your computer. A CGA, EGA or VGA > graphics card is also required, along with at least 350k RAM. This is the first of four volumes of The Monuments of Mars!, subtitled "First Contact". The other three volumes are: "The Pyramid", "The Fortress", and "The Face". The volumes should be played in sequence, since they continue the story to a climatic and shocking ending. Each volume is $10, or order all four for just $25. All orders must include an extra $2 shipping, etc. For registering you will get the newest versions, a hint sheet, and the special cheat codes. $4 per volume or $30 for all 10 volumes T.V. Guide magazine called Star Trek "...the most popular TV series of all time." Now we challenge your knowledge of the award winning show with a series of 10 Star Trek trivia games. Each volume has 100 multiple choice questions, and when you answer a question correctly you'll be rewarded with a "Bonus Fact". Bonus Facts are additional tidbits that even further expand your Star Trek knowledge. What type of crystal is used to power the engines of the Enterprise? What is Mr. Spock's first name? How fast is warp 2? What does the Prime Directive prevent the crew of the Enterprise from doing? Did you know that Dr. McCoy's medical instruments were actually modified salt and pepper shakers. Or that it was Leonard Nemoy who developed the idea of Mr. Spock's Vulcan nerve pinch (so as to make Spock less violent). Or that the Enterprise is 947 feet long. Or that Joan Collins, Terri Garr, and Ricardo Montalban all appeared in a Star Trek episode. Or that the Enterprise was named by Captain James T. Kirks father! It's all here in Trek Trivia. You'll also receive a secret code that lets you answer each question automatically. QUOTES: "The game moves swiftly and the challenge is great...The 100 true and false and multiple choice questions are provocative. [The bonus facts will amaze] even the most devout Trekker!" -- Shareware Magazine "I'm a Star Trek fan and these trivia games answer my prayers, thank you!" -- Buddy Frye, PA "Enclosed is my check, send me the other 9 Trek games...I'm hooked." -- Amy Maher, CT "I like the way TREK TRIVIA is played like a game, you've done a fantastic job with these programs. Keep up the good work." -- Steven Blackburn, TX ============================================================================== PROGRAMMERS ONLY: Source code is available! All Apogee games are programmed using Turbo Pascal version 3.0 or version 5.0. The games listed below are available as ASCII source code files for you to study and learn from. Great for novice programmers trying to learn the "tricks of the trade"! (I wish I would have had this offer when I started.) Only the following games are available: Kingdom of Kroz II (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- $400 Supernova (Turbo Pascal 3.0) -- 125 Word Whiz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 100 Trek Trivia (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 100 Return to Kroz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 300 Lost Adventures of Kroz (TP 5.0) -- 500 Note: Word Whiz and Trek Trivia can be EASILY modified to be ANY type of quiz game, which you can then use to put into shareware yourself! Source code for all other Apogee Software games not available, sorry. ============================================================================== *** All orders of $50 or more receive 10 percent off! *** **************************************************************************** ͻ DIE SCHNITTSTELLE ͼ Verehrter Kunde Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Hinweise: 1) Wir sind nicht der/die Autor(n) dieses Programms. 2)Der Preis den Sie fr den Erwerb dieser Diskette/Progamms an uns gezahlt haben,bezieht sich lediglich auf unseren Kopierservice sowie eventuell Porto und anfallende Unkosten. 3)Der Service der SCHNITTSTELLE beschrnkt sich lediglich auf den Vertrieb der von uns angebotenen Programme, nach den allgemein gltigen Regeln der SHAREWARE-Vertriebsform. 4)Wenn Sie dieses Programm nach abgeschlossener Test/Prfphase weiter benutzen, dann sollten Sie sich beim Autoren des Programmes registrieren lassen,und die flligen Registriergebuehren an den Programmautoren ueberweisen. 5)Bitte senden Sie Ihre Registrierungsgebuehr sowie eventuelle Fragen die sich auf das Programm beziehen, direkt an den Programmautoren und nicht an DIE SCHNITTSTELLE. 6)Alle Programme die Sie von der SCHNITTSTELLE beziehen sind von uns sorgfltig, sorgfaeltig auf Funktion-,Lauffhigkeit- und evtl.Virenbefall berprft worden. 7)Alle von uns angebotenen Programmdisketten/SHAREWARE-Programme,werden in regelmssigen Abstnden neu "upgedatet" und gegen die allerneuesten Programm- versionen ausgewechselt. 8)DIE SCHNITTSTELLE sendet Ihnen gerne die aktuellen Katalogdisketten zu. Bitte geben Sie auf jeden Fall Ihren Rechner-Typ sowie das Diskettenformat an, den wir fuehren auch Public-Domain fuer AMIGA und ATARI. 9)Bitte richten Sie Ihre Programm/Katalog Bestellungen an : ͻ ͹ DIE SCHNITTSTELLE Soldiner Str.14 1000 Berlin 65 Tel.: 030/4948820 ͼ Ps. Fuer den ersten Hinweis blaettern Sie etwas weiter, oder lassen Sie es. Hinweis: Suchen Sie den Schluessel erst dann koennen Sie den Zauberer vernichten (Enter). Danach oeffnet sich eine Tuer. Viel Spass !